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Nach dem Wettbewerbsvorteil-Modell von Porter ergreift eine Wettbewerbsstrategie offensive oder defensive Maßnahmen, um eine zu verteidigende Position in einer Industrie zu schaffen, und um mit konkurrierenden Kräften erfolgreich fertig zu werden und höheren Kapitalrendite zu erzeugen. Nach Ansicht von Michael Porter ist die Grundlage für überdurchschnittliche Leistung innerhalb einer Industrie nachhaltiger Wettbewerbsvorteil.

Wettbewerbsvorteil - Porter

2 grundlegende Arten des Wettbewerbsvorteil

  1. Kostenführerschaft (niedrige Kosten)
  2. Differenzierung

Beiden kann breit oder eng näher gekommen werden, welches in der dritten entwicklungsfähigen Wettbewerbsstrategie resultiert:

  1. Fokus

Wettbewerbsvorteil Typ 1: Kostenführerschaft

  • Kostenführerschaft zu erzielen bedeutet, dass ein Unternehmen sich so aufstellt, dass es zum Billigproduzenten in seiner Industrie wird.
  • Ein Kostenführer muss Parität oder mindestens Nähe auf den Grundlagen der Unterscheidung erzielen, obwohl es für seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil beruht.
  • Wenn mehr als ein Firma versucht Kostenführerschaft zu erzielen, ist dieses normalerweise verhängnisvoll.
  • Häufig erzielt durch Kostendegression.

Wettbewerbsvorteil Typ 2: Differenzierung

  • Das Erzielen von Differenzierung bedeutet, dass ein Unternehmen versucht in seiner Industrie entlang einiger Dimensionen einzigartig zu sein, die von den Kunden im großen Maße geschätzt werden.
  • Ein Differenzierer kann seine Kostenposition nicht ignorieren. In allen Bereichen, die nicht seine Unterscheidung beeinflussen, sollte er versuchen, Kosten zu verringern; im Unterscheidungsbereich sollten die Kosten zumindest niedriger als der Aufpreis sein, den es von Kunden empfängt.
  • Bereiche der Unterscheidung können sein: Produkt, Distribution, Verkauf, Marketing, Service, Image, etc.

Wettbewerbsvorteil Typ 3: Fokus

  • Fokus zu erzielen bedeutet, dass ein Unternehmen sich so aufstellt, um in einem Segment oder in einer Gruppe von Segmenten am besten zu sein.
  • 2 Varianten: Kosten-Fokus und Unterscheidungs-Fokus.

Stuck in the middle

  • Dieses ist normalerweise ein Rezept für unterdurchschnittliche Profitabilität im Vergleich zur Industrie.
  • Dennoch sind attraktive Gewinne möglich, wenn und solange die Industrie als Ganzes sehr attraktiv ist.
  • Manifestation des Mangels an Wahlmöglichkeiten.
  • Besonders gefährlich für Fokussierer, die erfolgreich gewesen sind und dann anfangen ihren Fokus zu vernachlässigen. Sie müssen andere Fokusnischen suchen. Eher als ihre Fokusstrategie zu vernachlässigen.

Überblick über das Buch „Wettbewerbsstrategie“

  • In Teil I bespricht Porter die strukturelle Analyse von Industrien (mit den fünf Kräften), die drei generischen Wettbewerbsstrategien (gesamte Kostenführerschaft, Fokus und Unterscheidung) und bietet ein ausgezeichnetes Rahmenwerk für Wettbewerberanalyse, Wettbewerbsbewegungen, Strategie in Richtung zu Kunden und Lieferanten, strukturelle Analyse innerhalb von Industrien (strategische Gruppen, strategisches Diagramm, Mobilitätsbarrieren) und Industrieentwicklung (Lebenszyklus, evolutionäre Prozesse) an.
  • In Teil II bespricht Porter Wettbewerbsstrategie innerhalb der verschiedenen generischen Industrieumgebungen. Wie: fragmentierte Industrien (ohne wirklichen Marktführer), wachsende Industrien, reife Industrien, abfallende Industrien und globale Industrien.
  • In Teil III bespricht Porter strategische Entscheidungen, die Geschäfte/Unternehmen treffen können. Wie: vertikale Integration (vorwärts, rückwärts, Teilhaberschaften), Kapazitätserweiterung und Eintritt in neue Industrien/Geschäfte.

Buch: Michael E. Porter - Competitive Strategy

Buch: Michael E. Porter - Competitive Advantage


Wettbewerbsvorteil Fachgruppe.

Fachgruppe (11 Mitglieder)


Forumsdiskussionen über Wettbewerbsvorteil.

🔥 Keine generischen Strategien…:
Folgende Gruppen sind laut Porter KEINE generischen Strategien: - Aufbauen / Beibehalten / Ernten / Dogs / Question Marks / Stars / Cash Cows > dieses sind RESULTATE einer generischen Strategie. - A...
Thema Life Cycle Approach to Competitive Advantage
Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan in MITSloan Management Review Vol 50 No 3 mention the term Transient Competitive Advantage. I looked up the term "transient" and it means "valid for a limited...
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Thema Focus your Efforts in Building Competitive Advantage
In any given company, there are hundreds of fields where you can improve. The key thing to do is to determine the value of taking certain measures / developing certain strategies in various fields. I...
Thema Competitive Advantage in Tough Times
Does need to change, in tough times, imply that one has to do things different or different things? In times of tough business circumstances, the core of change mgt is best translated in a return to b...
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Thema Is Superior Value to Customers a Competitive Advantage?
Could superior value to customers imply competitive advantage? Considering that competitive advantage is achieving superiority over rivals....
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Thema Knowledge Management is more important than CA
An authentic - that means, in simple words: not easy to be copied - Competitive Advantage in the contemporary - that means: complex and continuously changing - environment can be only achieved by the ...
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Thema Why are Firms Different? Why Successful Firms Differ?
It is an obvious fact that firms differ. However, according to Carroll (1993) it is important to distinguish between the questions why firms differ from why successful firms differ from a sociological...
Thema Cost and Value in Analysis of Competitive Advantage: 2 Sides of the Same Coin?
COST and VALUE are words used to identify the same quality, but from different viewpoints. The producer/manufacturer concentrates on cost, while the consumer/customer looks at value. From this analys...
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Thema The Role of AI in Competitive Advantage
Do you think Artificial Intelligence (big data, self-learning software, digital networks, algorithms) represents an entirely new, fourth type of competitive advantage? How could this 4th type be name...
Thema Successful Companies: Only Three Rules Needed?
Raynor and Ahmed did a statistical study of a large amount of companies and discovered that just 3 seemingly easy rules are consistent with successful companies and their strategic choices: 1. Bett...

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🥇 Quotes Competitive Advantage
Do you know some deep, famous or funny quotes on Competitive Advantage? Quotations? Proverbs? Please share them as a reaction to this posting and mention the author. To get started, here's my favorite...
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🥈 10 Routes to Competitive Advantage
In todays lean, time starved world, competitive advantage is the way forward. I have produced the following 10 routes to competitive advantage to simplify the process especially for the small business...
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🥉 Case studies in "Cost Leadership"
Are there any recent case studies to demonstrate how firms can compete on the basis of cost leadership?...
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Thema Stuck in the Middle?
Why is getting stuck in the middle (=mixing the 3 types of competitive advantage) so problematic? Could an intelligent mix of these 3 be preferable?...
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Thema How Can Logistics Help to Achieve a Competitive Advantage?
How can logistics (transport, warehousing, customer service, inventory control) contribute to a Competitive Advantage (CA) of an company? Thanks for your ideas......
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Thema Changing from a Cost Leadership Strategy Into Differentiation
I'm wondering how enterprises which have a cost leadership strategy turn into a differentiation strategy. Please advise....
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Thema Competition versus Cooperation
Porter has undermined society with his over-emphasis on competition. Co-operation should be the driver of business and progressive companies are seeing this and ditching competition and Porter....
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Thema Competitive Advantage or Die?
To all the sharks out there who seem to have missed the point of cooperation, sharpen your swords and keep them so!...
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Thema What is Competitive Advantage?
Is it in simple terms "to be better than your competitors"? Is this correct?...
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Thema Competitive Advantage in a Monopolistic Market?
Can Porter's competitive advantage work in monopolistic markets, such as utility companies where the product they sell is unique (water or electricity) and can't be sold by other parties?...
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Thema Health/Fitness Club Industry Analysis
I am the Marketing consultant of a Health & fitness club in Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho. Within a radius of about 10 kilomitres, there are two more fitness clubs. I would like to get the guide...
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Thema What are the Risks of a Differentiation Strategy?
What are the risks involved when using differentiation as a competitive strategy? Why?...
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Thema Weaknesses of Porter's Three Basic Types of Competitive Advantage
Mouillot (2013) argues that although Porter's three basic types of Competitive Advantage are very useful with regard to research for competitive advantage, there are some limitations or disadvantages:...
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Thema 4 Stages of Hypercompetition
D'Aveni argues sustainable competitive advantage is not really possible. He shows a mechanism that causes faster and faster erosion of competitive positions. D'Aveni's four stages of hypercompetition:...
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Erweiterte Einblicke zu Competitive Advantage (Englisch). Hier finden Sie professionelle Ratschläge von Experten.






Praktische Umsetzungstipps


Sustained Competitive Advantage

Industry Competitiveness
As claimed by M. Porter the only way to sustain a competitive advantage is to upgrade it over time – to move to more sop...

Not Generic Strategies...:

Pseudo Strategies!
All the following categeories are NOT generic strategies according to Porter: - Build / Hold / Harvest / Liquidate / Qu...

Differentiation and 5 Forces

Influence of Differentiation
A differentiation strategy usually requires consistent investments in operative marketing, particularly in communication...

Low-Cost Strategy

The main Risks of a Low-Cost Strategy are:The cost leadership is not sustained, because of: - competitors imitatating ...

Focus Strategy

The main Risks of a Focus Strategy are: 1. The focus strategy is imitated 2. The target segment becomes structurally u...

Differentiation Strategy

When to apply
Differentiation strategies tend to work best in following market circumstances: - The needs and uses of buyers are div...

Extreme Customer Trust as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage, CRM, Customer Loyalty, Customer Intimacy
Many companies are already highlighting the importance of trustworthiness by setting and sustaining honest prices and pr...

The Key Role of Strategists in Creating Competitive Advantage

Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Strategy Education
Most organizational performance theories assume that there are certain “best practices”, or “best ways” that are needed ...

Knowledge as Competitive Advantage

The New Form of Advantange
In an interview of Tomas Friedman to Hani Iskander, former CEO of Chevron Middle East Ltd who was negotiating a partners...

Factors to Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Porter's SCA Factors
In HBR article “What is strategy”, Nov-Dec 1996, M. Porter discusses the critical factors that help to create a sustaina...

Verschiedene Informationsquellen zu Wettbewerbsvorteil. Hier finden Sie Powerpoints, Videos, Nachrichten usw., die Sie in Ihren eigenen Vorträgen und Workshops verwenden können.


How to Sustain Competitive Advantage?

Business Strategy, Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Sustainable Competitive Advantage,
This presentation is about the question how a competitive advantage can be sustained. The presentation begins with compe...

The Role of Value Chain Functions, Quality Management and Innovation in Competitive Advantage

Value Chain Management, Quality Management, Innovation, Operational Excellence
This presentation firstly presents the role of functional strategies and the value chain in the achievement of competiti...

How Businesses can Use Information Technology (IT) in Strategic Ways

Strategic Management, Information Technology
This presentation looks at Information Technology from a strategic point of view. In other words, it discusses in what w...

Competitor Analysis

External Strategic Analysis
Presentation by G.M.H. Broekema about competitor analysis as part of external strategic analysis. Included: Steps to com...

Introduction to Competitive Strategy: The 3 Circle Model

Initial Understanding of Competitive Strategy
Prof. Joe Urbany goes to the heart of Competitive Strategy by explaining the Three Circles of Competitive Strategy: 1. ...

Porter's Industrial Organization Versus Barney's Resource Based View

Business Strategy, Value Chain Management
This presentation compares Porter's competitive advantage thinking with Barney's Resource Based View, focusing on how co...

Porter: Misconceptions about Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Understanding Strategy and (Sustainable) Competitive Advantage
Prof. M. Porter mentions some big mistakes when people are mixing up "strategy" with other kind of goals and objectives ...

Developing a (Sustainable) Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, SCA, CA
This presentation outlines how to develop a business model for sustainable competitive advantage. The presentation inclu...

Competitive Advantage Diagram

Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


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