
Nothing Flourishes Without Attention

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Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)

Best Practices


David Rutchik
David Rutchik
Project Manager, United States

Nothing Flourishes Without Attention

Nothing flourishes without attention. This simple phrase is endemic in all endeavors. A gardener knows all too well what would happen to his plants if they are not attended to.
Take this phrase and apply it to every other pursuit. Without reviewing the newly emplaced activity or practice it will not continue to produce the results it showed at its inception. In organizations, employees that feel ignored will grow complacent in their output, and eventually even the once talented and highly energized individuals do not feel like part of their team or no longer see the importance of their task.
Without attention there is a loss of interest and outcomes decline to mediocre. Some managers pay attention to those things that seem very important at the moment, but by forgetting the core values other areas get neglected and get less attention. Like the garden they soon wither away.
Paying attention does not have to be done daily, but like a checkup with the physician it must be done on a regular basis. So if you are not getting the results from something the way you once had, try giving it a little nurturing, because "Nothing Flourishes Without Attention".


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  Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar
Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar

Attention and Maintaining Logs

I agree attention improves the quality of work. Maybe maintaining a log of attention activities may help the cause.

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

The Only Things that Evolve by Themselves in an Organization are Disorder, Friction and Malperformance

Warning, there actually are some things that can evolve without attention. Peter Drucker said: "The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance". So, only "Nothing GOOD flourishes without attention."

So you need to FOCUS (concentrate attention) on your expected results, defining priorities and measure progress in colored KPIs (green yellow red) for early detection on minor (yellow) deviation to take corrective action and achieve results (generation of satisfied customers and economic value.

  Piero Mella
Piero Mella
Teacher, Italy

Attention is Necessary for Control

I agree but I would add that also "nothing flourishes without CONTROL", because no activity is possible without control.

Entrepreneur, Nigeria

Nothing Flourishes in a Controlled Environment, Without Attention

Always listen to employees for suggestions on how to improve their tasks and the challenges they may be facing to achieve set targets. In this way, you help them to flourish, for nothing flourishes in a controlled environment, without attention.

  Gayatri Irny
Gayatri Irny

Nothing Flourishes Like Control and Nothing Flourishes Like Attention

I feel control from within will be more effective than an external control. External control must have a very attractive incentive for it to work. Attention does work when controlled at the right time. Unnecessary attention spoils all - the giver, the receiver and the observer. This is my opinion.

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Control and Management

@Piero Mella: Do you really mean control? Surely control removes the option of personal choice and limits the scope of activity to that which the manager/teacher/person in charge arbitrarily selects? Is this productive or counter-productive? With control, performance can be directly monitored, but initiative and choice are reduced if not totally eliminated - I think this stifles creativity and personality and leads to resentment, unhappiness and eventually rebellion.
That is my opinion as I would prefer to use the phrase "good management"?

  David Rutchik
David Rutchik
Project Manager, United States

Flourish and Attention

The focus I was seeking was on the words flourish and attention.
  • Flourish was to describe that peak ultimate state of embellishment, attainment, a realization of accomplishment.
  • The attention comes from more than control, it can be any simple way to release self-actuation in a positive direction. I once had a manager who upon hearing my morning greeting of, "How are you doing today?" He would reply, "Much better now that I see you here today."
    In that simple recognition I felt important. Just that little bit of attention and acknowledgement went a long way helping me accomplish my goals for the day.

Briolett, Canada

Genuine Attention

What about attention that is not genuine? Wouldn't that lead to more harm than good - mistrust, caution, resentment, etc.?
From observations I see that people have similar hopes, dreams, desires and fears no matter where they live and work.
The differences are in our approach to living and what motivates each of us. We all have our own histories and the attention that one person needs to be motivated won't necessarily work for another person.
Where does openness to each other's differences and understanding fit with attention and control? I'm not sure there's an easy answer.

  Katie Pawley MBA
Katie Pawley MBA
Consultant, United States

Make Employees Feel Valued

Important to remember: There are many ways that employees can be made to feel valued. People are complicated and have many variables that impact their lives. How to get people to open up and be honest is challenging at times. Management can implement changes for the benefit of the company and employees.

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico


I suggest: Nothing GOOD Flourishes without CONTROL.
(Control = early detection of minor deviations).

  Katie Pawley MBA
Katie Pawley MBA
Consultant, United States

Peter Drucker Quote on Disorder, Friction and Malperformance

Peter Drucker said "The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance…"
I continue to reflect on this statement… thought provoking….


Nothing Flourishes Without Attention and Monitoring

@Piero Mella: I agree without proper monitoring and control at every level of execution set goals can not be achieved or realized.

  Jose Luis Ramirez Garcia
Jose Luis Ramirez Garcia

So, what is Attention…

First, you need to GATHER INFORMATION. With that I mean paying attention to the employees and their work environment, see how they work, listen to them...
You have to GIVE FEEDBACK, correct them if needed, educate them, encourage them to focus on goals, clarify how important their jobs are and how through them the objectives are achieved…
You must be able to recognize that things can be done better, whom is best qualified to determine or suggest a process improvement, to make feasible recommendations to the one that is hands on the process with the right information. This will undoubtedly generate a tangible benefit in achieving the goals and objectives...
Finally, learn that even if you may have a lot of experience and wisdom, you can always learn something new, new techniques, new tools, some humility... That finally helps you transcend...
…and the cycle starts all over again…!


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👀Nothing Flourishes Without Attention
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topic Role of Knowledge in Two Factor Theory
topic Additional Hygiene Factors
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topic How to Keep a Workforce Motivated at Crossroads
Special Interest Group

More on Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)
Summary Discussion Topics
topic How to measure motivation?
topic Civility and Respect Towards Employees
🔥 5 Motivational Techniques When Employees are Feeling Low
topic Privacy at Work | Privacy in Offices
topic How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace?
topic PROs and CONs of Employee Of the Month Programs
topic Motivation Engenders Commitment
👀Nothing Flourishes Without Attention
topic Achieving a State of Flow and Motivation
topic What motivates Employees to be more Innovative?
topic Role of Job Titles in Employee Motivation and Satisfaction
topic Using Herzberg's Two Factor Theory in Small Companies
topic Is Money the Primary Motivating Factor?
topic List of Intrinsic Motivators
topic Strong Motivational Factors can Overcome Demotivating Factors
topic What are (the Main) Causes of Attrition?
topic Avoid Under and over Motivation
topic Social and Environment Issues are Missing in 2 Factor Theory
topic Boredom Could be a Driver for Creativity and Performance
topic Office Design: From Action Office to Cubicles to the Home Office
topic Application of Two Factor Theory in Non-Governmental Organizations
topic Hygiene and Motivation: Hand and Glove
topic Is Lack of Challenge a Hygiene Factor?
topic Scope of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory Goes Beyond Work
topic The 2 Most Important Words to Say to your Employees
topic Two Factor Theory Still Holds Today?
topic Role of Knowledge in Two Factor Theory
topic Additional Hygiene Factors
topic Is an Employee Information System a Motivation / Hygiene Factor?
topic How to Keep a Workforce Motivated at Crossroads
Special Interest Group
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Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)

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