
Emotional Intelligence versus IQ

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Emotional Intelligence

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Madhava Kumar
Madhava Kumar
Management Consultant, India

Emotional Intelligence versus IQ

I think we can link EQ with wisdom and IQ with knowledge. One can be knowledgeable with others knowledge but one cannot be wise with others wisdom.
That effectively leaves EQ to the genes and IQ to the learning after birth. EQ is what you got through your genes from your forefathers-innate & deep features.
That proves why some people with limited education will rise to higher levels. Naturally that is due to EQ.
A person with a good EQ can survive without any IQ. But a person with good IQ and no EQ cannot survive in this universe.
Any leader, if we observe, will have more EQ than IQ.


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  Eduardo Neumann
Eduardo Neumann
Manager, Guatemala

Emotional Intelligence

Excellent analysis, I can´t agree more: IQ knows how, EQ knows why.
He who knows how will always have a job.
He who has EQ will always be his boss.

Consultant, Portugal

Is a Leader Born or Made?

Hi everyone, the discussion on what is genes and what is social (learned) is very old, but there's an actual consensus on that almost everything is possible to be learned and developed.
A new theory as arisen some years ago, which is multi-focal intelligence and it demonstrated that anyone can learn and develop emotional skills...
Self-development methods are known to achieve those goals. One can be born in any environment and still be able to change his way (personality). For a leader, there are many ways to improve his (her) skills in order to have both EQ and IQ elevated.
For more info on this, you can read Augusto Cury.

  Antonio Cacheux
Antonio Cacheux

Emotional Intelligence and IQ

Social intelligence, or EQ, in my opinion, is the knowledge of the drivers/motivation in our work team, or community, is the way to convey the idea of doing something, with the EQ, we can understand what individuals want to receive on change for something, or who is willing to give, when, why and how.
IQ is structured of knowledge based on academic training, experience, and technical and research work, general knowledge etc.
In summary, the EQ is the style, the personal touch, and IQ, is the means, knowledge, physical and technical.

  Gregory Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Coach, United States


Effective leaders possess both skills:
- IQ is something exhibited through much of one's life. It is rated through an artificial system without regard to culture, environment, level of global orientation, etc.
- EI is a learned behavior through an awareness commitment that must be present for authentic leaders.
I believe a combination of both is required for effective leadership to exist and mature. IQ, whether high or low, is an indication of many learning processes that would be a requirement of a leader that has vision and creating a presence through that vision. There is an intelligent or intellectual requirement to organize, present and lead a venture or enterprise. As such, a certain level of intelligence would seem to be a requirement.
To effectively launch or present the venture or enterprise one must exhibit composure and have the ability to read their audience or receivers of the vision. This requires both personal EI as well as market EI.

  Y Srinivas rao
Y Srinivas rao
Manager, India

EQ versus IQ

EI is as essential for public dealings as IQ is for technology and engineering. With lots of MBA's taking over the managerial functions, it is imperative that every engineering & technological person develops these skills on priority.

  Pascal Jouxtel
Pascal Jouxtel, France

Balancing the Two Brain Hemispheres

There's a need to balance the two brain hemispheres. Think of playing music. On one hand, playing beautifully requires expert skills and exact following of regular patterns and on the other hand it requires to use your feelings and listen to co-players to produce resultant beauty.
The problem with "skills" is that they have been turned into a fragmented repertoire by repeated demands from left brain resource management: for some job requirement, I need to control my risks by hiring someone with at least such grades in this series of skills.
Ouch! This has gotten us very far from emotions! Now we have to learn how to think and feel ;o).


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More on Emotional Intelligence
Summary Discussion Topics
topic (How) Can I improve my Emotional Intelligence?
topic Intelligence of the Heart
topic Goleman's 3 Questions to Increase your Emotional Intelligence
topic The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
topic The Importance of Soft Skills for Young People
topic How to Moderate the Effect of Negative Moods on Your (Team's) Performance
topic Emotional Intelligence and Age
topic The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership
topic Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence
topic The Role of Management in Developing EI and Soft Skills
topic Cross-cultural Validity of Emotional Intelligence
topic Ethical Emotional Intelligence?
topic 3 Approaches Towards Emotional Intelligence
👀Emotional Intelligence versus IQ
topic Emotions versus Reason
topic EQ / EI Questionaire
topic Emotional Intelligence is NOT Opposite of Intelligence
topic How you Should Manage Yourself (Drucker)
topic The 4 Domains and 12 Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
topic Where does Wisdom come from?
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topic Best Compliment: 'You must have a high EQ'.
topic Cleaning our Emotions
topic Emotional Intelligence - Better Predictor of Success then IQ
topic Emotional Intelligence = Maturity?
topic Emotional Intelligence of Groups and Companies
topic How to Manage and Help a Grieving Employee?
topic Some Level of EQ and IQ Either Way is Needed
topic Are these Responses Proof of Emotional Intelligence?
topic EI and Sensitivity for Subconscious Mind
topic Mayer's Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence. Comparison Goleman
topic How can EQ and IQ be Combined?
topic Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Organisations
topic Understanding Emotions Logically
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