
Maslow's Theory of Eupsychian Management

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John Michael Donohue
John Michael Donohue
Director, United States

Maslow's Theory of Eupsychian Management

At the top of the list of my recent discoveries about management is Abraham Maslow's theory of Eupsychian Management, and how it correlates with Douglas McGregor's "human side of enterprise." One might say that these two theorists had "soft skills" as their focus, but actually, these two theorists went far deeper, inasmuch as Eupsychian theory and McGregor's Theories X and Y, profoundly inform management mentality and outlook, and at least for me, these guide all management functions.
In Maslow's text, Eupsychian Management - A Journal (1965), and specifically in Chapter 3, Maslow offers 36 principles under the title, Notes on Eupsychian Economics and Management, which engage his well-known Hierarchy of Needs into organizational dynamics. These 36 principles are total gems. Yes, I fully understand he published these ideas 58 years ago, but there is, quite simply, a body of knowledge that remains timeless.


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  John Michael Donohue
John Michael Donohue
Director, United States

By Request: Maslow's Eupsychian Management - 36 Principles. Part 1 of 2

1. Assume everyone is to be trusted.
2. Assume everyone is to be informed as completely as possible of as many facts and truths as possible; i.e., everything relevant to the situation.
3. Assume in all your people the impulse to achieve.
4. Assume that there is no dominance-subordination hierarchy in the jungle sense or authoritarian sense.
5. Assume that everyone will have the same ultimate managerial objectives and will identify with them no matter where they are in the organization or in the hierarchy.
6. Eupsychian economics must assume good will among all the members of the organization rather than rivalry or jealousy.
6a. Synergy is also assumed.
7. Assume that the individuals involved are healthy enough.
8. Assume that the organization is healthy enough.
9. Assume the "Ability to Admire" (to be objective and detached).
10. We must assume that the people in Eupsychian plants are not fixated at the safety-need level.
11. Assume an active trend to self-actualization - freedom to effectuate one's own ideas.
12. Assume that everyone can enjoy good teamwork, friendship, good group spirit, good group harmony, good belongingness, and group caring.
13. Assume hostility to be primarily reactive rather than character-based; i.e., that it will be for good, objective, and present reasons.
14. Assume that people can take it, that they are stronger than most people give them credit for.
15. Assume that people are improvable.
16. Assume that everyone prefers to feel important, needed, useful, successful, proud, respected, rather than unimportant, interchangeable, anonymous, wasted, unused, expendable, disrespected.
17. Assume that everyone prefers or perhaps even needs to love their boss (rather than to hate him or her), and that everyone prefers to respect his or her boss (rather than to disrespect him or her).

  Gregory Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Coach, United States

Eupsychian Management

This is an interesting addendum to Maslow's ever-popular Pyramid theory. When looking at the definition of the word "Eupsychian" versus the 36 Principles, there seems to be a contradiction in my processing this information. Actually, I love and wholeheartedly agree with the Principles but the raw definition, which speaks to "Superiority" and the dynamics of a Superior/Subordinate relationship is troubling.
Like many, I have always inverted the pyramid to demonstrate authentic Leadership looking up at organizational structure and the people within versus looking down.
I am GEEKED to learn of the expanded focus Maslow had started but died. Appreciating the organizations' members (employees) has long been my rant versus the stale and traditional hierarchical structures and antiquated style of management. I'm excited to learn more.


Part 2 of Maslow's Eupsychian Management?

@John Michael Donohue: Hi John, please add part the remaining principles. Like this it is incomplete.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Please Add the Other 19

@John Michael Donohue: I found your post very interesting. But unfortunately it is incomplete.
Could you please add the remaining Eupsychian management principles? Thank you.


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More on Hierarchy of Needs
Summary Discussion Topics
topic How to Apply the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs to a Business
topic Which Level of Need?
topic Self-fulfilment Prophecy
topic Marketing Interpretation of Hierarchy of Needs
topic Maslow's Model Related with Marketing
topic What is a Successful Manager?
topic Is Self Actualization Equal to Nirvana?
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topic Maslow and Interests Outside of Work
topic What is the PRACTICAL Value of Maslow's Need Hierarchy for an ORGANIZATION?
topic Fundamental Flaw In Maslow's Pyramid
topic Does Anyone Know That Maslow Reviewed Self-Actualization?
topic Is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Still Valid Today?
topic List of Criticisms on Maslow's Pyramid of Needs
topic Limitations to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
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topic Hierarchy of Needs during Recession
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