
Blåa Oceanens Strategi


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Vad är Blue Ocean Strategy (Att skapa nya marknader förutsättningar) Kim?

I stället för att konkurrera inom begränsningarna hos den existerande industrin eller att pröva att stjäla kunder från rivaler (den blodiga eller "Röda Oceanens Strategi") W. Chan Kim och Renée Mauborgne föreslår den "Blåa Oceanens Strategi": utveckla obestridda marknadsområden som gör konkurrensen irrelevant.

Enligt Kim och Mauborgne ifrån HBR Oktober 2004, att konkurrera i överbefolkade industrier är inget bra sätt att bibehålla en hög prestationsnivå. Den verkliga möjligheten är: att skapa blå oceaner av oomtvistade marknadsområden.

Blåa Oceanens Strategi och Röda Oceanen

Konkurrensfördel kritik

Naturligtvis är konkurrensen viktig. Men genom att fokusera på konkurrensen och konkurrensfördel, enligt Kim och Mauborgne, har forskare, företag och konsulter ignorerat två mycket viktiga - och långt mer inbringande - aspekter av strategin:

  • Att finna och utveckla blå oceaner, och
  • Att exploatera och skydda blå oceaner. Dessa utmaningar är mycket olika de som strategerna har givit mest uppmärksamhet åt.

På blå oceaner skapas behov, i stället för att slåss om dem. Det finns mycket goda möjligheter för tillväxt som är både lönsamma och snabba.

Två vägar till att skapa blå oceaner

  1. En är att lansera helt nya industrier, som t.ex. eBay gjorde med onlineauktioner.
  2. Det är mer vanligt för en "blå ocean" att skapas inifrån en röd ocean, när ett företag utvidgar gränserna i en existerande industri.

Självklart förtjänar Kim och Mauborgne beröm för att ha belyst det faktum att det blivit lite för mycket fokus på konkurrensfördelar och också för deras härliga metafor med de två typerna av oceaner.

Bok: W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne - Blue Ocean Strategy

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Forumdiskussioner om Blåa Oceanens Strategi.

ämne Six Paths to Moving from Red to Blue Ocean
I am seeking feedback on my class project. I am trying to move a red ocean company to a Blue Ocean company. I am working with the world famous Pike Place Fish Market in the fish and seafood industry. ...
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ämne Why is it Called 'Blue' Ocean Strategy?
I would like to know the meaning of 'blue' when we refer to Blue Ocean strategy. Why it is called blue and not yellow, purple or white?...
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ämne BOS = Niche Market Strategy
Is BOS not just another phrase for a niche market strategy? They share the common feature of a 'lone player'....
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy in Small Companies
For most small businesses in the current environment, staying alive is a major issue! Simply paying the bills tends to drive one towards the ROS concepts. The smaller companies have little spare capa...
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ämne The Four Actions Framework for Blue Ocean Strategy
The 4 action framework is a key tool in the Blue Ocean Strategy process made up of the four strategic moves - Eliminate - Reduce - Raise - Create This tool helps create new buyer value elements t...
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ämne Can a Blue Ocean Eventually Turn Into a Red Ocean?
When a company creates a blue ocean by foreseeing an opportunity, there is always a chance of other companies entering the same segment by sensing the opportunity already created. Thus, can we say tha...
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ämne Execution Hurdles in Blue Ocean Strategy
Stumbling on the web I found there are 4 main execution hurdles in Blue Ocean Strategy: 1. Cognitive 2. Motivation 3. Resource 4. Political That seems to make sense. Does anyone have more info a...
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ämne BOS is More of the Same
Blue Ocean Strategy is just more of the same old stuff. It takes industry analysis from Porter, differentiation from Trout and the ancient concept of strategy from Sun Tzu. There is not anything new w...
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ämne Porter Model vs Blue Ocean Strategy
Does anyone know about the differences between Porter's (5 Forces, Competitive Advantage) Strategy Model and Blue Ocean strategy?...
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ämne Filtering Blue Ocean Ideas: Strategic Overlays
When developing Blue Ocean Strategies with organisations we find that some of the Blue Ocean ideas generated, while great ideas, do not fit with where the organisation is prepared to go. For example,...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy - Three Tiers of Noncustomers
There are three tiers of non-customers that can be transformed into customers. They differ in their relative distance from your market: 1. Non-customers that are closest to your market. They sit on t...
ämne Blue Ocean Strategy of Google
First it was IBM, then Microsoft and now Google. How Google made it to the top ? Adopting BOS ? Google is a wonderful company revolutionizing information technology. The success of the networking com...
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ämne BOS and ROS are Both Supplier Centric
In both ROS and BOS the focus is on the supplier essentially and on competition with other supplier(s). Both try to outdo the competition by studying competition and fighting or bypassing its USP. In...
ämne Blue Ocean Strategy - Buyer Experience Cycle
In Blue Ocean Strategy there is a tool called Buyer Experience Cycle. It deals with the experience a buyer has in the various stages of buying-owning-disposing of a product or service. There are six s...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy: Buyer Utility Levers
In Blue Ocean Strategy, the Buyer Utility Map is a chart that shows the six buy utility levers: 1. Productivity 2. Simplicity 3. Risk 4. Fun/image 5. Convenience 6. Environmental friendliness T...
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ämne First Mover Advantage / Price Maker in BOS
As soon as an organisation identified a new sector/industry as a part of BOS and entered it successfully, they will get a First Mover Advantage which helps them to dictate the terms and be a "price ma...
ämne Use CSR as Part of your Blue Ocean Strategy
Companies should consider Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of a Blue Ocean strategy. Recent research concluded that most people preferred to buy from a business bringing out a product / ...
ämne BOS / ROS Isn't a Strategy
This could be a few things but, strategy, really? It's a process at best either, deliberate (ROS) or emergent (BOS). It could be a question for managers to ponder in forming strategy. Arguably those i...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy - Apple
I think Apple computers have demonstrated remarkable success of Blue Ocean strategies time and again by launching new products: first iMac, then iPods, then iPhones and now iPads. I hope they keep thi...
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ämne Importance of BOS is Focus on Innovating
This model is useful because it makes managers think about breaking the rules of competition. Aristoteles said: "You can't change the wind, you can however adjust your sails." So let's adjust our sa...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy for UPS
UPS currently operates world wide and is at the forefront with electronic shipping technologies and a massive fleet of transportation to support business. By identifying the three tiers of non-custome...
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ämne Validated Instrument for Measuring Blue Ocean Strategy
I am examining the relationship between the Blue Ocean Strategy and firm performance in the construction industry using a quantitative methodology. I am considering the Blue Ocean Strategy as an antec...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy Sequence L.L. Bean
The four steps of strategic sequencing for L.L. Bean's Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) begin with buyer utility and the six stages of the buyer experience. (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005, P. 121). When I analyzed ...
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ämne BOS in Less Developed Countries
Kim & Mauborgne: create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. In the market place in less developed countries there are informal small businesses and illegal points of sale. I...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy Strategic Sequence - EBay
eBay operates in a Blue Ocean today due to their ability to capitalize on their first mover advantage and immense popularity. The BOS sequencing for eBay is: - Buyer utility: eBay innovated a conveni...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy Sequencing for Blockbuster
BLOCKBUSTER is an american-based provider of home video and video game rental services. - Buyer utility: Blockbuster already offers different videos, but it could unlock exceptional utility if it als...
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ämne Strategic Sequencing for Adult Education / Learning
There needs to be significant changes in the way education is delivered to adult learners. A new company could use this strategy. Buyer utility: with high unemployment, new skills are needed by most ...
ämne Blue Ocean is Economics Failure
In my opinion, the idea of a Blue Ocean conflicts with and hurts the basic principles of economics which results in all economic profits tending to zero. Whenever an industry presents abnormal earning...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy - Best Buy
I've chosen Best Buy to form a Blue Ocean strategy. The idea is to offer music lessons and basic computer courses to accompany the products they provide for sell. The first consideration is the buyer...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequencing for US Airways?
US Airways is in in a red ocean, they must determine there their 3 tiers of consumers. For them to work toward a Blue Ocean they need to think of non consumers first, commonalities before differences ...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequencing - Dell
I have been researching dell for the past several weeks in my business class and we are currently looking at the Blue Ocean strategy. I was asked to describe my sequencing of Dell and this is what I h...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy Sequencing - Nestle
Nestle's Blue Ocean Strategy Sequence Greetings to the group. For an assignment I described a Blue Ocean strategy sequence for Nestle. Please read the following and make any comments or suggestions y...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequence for Barnes and Noble
Barnes and Noble while it is not presently in a Blue Ocean environment it is certainly a company that has a history of pursuing such environments and appears to be following the same procedures to ach...
ämne The Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) Sequence of Citibank
This week in a college class I am attending, we are looking at the sequence of the Blue Ocean Strategy. And more specifically, I have been researching Citibank. Today, I would like to examine Citiba...
ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequencing on Disney
For school, I have to devise a blue ocean strategy for a specific business and industry (and post it in a user group such as this one_- I also need your responses to work with, lol:) I chose to use t...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequencing for Delta Airlines
The fourth principle of the Blue Ocean Marketing Strategy is to get the Strategic Sequence of the Blue Ocean Strategy correct. The sequence has four steps which are utility, price, cost, and adoption....
ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequence for Amazon.com
To create a Blue Ocean Strategy company there has to be Strategic Sequencing. The components of BOS strategic sequencing are: buyer utility, price, cost, and adoption, in this order. It is very impo...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequence for Blockbuster
The BOS sequencing for Blockbuster is as follows: - Buyer utility. They created buyer utility by offering convenience and affordability with their new online renting business model. They took away th...
ämne Blue Ocean Strategic Sequencing in Office Furniture
I am working on a Blue Ocean strategy for a course I am taking, and am hoping to get a bit of input on what I have developed for its sequencing. My goal is to take a fictitious office furniture manuf...
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🥇 Visionary Leadership and Blue Ocean Strategy
I think Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) success merely depends on the leadership of the leader and how visionary the leader is, and how far ahead the business is seen/predicted. The process of achieving ...
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🥈 Purple Ocean Strategy
If there are shallow, boiling, highly competitive, bloody RED oceans, and there are deep, calm, clear BLUE oceans of untapped opportunity, are there also "PURPLE" - less competitive - oceans in betwee...
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🥉 Blue, Green or Even Violet Ocean Strategies
I think ROS and BOS are parts of a process that all active companies will pass. In fact they are inevitable events during organizations' perfection. Only a creative company can enter BOS. A dynamic s...
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ämne Strategic Sequence: Best Practices and Pitfalls
According to Kim and Mauborgne (2005) a BOS will only work if it's formulated in the right strategic sequence. Without fulfilling one of these, the plan will fail. The sequence laid out by the authors...
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ämne Blue Ocean Strategy Disadvantages
While most of the participants in this forum are quick to point out the first mover advantage that a BOS creator gets, we need to be aware of the cost in case the strategy flops. Given today's global ...
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ämne A BOS is Creating a New Mental Category
Blue ocean strategies are basically about creating a new mental category or a frame of reference. For example, Red Bull created a new category called "energy drinks" within the existing "beverage" cat...
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ämne What is a Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map (PMS Map)?
In Blue Ocean Strategy, what is a Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map? I read it is a key tool in the Blue Ocean Strategy process that involves plotting each offering or product as to whether it is a: - Pio...
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ämne Differences in BOS / ROS Cultures
I have discovered over the last five years that in Red Ocean Strategies (ROS) people compete to maintain a competitive edge over the rival companies, organizations or individuals through a number of u...
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ämne How to Avoid Imitation of Blue Ocean Strategy?
After creating a new market/industry, how can competitors be restricted to imitate the same. Is a complete overlook by the competition possible ?...
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ämne How to Start with Blue Ocean Strategy as a Startup?
I am in the process of starting up a company. I was advised to use Blue Ocean strategy but there is a lot of information... How do I start developing the company with the Blue Ocean strategy?...
Kommentarer6 kommentarer


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Praktiska Implementeringstips


All Blue Ocean Strategy Tools, Frameworks and Methodologies

Summaries of all BOS Tools
Summaries and in-depth links to all 15 Blue Ocean Strategy tools by Kim & Mauborgne: 1. Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map (P...

Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid

Blue Ocean Strategy Tools
A great BOS-tool Kim and Mauborgne described is the "Four Actions Framework". This Four Actions Framework can be used to...

The Strategy Canvas Diagnostic Framework

Blue Ocean Strategy Formation
Kim and Mauborgne introduce in their book an interesting tool they call "The Strategy Canvas". The Strategy Canvas is b...

How to Find Good Product Ideas? List of 10 Approaches

Discovering New-Product Ideas, Creative Approaches
In his book “Product Leadership: Creating and Launching Superior New Products”, Robert Cooper suggests following ten way...

Innovation Pitfalls

Avoiding Innovation Traps
Harvard Professor R. Moss Kanter describes 4 common innovation mistakes and corresponding remedies (HBR Nov 2006): 1. S...

The Value Creation Logic Types

Discovering Blue Oceans
Based on Stabell and Fjeldstad’s value creation logics, Norman T. Sheehan and Ganesh Vaidyanathan are introducing a uniq...

Recent Innovation Trends | New Innovation Types

Open innovation, User Innovation, Value Innovation, Bottom-up Innovation
Roland Bel (2012) outlines and explains four types of innovations that have become more and more important since the las...

Six Paths Framework: How to Find or Create A Blue Ocean?

Approaches to Reconstruct Market Boundaries
In their book: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Kim and ...

How to Detect Consumer Needs that are Unmet?

Product Innovation, New Product Development, Innovation Strategy
In their article New Business Models in Emerging Markets" (Harvard Business Review, January-February 2011), Matthew J. E...

A Closer Look Into Customer Value

Customer Value Analysis, Strategic Marketing, Innovation Strategy
It is often argued that customer value is required for staying competitive and successful as organization. But in what w...

Pitfalls and Obstacles in Product Development Strategy

Product Development, Product Portfolio Management
Although product development can be an important growth strategy, it is necessary to keep in mind that several factors t...

Value Innovation Strategy Best Practices

Understanding the Fundamentals of Blue Ocean Strategy
The fundamentals of the "Blue Ocean" concept can be found in an earlier HBR artice by W. C. Kim and R. Mauborgne (1997) ...

How to Think Differently in Blue Ocean Strategy and Innovation?

How to Be Innovative
Strategy is always related with risk, due to market volatility. Also today´s volatility is increasing very fast. So inno...

How to Determine the Right PRICING?

Steps to Strategic Pricing
One major part of the Blue Ocean Strategy is the Strategic Pricing. To help managers find the right price for a product/...

How Can Incumbents Respond to Disruptors?

5 Strategic Options in Reaction to Disruptors
In recent years, the challenges to incumbent majors across industries have come mainly from low-cost competitors and fr...

Classes of Innovation | Sources of Innovation

Innovation, Creativity, Organizational Innovativeness, Lateral Thinking, Out of the Box Thinking, Blue Ocean Strategy
TWO CLASSES OF INNOVATION Innovation can be triggered or enabled by two broad classes: KNOWLEDGE PUSH: Innovation trig...

How to Lead an Innovation Team

Best Practices, Innovation Team Management
In order to become a great innovation team leader, Ram Charan suggests in the article "P&G's Innovation Culture" (strate...

In Which Direction Should we Grow our Portfolio?

Portfolio Strategy, Innovation Strategy
According to Professor Aneel G. Karnani in 'Mastering Strategy', there's no standard way to gain market value for all bu...

Innovating by Reconsidering Value Delivery

Fundamental Innovation
When innovating their business model, companies need to reconsider their value proposition from all perspectives. One of...

How to Design Experiments to Support Decision-making on Strategic Innovations

Strategic Innovation, Strategic Decision-making, Strategic Experimenting, Experiments, Strategic Testing, Innovation Tes
The probability of success of a major innovation is difficult to assess. Statistics and other datasets only provide info...

Why Large Firms are Having Difficulties to Deal with Disruptive Innovations

Innovation Management
Christensen explains why many firms, especially large firms, have trouble with adapting and thus with surviving when dea...

What Makes a Company Innovative?

Innovation Best Practices, R&D Best Practices, Corporate Innovation
A futurethink 2006 Innovation Tracker Survey mentions: - Ability to create a climate that continuously fosters innovat...

Designing Complex Products or Systems Through Iterative Rapid-cycle Prototyping

Design Thinking, Disruptive Innovation, Blue Ocean Strategy, Introducing Complex Systems, Co-Creation
Today, organizations are increasingly developing and designing new and complex products or systems. In other words, the ...

Entrepreneurial Strategies in Emerging Markets

Emergent Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Innovation
Chanvatipsakul and Wongsurawat (2013) examined the reasons why SMEs are successful in entering emerging markets while bi...

Olika informationskällor om Blåa Oceanens Strategi. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


Introduction to BOS

Comprehensive Presentation Introducing BOS
Comprehensive presentation introducing BOS. Topics: - Blue Ocean Vs. Red Ocean Strategy - Blue Ocean Strategy Tools -...

Conversation with Chan Kim and Mauborgne

Interview with W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. 10 questions and answers about BOS and ROS....

Co-opetition, PARTS and Changing the Strategic Game

Business Strategy, Innovation Strategy
Comprehensive presentation about the concept of co-opetition based on Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1998), including the f...

First Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy

Understanding the Definitions of Blue and Red Ocean Strategy
Short visual introduction of the 2 types of strategy as conceived by Kim and Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Strategy is a way to...

An Integrated Model of Value Creation Based on the Refined Kano's Model and the Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value, Value of Customer, Refined Kano Model, Creative Value
It is not sufficient for a contemporary firm to satisfy its customers; to be really successful, a firm must create value...

Techniques for Entrepreneurial Thinking

Entrepreneurship, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Lateral Thinking, Entrepreneurial Thinking
This presentation elaborates on the different types of thinking for successful entrepreneurship. The presentation includ...

Reinventing your Business Model

Business Model Change, Strategic Innovation
A presentation that clearly explains the concept of changing business models according to Kagermann, Johnson and Christe...

Blue Ocean Theory Success Stories

Short Introduction and Success Stories of BOS
In world’s business today many companies are swimming in the red ocean of bloody competition. To obtain profitable grow...

Blue and Red Ocean Strategy Diagram

Strategic Innovation
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


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