
Tip: 10 Red Flags for Innovation

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Roland Spijker
Roland Spijker, Netherlands

Tip: 10 Red Flags for Innovation

Interesting statement for discussion in Business Week:
"There's no surefire way to guarantee success in innovation".
Stefan Lindegaard offers 10 helpful suggestions or common pitfalls to avoid." Very recognizable I think:
• The lack of an innovation strategy
• No definition of innovation
• Too much focus on internal capabilities
• Too much focus on open innovation
• Internal silos are too firmly ingrained
• Too much focus on ideas and too little focus on people
• Lack of a strong networking culture
• Innovation efforts focus on technology or products
• It's all about the usual suspects
• Executives and innovation leaders underestimate the speed of change
His Business Week article also includes a link to a "ten types of innovation" framework I never saw before.


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  Firstep Eapl Astimen
Firstep Eapl Astimen
Manager, Indonesia

Innovation and Invention in Business

Innovation is the output of organizational knowledge creation dealing with organizational capacity in creating new knowledge and disseminating it through all the organization and embody it in products, service and system. Innovation is not invention.

  Bobby J. Freeman
Bobby J. Freeman
Student (University), United States


Reminds me of innovative innovations. The retort is: let's not be too innovative because this graduate student penned the following in august of 1965: there is nothing worse than an organized disorganized orginization.
Many central (plains) American farmers would disagree with item five, but DOD might have differences and item eight should be considered for a rewrite.

  Fowze Zadam
Fowze Zadam, UK

Innovation Red Flags

11. Introduction of Six Sigma.

  Bomo Albert-Oguara
Bomo Albert-Oguara, Nigeria

Large Firms are Poor Innovators

Ever wondered why 60% of innovations are done largely by small and medium sized companies in the UK and USA? A study I did in year 2005-a comparative analysis of the small business scene in three countries-Britain, South Africa and Nigeria pointed to this fact. The disparity between large and small enterprises arise because the small firms are enterpreneurial in attitude to innovation, it is their life blood to remain in business. Large corporations, though noted for ground breaking innovations, tend to be too rigid in the processes of innovation. The lead time from conception to market becomes long by which time the competition has stolen the thunder out of the innovation. The ten red flags should be seen as the ten commandments of innovation in my view.

  Nwagbosoh, Isaac
Nwagbosoh, Isaac
Management Consultant, Nigeria

Innovation Via Creativity

Innovation brings about creativity and development. Enough effort should be geared towards making our environment both innovation-driven and innovation-friendly by improving our infrastructure at both the national and organizational levels to promote research and entrepreneurial development.

Professor, India

My Innovation Red Flags

I headed innovation in a leading manufacturing unit and brought many new innovations. My innovation observations are:
1. Stage gate with check point is a must to reduce cycle time, improve quality, reduce cost, utilize process capability and anticipate market response.
2. Each check point should have many meaningful discussion with cross member team with persons with expertize.
3. The leader is empowered to take the process onwards
4. Management should look for long term results and be ready to take the risk as no one can certainly prove the success, but one can maximize the chance of success by using the correct innovation process
5. The innovation team should be a dedicated team and be motivated.
6. The team should consist of persons with capability to go deep in the subject taken.
7. The leader should allow the team to think freely.

  Nwagbosoh, Isaac
Nwagbosoh, Isaac
Management Consultant, Nigeria

Culture and Innovation

Is there any relationship between political leadership/culture, education and innovation?

  Andrei Madly
Andrei Madly
Manager, Romania

Innovation Culture

I was raised under communism, at the intersection of several cultures, in Transylvania. Communism was a big killer of innovative spirit, of entrepreneurial spirit, and once it becomes part of the culture, it stays…

  Bomo Albert-Oguara
Bomo Albert-Oguara, Nigeria

The Neccesary Environment of Innovation

Hi Nwagbosoh, the environment must be conducive to innovation. The following drivers of innovation will help, particularly in emerging economies:
- National concensus, political will and leadership provide the basis, if you will, the ambience.
- Then the educational system must be calibrated for innovation. The national will translates to budgeting for R&D in tertiary as well as research institutions, encouraging industry to invest in R&D through fiscal incentives, creating a
- Robust legal framework for intellectual property rights with enforceability. The key is to see R&D as a contributor to wealth creation and higher standard of living. Emerging economies especially in Africa do not see it this way because they are caught in a time warp
The way to go is to use the cluster concept as a strategic tool to drive the national initiative. It's not rocket science nor is it the wheel that needs to be re-invented.

  de Vries
de Vries, Netherlands

Empowered Work Teams

For real innovation a company needs leaders who are willing to listen for ideas of their employees. Best is to encourage people and establish empowered work teams and challenge them to achieve certain goals. Bureaucratic organizations can hardly be innovative except when they posses some kind of R&D department.

  Mohammad Nazim Uddin
Mohammad Nazim Uddin
Teacher, Bangladesh

Environment of Innovation

People are innovative by nature. Everyone tries to do something differently. Whatever the difference opinion might be, the top level should appreciate it and encourage it. Leaders often think themselves the only 'innovator' as they are leader and they disqualify subordinates that suggest a better alternative. They reject it by typically pointing out a disadvantage. So a democratic organizational environment & motivation are key factors of innovation for a country or an organization or an educational institution.


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More on Product Development
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Stage-Gates are Not Limitative
topic Involving End Users in the Innovation Process
topic Politics and Innovation in Countries
topic Stage-Gate Process for Product Quality Improvement
topic Fostering Innovation by Leaders
👀Tip: 10 Red Flags for Innovation
topic Innovation in Emerging Economies
🔥 The 5 Elements Innovation Framework (Bouquet et al.)
topic Estabish a Distributed Innovation Group
topic Innovation versus Improvisation
topic Iteration in Stage-Gate Model (Cooper)
topic Process for New Product Introduction
topic Agenda for a Stage-Gate Meeting?
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