
Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato

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La Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato o Teoria del Comportamento Previsto (TPB) di Icek Ajzen (1985, 1991) contribuisce a capire come possiamo cambiare il comportamento delle persone. Il TPB è una teoria che predice il comportamento intenzionale, perché il comportamento può essere pianficato.

Il TPB è il successore della Teoria dell'Azione Ragionata di Ajzen e Fishbein (1975, 1980). La successione era il risultato della scoperta che il comportamento non è al 100% volontario e sotto controllo. Ciò ha provocato l'aggiunta del controllo della percezione del comportamento. Con questa aggiunta la teoria è stata denominata la Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato.

Le tre considerazioni della Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato

In breve, secondo il TPB, l'azione umana è guidata da tre generi di considerazioni:

  1. Credenze Comportamentali. Queste sono credenze sulle conseguenze probabili del comportamento.

  2. Credenze Normative. Queste sono credenze sulle aspettative normative degli altri.

  3. Credenze sul Controllo. Queste sono credenze sulla presenza di fattori che possono facilitare, o impedire, la performance del comportamento.

TPB di Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato di Ajzen Le tre considerazioni di Ajzen sono cruciali in circostanze/progetti/programmi in cui il comportamento delle persone deve essere cambiato.

Nei loro complessi rispettivi, le credenze comportamentali producono un atteggiamento favorevole o sfavorevole verso il comportamento, le credenze normative sono espressione della pressione sociale percepita o delle norme soggettive e le credenze di controllo sono il risultato del controllo percepito sul comportamento. In combinazione, l'atteggiamento nei confronti del comportamento, della norma soggettiva e della percezione di controllo comportamentali, conduce alla formazione di un'intenzione comportamentali. Come regola generale, se l'atteggiamento e la norma soggettiva sono più favorevoli, il controllo percepito sarà più grande e l'intenzione della persona di realizzare il comportamento in questione dovrebbe essere più forte.

Effetti residui del passato sui comportamenti successivi

Recentemente (2002), Ajzen ha studiato gli effetti residui del passato sui comportamenti successivi. È giunto alla conclusione che questo fattore effettivamente esiste, ma non può essere descritto come un abitudine, come pensano molti. Una revisione delle prove esistenti suggerisce che l'effetto residuo dei comportamenti passati è attenuato, quando le misure dell'intenzione e del comportamento sono compatibili. E l'effetto sparisce quando le intenzioni sono forti e ben formate, le aspettative sono realistiche e sono stati sviluppati programmi specifici per l'implementazione dell'intenzione.

Un progetto di ricerca nel settore turistico ha dimostrato che le scelte passate sui viaggi contribuiscono  a prevedere il comportamento successivo soltanto se le circostanze rimangono relativamente stabili.

Esempio: La Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato di Ajzen può contribuire a spiegare perchè le campagne pubblicitarie che forniscono solo informazioni non funzionano. Aumentare soltanto la conoscenza non contribuisce molto a cambiare il comportamento. Le campagne che puntano agli atteggiamenti, alle norme percepite e sul controllo nel fare il cambiamento o nell'acquisto di determinati beni, hanno risultati migliori.

Similmente nel management, i programmi (di cambiamento) concentrati soltanto sulla spiegazione dell'importanza di qualcosa (trasferimento di conoscenza) probabilmente non avranno successo. Piuttosto uno dovrebbe convincere la gente a cambiare la loro intenzione di cambiare, prestando molta attenzione agli atteggiamenti, alle norme soggettive ed al controllo percepito sul comportamento.

Referenza Bibliografica: Icek Ajzen, Martin Fishbein - Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior

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argomento Behavioral Change Motivators
Attempting to change behavior of a person based solely on information will not work. Many doctors try and fail to get their patients to make life-style changes (heart attack as example) solely on the ...
Commenti33 commenti
argomento Theory of Planned Behavior and Maslow
I have read some of the remarks here and am now wondering how TPB relates to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Any ideas on this?...
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argomento Moving from Self-Awareness to Self-Management to Self-Improvement
Why quit smoking is so difficult although most smokers are aware of its impact on health and well-being? Why we keep doing things that we know may not be appropriate or helpful? This is because knowin...
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argomento How to Apply TPB Theory in Marketing?
I'm not familiar with the theory here, but am wondering how its principles apply to marketing in the case where you are at a competitive disadvantage, and want to change your customer's behavior so th...
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argomento 'Behaviourist' Management Theory?
What is meant by: 'Behaviourist Management Theory'? I will appreciate any information on this question. ...
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argomento Exceptions to Theory of Planned Behavior
Is there any known research about the exceptions of the Theory of Planned Behavior? Thanks for your tips......
argomento Employee Maturity and Theory of Planned Behavior
If an employee is not mature enough to analyze his/her environment he/she may choose a totally wrong action. Therefore it will be important to consider the person´s maturity to ensure the person will...
argomento How Attitudes Influence Consumer Behavior
According to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), behavioral beliefs produce a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the behavior. The attitude toward the behavior (plus 2 other things) then leads...
argomento Three Components of an Attitude
Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, in their book 'Organizational Behavior' define an attitude as a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object...
argomento Three Levels in Theory of Planned Behaviour
The theory provides a framework for implementing change wherein 3 clear tiers (individual, group and organizational) can be identified and managed in order to achieve the desired change. - At the ind...
argomento Sometimes we are Acting like Monkeys and we are Unwilling to Change
Sometimes we find ourselves acting very similar to a monkey. We hold on to what we believe is our prize, our goal, our direction, and we won't let go for anything. No matter what changes might be goin...
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argomento Initital HR Presentation
I need to make a presentation on how I will start my work in HR management. I'm thinking to start with 1- knowing the organization vision and make its organizational chart that meets that vision. 2-...
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argomento Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior
I heard that there exist an extended version of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in the literature. The name is: Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior or DTPB. I really want to know the decomposed...
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argomento Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Perception
I would like to know if Ajzen's TPB can be applied to measure perception. If it is positive, what is the argument that Ajzen's TPB can be used to measure perception? If it is negative, why can't Ajz...
argomento Theory of Planned Behavior and Dealing with Obstacles to Change
Some of the biggest obstacles to change initiatives are fear of the unknown and safety in the known. Knowledge per se may not be enough to overcome the fear and propel one towards behaviour change. A...
argomento Your Success is Primarily Dependent on the Rationality of your Beliefs
Your response or reaction to any situation is governed by your thoughts, which, in turn, are governed by your belief system. Thus, your resulting action is an indirect consequence of your beliefs. If...
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argomento Be Cautious with Shown Behaviour
We should avoid being caught up too much with the behavior of people, assuming that the behavior of persons represents their true character. Why? - This makes people mask their character. - If we al...
argomento The Role of Irrationality (Affect and Emotions) in Planned Behavior
A frequently mentioned argument against the TPB is that the theory does not take into account sufficiently enough the cognitive and affective processes that often result in biased human evaluations an...
argomento Are you Planning your Behavior?
How many of us are having the opportunity to plan our behaviour, or time for it?...
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argomento Planned Behaviour is based on REACT Method
Planned Behaviour is a pattern based on the REACT method which is more significant on planned method, whereas Resources, Environment, Attitude, Concentration and Timing and really two processes based ...
Commenti3 commenti
argomento Is Planned Behavior Theory Still Valid?
I´m not sure about how much are important different behavioral theories in the present world in which all behavior concepts are changing dramatically, due to the special freedom given by modern media,...
Commenti3 commenti
argomento Planned Group Behaviour?
I wonder how dealing with group behaviour is different from individual change behaviour? There is an 'energy' in groups which is capable of captivating an individual and bringing that individual into...
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argomento Theory of Planned Behavior and Unsportsmanlike Conduct
I am making a study regarding predicting unsportsmanlike conduct. I'm still not sure if I will include moral obligation and moral reasoning to the model since some sports actions may be deemed necessa...
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🥇 How to Apply the Theory of Planned Behavior in Work Safety
Safety in mining is of utmost importance and statistics show that the behaviour of people is part of the causes. How can I apply the TPB to help change the behaviour from unsafe to safe?...
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🥈 Are Beliefs and Attitudes a proxy for Behavior?
I am studying nurses' attitudes and beliefs regarding open visitation in the adult ICU atmosphere. Several studies have measured nurses' beliefs and attitudes pre and post implementation of liberalize...
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Changing Habits / Attitudes of People

Reframing Behavior
In their article “That’s the Way We (Used to) Do Things Around Here” (strategy+business, Spring 2011, Issue 62), Jeffrey...

Katz Functionalist Theory of Attitudes

Consumer Attitudes, Customer Attitudes, Buying Behavior, Advertising
Obtaining insights into attitudes of customers is important for organizations, because attitudes influence customer beha...

Ineffective Behavior

Analyzing Manager, Employee or Self Behavior
There are many different forms or manifestations of ineffective behavior, such as - Finding it difficult to say 'no'. ...

The Influence of the Perceived Justice Climate on Employee Behavior

Employee Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior, Behavioral Beliefs, Normative Beliefs
Priesemuth et al. (2013) investigated the effects of group-level perceptions of the justice climate within an organizati...

4 Patterns of Behavior

Behavior is not only based on Reasoning and Beliefs
According to Ajzen, behavior is based on the way people consider and react to 3 beliefs. Implicitely Ajzen seems to assu...
Fonti di Informazione

Varie fonti di informazioni su Comportamento Umano. Qui troverai powerpoint, video, notizie, ecc. da utilizzare nelle tue lezioni e seminari.


Attitudes: Definition, Functions, Models and Application to Business and Marketing

This presentation elaborates on the concept and models related to attitudes, including the following sections: 1. What ...

Attitude, Motivation and Persuasion

Persuasion Theory, Managing Behavior
This presentation by S.J. Grant is about attitudes, motivation and how affects persuasion. The following sections are in...

Introduction to the Theory of Planned Behaviour

Understanding the Roles our Beliefs are Playing in our Behavior
Explanation of the Essence of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), which sees intention as the predictor of behavior. ...

The Importance of Adapting to Change

Change Management, Need to Change, Change Management
Dave Weber reveals that Charles Darwin never said that the strongest of the species survives. What he actually said was...

Theory of Planned Behavior Diagram

Human Behavior
Download and edit the 12manage PowerPoint model for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in int...


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