
COVID-19 and its Butterfly Effect on Supply Chains and the World Economy

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Strategy Consultant, United Arab Emirates

COVID-19 and its Butterfly Effect on Supply Chains and the World Economy

🔥 In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. In simple wording, when applied to business, the butterfly effect means that small events sometimes yield large consequences. Compare also Black Swans.

China, the biggest factory on earth, is confronted with the current outbreak of the deadly nCOV found in Wuhan. And the world is witnessing a global decline in sales, stock markets, oil prices and a well-noticed shortage in supply chains and aviation activities that have a wide impact on the trade exchange across the globe.
COVID-19 exposed a weak link in the global drug supply, automotive manufacturing, and other sectors.

Being global has become the objective and goal of a lot of businesses. But the question now is: how can we strengthen the resilience of our supply chains while maintaining the value and cost chains intact?

Modern Portfolio Theory stands as a suggestion for a solution in the future for such an epidemic; though it is a suggested solution for VCs when investing in new capitals.
Nonetheless, the essence of the theory reminds me of my grandma's idiom: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket".
Diversification and not counting on one supplier/source should balance the risk and maximize the return of the business decisions within value supply chains. See also Kraljic Purchasing Matrix

⇨ What other mechanisms can be put in place to avoid or mitigate such supply chain risks and consequences in the future?


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CEO, United States

Corona Impact

In my opinion this comes at a particularly strained time for the United States, whose president is just announcing new trade agreements with China. Any nation or company that is dependent upon China right now had best look for alternative supply solutions.
The idea of diversification is an old one. Notably, Porter considered the importance of supplier power in his business calculations. Giving any one supplier too much power is never a good idea. Every time I watch or listen to the news, Porter seems to be a smarter man.


Accumulation of Problems in China

Corona also comes at an already strained time for China. Like the USA, China has a immense debt burden, caused by many attempts to fight the slowdown of the growth of its economy. Add to that the still ongoing pig/swine disease and the more recent trade conflict with the USA and now the Corona virus. It's a lot.

  Manoj Rambajan (MBA)
Manoj Rambajan (MBA)

Mitigating the Effects of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) and its butterfly effects is no doubt to have a great impact on the world economy. A global decline in sales, shortages in supply chains and price fluctuations are to be expected. China is a big market and is highly integrated in the world economy with impressive transportation worldwide. The consequences could be very catastrophic. Lots of questions on strategic management and industry analysis are being raised to mitigate the impact.
There is a chaotic situation in many businesses, threatened by disruptions in supply chains. This confirms the importance and relevance of Porter’s Five Forces in determining a strategic business position in the market place. Those business organizations which are heavily dependent on China for their supply chains and markets are bound to suffer the most.
Diversification of markets and supply chains as well as transfer of technologies are strategies that global firms could adopt to mitigate the impact of such crises and strengthen the resilience of their supply chain in order to maintain their markets.

  Prof. Arup Barman
Prof. Arup Barman
Professor, India

COVID-19, Chaos to Cha-ordic and India

The Indian philosophy of handling chaos is different from other philosophies of the world. No doubt, COVID-19 is impacting the whole Chinese economy. This was prognosticated because of the chaos pattern of economic growth trajectory adopted by China after its economic resurgence. The Chinese adoption of business model was chaotic, the way adopted like power based imperialism or political imperialism.
This is the Asian century i.e. 21st century. India no doubt has potential to be the best economy of the world by 2035-40. For that, India must lead by its old Indian philosophy. The embedded philosophy of India in the midst of chaos is: "Be cool. Don't panic. Chaos is good. Chaos creates infinite possibilities". Let India see the infinite possibilities in this chaotic situation of business, trade and development. If India exercises with this spirit, no doubt it may enjoy the benefits of order in the midst of chaos.

Entrepreneur, Kenya

Fivver Freelancer

Think it all comes down to how efficient you can switch your suppliers. Otherwise, seems the tigers will be slain this time round.

Student (University), Netherlands

The Death of One, is the Bread of Another

This supply crisis creates opportunities for local suppliers. If you need to meet demand for your products and supply is hard to get from for example Asia (because of the lack of output from production or lack of distribution options because of the shortage of containers), you are forced to look into supply channels that exist and operate stable.
In this case European companies are forced to look into finding suppliers locally that have a stable supply network. Another plan to execute is to decrease sales and/or advertising to minimize the chances of having to sell "no" to the customer because of empty warehouses due to shortage of supplies from suppliers that are being slowed down because of Corona. This can be achived by shutting down marketing, raising sales prices etc.

Strategy Consultant, United Arab Emirates

Creating Opportunities for Local Suppliers

@Sebas: Imdeed, I personally witnessed local market getting revived when a supply crisis happened around the Gulf blockade to Qatar. The market used to completely rely on UAE and KSA for supplies and logistics. But after the blockade started, the local market found a way to establish itself and provide enough supplies to the consumers.

Strategy Consultant, United Arab Emirates

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Strategy Consultant, United Arab Emirates

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