
Dynamic Source of Management Knowledge and Wisdom

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Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Dynamic Source of Management Knowledge and Wisdom

I find 12manage a very different model of propagation of knowledge and wisdom. It is useful, refreshing, different and always giving something new.
A traditional pedagogic education has advantages as well as limitations. It can at best only reflect static body of knowledge (BOK) on subjects with some inputs from faculty based on personal experience.
Here at 12manage you have a subject wise Twitter, with lots of intelligent people willing to share their knowledge and experience, without expecting anything in return, just for the experience of sharing and propagating knowledge. It has inputs from many and is an evolving dynamic BOK from which, hopefully will emerge filtered wisdom for next generations to see and experience. This may help in triggering newer ideas, newer dimensions to issues and ultimately to newer insights to what happens around and why. Personally I am excited about it.


  toyin aromire
toyin aromire, United Kingdom

Learning with Others is More Fun

I will try to participate as much as possible, learning is fun and its even more fun when you learn with like minds. Special thanks.

  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

A Genuine World Forum of Ideas

There are many ways to describe 12manage experience. I try some and others may add to unearth the multinational experience of 12manage:
- People's knowledge bank
- Boundaryless multidimensional sea of knowledge
- Ideas' Facebook
- Unrestrained positive ideas exchange
- Global brainstorming
And so on...

  Bill Boynton
Bill Boynton
Teacher, United States

Continuous Learning Through Others Experiences

I think the 12manage web site is a great place to visit for continuous learning,
There are so many different experiences via so many different cultures, that it is interesting to view and try and understand the various dynamics of communication for change.

  Priya Rathore
Priya Rathore
HR Consultant, India

Wonderful Management Knowledge Sharing Platform

12manage is a great learning and knowledge sharing social network. The team which works at the website is doing a fantastic job by intimating and evaluating our performance with our contributions. Keep up the good job. There can be no better place of learning global corporate approaches, terms and values than 12manage.

  Srikumar Varma
Srikumar Varma

Superb Knowledge Base for Management

I find it great going through your forums, as there are a lot of very interesting and challenging topics. This is even more so when the members interact so freely from all over the world over ideas and additional actions, based upon the excellent summaries of management approaches. Reading all of these opinions has a charm of its own.
It surely is a different way of approaching management problems for managers, academia, professionals and entrepreneurs.

  Ronald Dorce
Ronald Dorce, United States

The Challenging of the New World Management

I think knowledge is challenging, at 12manage, there is a learning opportunity to renew your skills, and understand better the challenge of the global leadership style, the culture changing, thereby gaining more insights in broader perspectives. That forum of discussion enables us to be more effective with the new world management(out of the box) with the emerging of new solutions of the management issues, critical thinking in a corporate world. It is again a tremendous opportunity to everyone to test your ability, and gain greater learning.

  Bayissa Milkessa
Bayissa Milkessa
Business Consultant, Ethiopia

Avoid Getting Obsolete

Unless we constantly search on 12manage, we may find ourselves in an obsolete environment in which we are no longer fit for anything. Things are now more dynamic than ever.
As result, nothing waits for us. So all professionals and practitioners must use 12manage to update their understanding with ever-changing management concepts, to get rid of the sickness of obsolescence.

  Chu Thi Van
Chu Thi Van, Vietnam

Excellent Business Management Source of Information

The 12manage website is an excellent source of information for business management, all I can say is thank you very much.

Dolva, Australia

12manage - a Great Resource

A fantastic resource with ideas, thinking and trending opinions that is well organised. I can always find new ideas and tools to keep getting better at what I do.
Info at all levels makes it also a great teaching tool - and I use and refer to it.

  john stahley
john stahley
Management Consultant, United States

12manage Intellectually Stimulating

I do like the site. I have shared it with others... To date, I have only scratched the surface of what is present. I do find the topics raised to be intellectually stimulating, however, I sometimes find the responses to be clinical, not the result of real world application. Then again, I'm an old manager who is trying to put away his base ball bat and find new ways to get things done...

  Bill Boynton
Bill Boynton
Teacher, United States

Unlike Minds May Add More Value

@Toyin armoire: Hi, I know what you are saying, and you make a good point. But I think that the most useful knowledge gained can and should come from those that have different perspectives, as well as experiences.
Especially if we can create some dialogue within the various view points. We can reexamine our paradigms and redefine our our own perceptions.
I think also that 12manage offers tremendous opportunities for learning and spreading reality in a different light, within the various cultures offering thoughts and idea's.
Just sharing some thoughts.

  Mukthar Ahmed
Mukthar Ahmed
Manager, India

Sharing the Blessings of Knowledge

I am lucky to be a member of this knowledge ocean.
Really I can say that I am lucky to have entered into this web www.12manage.com. I am confident that I can get tons of knowledge form this website. I am thank full to all the enlightened personalities who share their knowledge, and to the originators of 12manage.
Let's spread good things around the world to make it better for the generations to come.
I read that George Bernard Shaw said that it is our responsibility to hold the magnificent light of knowledge till such time that it can be handed over to others to carry it on further.
This is true that each one us is blessed with some good things or other. God has blessed each one so because he or she shall spread this blessings to others.
By doing so he or she encourages others to improve in all aspects of life. Once understandings come to one level there will always be peace and prosperity anywhere in the world..

  Marya Dodd
Marya Dodd
United States

Thanx for your Reaction

@Toyin aromire: I agree with you that the studying is interesting process. Thanx for your reaction!

  Serghei Dascalu
Serghei Dascalu
Strategy Consultant, Ukraine

Concise Source of Management Knowledge

I've been visiting 12mange for quite some years now. And I find it an excellent, concise, source of management knowledge information.
Thank you for doing this.

Clive, United Kingdom

Excellent Repository of Business Management Information

Yes, 12manage is an excellent repository of business management information. I used it when I needed to refer to a business management concept and research similar or alternative concepts and resources.
Keep up the great work!

  Prof. Arup Barman
Prof. Arup Barman
Professor, India

Useful Source for Updating your Management Know-how

I agree 12manage is a wonderful source of knowledge, a repository of dynamic know how of management. As a teacher of management I use it for reference and many a time I contribute my write-ups, ideas, innovation, experiences, queries as I want to remain up to date in the management teaching.
I regard 12manage as a motivation to use my professional knowledge and sharpen my ideas of creation and ideation. All management learners and existing professionals can also read and refer here to update their knowledge.

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

The Premier Management Resource for Practical and Theoretical Considerations

Looking at the headings under which all other reviews are categorised, I would give resounding agreement to all of them, although as a recent Premium Member I have not even made full use of this aspect.
Insofar as 12manage is a resource for practical and theoretical considerations, and for all aspects of managing for any practitioner or student wanting information on this; then it seems to me to be the premier management resource.
My fulsome thanks to Jaap and the team who enable the site to work so well across such a complexity of topics and links.

  Prof. Arup Barman
Prof. Arup Barman
Professor, India

Great Repository of Collective Knowledge on Management

12manage is a great source for acquiring management knowledge. It is a unique repository of collective knowledge on management.
For professionals in need of up to date knowledge, 12manage can serve as a great source.
For those who like to contribute and discuss management, this platform is the best one.
I have experience of 4 years of consecutive involvement with 12manage as a reader, contributor and as a SIG leader.

  krati kotiya
krati kotiya
Student (MBA), India

Cornucopia of Management Knowledge

My sister introduced me to your website, and after visiting it and viewing the content over it, I was extremely impressed, the website is a cornucopia of knowledge and everything related to management is available here. I would personally like to contribute to the website, and it is very insightful. I am glad to connect with it.

  Eric Mccarthey
Eric Mccarthey
Business Consultant, United States

Contextual Wisdom

Lots of rich content. Lots of applications. I see myself scanning periodically when faced with a developing board situation that's need contextual wisdom.

  Jorge Vanegas
Jorge Vanegas
Professor, United States

12manage is Fuel for Curiosity and Imagination

I have found 12manage to keep my mind in a constant workout in the pursuit of possibilities and opportunities.
I really like the straightforward, practical and tangible approach to the dissemination of knowledge that can be applied.

  Edgar Rodriguez
Edgar Rodriguez
Accountant, Venezuela


@Jagdish B Acharya: Your vision of the 12manage forums is very accurate and the most important thing is that the participation of the forum members is at a professional level and is a contribution to strengthening the knowledge of the participants.
Su visión de los foros de 12manage es muy acertada y lo más importante es que la participación de los foristas tiene nivel profesional y resulta un aporte para fortalecer los conocimientos de los participantes.


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topic 12manage Very Helpful Sources for MBA Students
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topic Great Continuous Learning Site on Management
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topic A Dream for All Lovers of Management and Administration
topic Best Management Science Open Knowledge Base
topic 12manage, many thanks...!
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topic 12manage Gives Quick Access to your Interest Area
topic 12manage Very Good PhD / Research Source
topic 12manage Highly Recommended for Teachers, Lecturers and Professors
topic Sounding Board for Management Ideas and Concepts
topic 12manage Also Helpful for Beginners
topic Everybody Manages Each Day!
topic 12manage is Hard to Find in Google
topic 12manage Reveals and Helps with the Complexity of Management
topic Learn Management from Many Perspectives
topic Great Sources for University Students
🔥 12manage Encourages Learning on Management
topic Management Education for Those with Lower Financial Capacity
topic Methodologies for Managing Different Situations

More on 12manage home page
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👀Dynamic Source of Management Knowledge and Wisdom
topic Premium Membership of 12manage is Fantastic
topic 12manage is Highly Relevant for Practicing Managers
topic Splendid for Management Consultants
topic Exceptional Management Content
topic 12manage Very Helpful Sources for MBA Students
topic Great Management Forums
topic Great Continuous Learning Site on Management
topic Exchange Managerial Knowledge Globally
topic Fantastic Tool for Management Executives
topic A Dream for All Lovers of Management and Administration
topic Best Management Science Open Knowledge Base
topic 12manage, many thanks...!
topic Incredibly Useful Social Network for Managers
topic Key Role of 12manage in Facilitating Management Sciences Globally
topic A Compendium of Knowledge
topic Excellent Source for Preparing any Management Project
topic Contributing to 12manage is Fun
topic Great E-Learning Platform on Business and Management
topic 12manage Gives Quick Access to your Interest Area
topic 12manage Very Good PhD / Research Source
topic 12manage Highly Recommended for Teachers, Lecturers and Professors
topic Sounding Board for Management Ideas and Concepts
topic 12manage Also Helpful for Beginners
topic Everybody Manages Each Day!
topic 12manage is Hard to Find in Google
topic 12manage Reveals and Helps with the Complexity of Management
topic Learn Management from Many Perspectives
topic Great Sources for University Students
🔥 12manage Encourages Learning on Management
topic Management Education for Those with Lower Financial Capacity
topic Methodologies for Managing Different Situations
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