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Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)

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Anneke Zwart
Anneke Zwart
Student (University), Netherlands

Privacy at Work | Privacy in Offices

When it comes to offices and office spaces, organizations are trying to find a balance between public and private workspace in order to encourage COLLABORATION.
But public spaces are often criticized as they assault our PRIVACY. Besides, public spaces are nowadays often not efficiently executed and as a result raise feelings of dissatisfaction and the need for privacy.
Congdon, Flynn and Redman (2014) researched the issue of privacy so as to come up with strategies to find a more efficient balance between public and private workspaces.
First of all, they split up privacy into 2 dimensions.

  1. INFORMATION CONTROL: The desire of employees to control and protect personal information. This implies a constant question of revealing or hiding the information obtained. For example, social media have forged a large factor that forces people to conceal personal information.
  2. STIMULATION CONTROL: The distractions that hamper our ability to concentrate. The need for controlling stimulation requires a range of different workspace types that are different in their degree of privacy so as to balance the social and the private.
Even if privacy is universally desired, the degree of privacy and the way that privacy is experienced differs across cultures. Not only does the way that privacy is perceived differs among national and local cultures, even within local cultures there are also differences in the ways that privacy is experienced, for example across organizational cultures.

The research revealed that there are 5 ways in which certain employees achieve information control and stimulation control they desire:
  1. STRATEGIC ANONYMITY: Searching for privacy in the middle of a crowd. Those people like the hum of activities in cafes or other busy public spaces. The 'strategic’ part lies in the fact that employees choose the time to make themselves anonymous.
  2. SELECTIVE EXPOSURE: Consciously deciding what personal information to reveal to which people; as a result the boundaries between private and public information are constantly changing.
  3. ENTRUSTED CONFIDENCE: The privacy in which people are not alone, but rather have private conversations in which they can share their issues, which is kept private from the rest of the organization. Examples are performance reviews.
  4. INTENTIONAL SHIELDING: The methods used by people to protect themselves from being watched. For example hiding individual thoughts.
  5. PURPOSEFUL SOLITUDE: Intentional separation from a group or public space so as to express your feelings; concentrate or doing personal things.
Based on these five generic strategies to achieve information and stimulation control, organizations have to take the next step: comprehending the needs for privacy at work. Such understanding is needed to choose the right office and privacy strategy with respect to private and public spaces.

  1. PROTOCOLS: Organizations can establish rules and protocols that define decent behaviors concerning privacy boundaries. It is important that those protocols – and reasons for those particular protocols – are communicated clearly, so that everyone comprehends what their rights and responsibilities are.
  2. SIGNALING: Organizations can also use signaling, which is based on rules about privacy developed by the employees themselves. Those rules and devices, however, will only be accepted in organizational cultures that respect the individual desire for privacy. Thus, organizations need to clearly express their understanding for privacy needs.
  3. STRATEGIC SPACE PLANNING: Design approaches to respond to employees’ privacy needs in workspaces. Organizations can choose from two different models:
    - The Distributed Model, in which individual and group spaces are blended so that employees easily change between modes of work.
    - The Zone Model, which clearly defines spaces as being private or public.
  4. AN ECOSYSTEM OF SPACES: The most successful way – according to the article – is the provision of a wide set of spaces so that people are able to choose where and how they desire to work. In this way, people can choose according to their own individual privacy needs at any point in time.
Source: Congdon, C. "Balancing ‘We’ and ‘Me’", HBR Oct. 2014


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Management Consultant, Australia

Private Space versus Open Work Space

This research and these results are good and have merit. First though consider the need for privacy versus open space:
- Open space for collaboration is great and successful.
- But there are always some things that cannot be conducted in open spaces e.g., private interviews.
- If work objectives predominantly demand privacy, then private spaces i preferable.
- If on the other hand - and most likely - the real work need (not personal want) is that a large amount of private work is not needed, then large open space is perhaps a better approach, assuming collaborative work would improve the quality, speed up processes, improve idea generation, facilitates innovation etc.

That being the case, three office space approaches or steps are necessary:
1. Introduce the design of the space and the reasons for it to the people and get their ideas on the design.
2. Train the people on the use of the space and let them contribute their ideas on ground rules.
Some will not adapt, some will with patience assist int the process.
3. Select new recruits to fit criteria that belong to the new job needs.

  Radha Raj
Radha Raj

Cubicle Model and Personal Privacy at Work

The report by Anneke Zwart is more about personal space and the privacy of the individual employee. If you look at the physical work environment and space planning, I personally prefer a cubicle model, where the individual worker can work in peace and is neither distracted nor a distraction for others. As for personal information, it is up to the individual employee, an adult, to decide where to draw the line. I do not see any scope for policy initiatives in this.

  Oshun, Grace Okaima
Oshun, Grace Okaima
Lecturer, Nigeria

PROs and CONS of Private and Open Offices Work Spaces

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  Radha Raj
Radha Raj

Transparency and Privacy at Work

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  Gandhi Heryanto
Gandhi Heryanto
Management Consultant, Indonesia

Three Types of Organizational Workspaces

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  yanney John Parker
yanney John Parker
Business Consultant, Ghana

Organizational Privacy in Public Workplaces

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Professor, Mexico

Common and Private Work Spaces Types

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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Issues with Open Offices and Collaboration

A lot of organizations have moved towards open offices and use a range of digital technologies (phone, email, intranet, corporate social media, mobile messaging, video conferences) in an attempt to fa...


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topic How to measure motivation?
topic Civility and Respect Towards Employees
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👀Privacy at Work | Privacy in Offices
topic How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace?
topic PROs and CONs of Employee Of the Month Programs
topic Motivation Engenders Commitment
topic Nothing Flourishes Without Attention
topic Achieving a State of Flow and Motivation
topic What motivates Employees to be more Innovative?
topic Role of Job Titles in Employee Motivation and Satisfaction
topic Using Herzberg's Two Factor Theory in Small Companies
topic Is Money the Primary Motivating Factor?
topic List of Intrinsic Motivators
topic Strong Motivational Factors can Overcome Demotivating Factors
topic What are (the Main) Causes of Attrition?
topic Avoid Under and over Motivation
topic Social and Environment Issues are Missing in 2 Factor Theory
topic Boredom Could be a Driver for Creativity and Performance
topic Office Design: From Action Office to Cubicles to the Home Office
topic Application of Two Factor Theory in Non-Governmental Organizations
topic Hygiene and Motivation: Hand and Glove
topic Is Lack of Challenge a Hygiene Factor?
topic Scope of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory Goes Beyond Work
topic The 2 Most Important Words to Say to your Employees
topic Two Factor Theory Still Holds Today?
topic Role of Knowledge in Two Factor Theory
topic Additional Hygiene Factors
topic Is an Employee Information System a Motivation / Hygiene Factor?
topic How to Keep a Workforce Motivated at Crossroads
Special Interest Group

More on Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)
Summary Discussion Topics
topic How to measure motivation?
topic Civility and Respect Towards Employees
🔥 5 Motivational Techniques When Employees are Feeling Low
👀Privacy at Work | Privacy in Offices
topic How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace?
topic PROs and CONs of Employee Of the Month Programs
topic Motivation Engenders Commitment
topic Nothing Flourishes Without Attention
topic Achieving a State of Flow and Motivation
topic What motivates Employees to be more Innovative?
topic Role of Job Titles in Employee Motivation and Satisfaction
topic Using Herzberg's Two Factor Theory in Small Companies
topic Is Money the Primary Motivating Factor?
topic List of Intrinsic Motivators
topic Strong Motivational Factors can Overcome Demotivating Factors
topic What are (the Main) Causes of Attrition?
topic Avoid Under and over Motivation
topic Social and Environment Issues are Missing in 2 Factor Theory
topic Boredom Could be a Driver for Creativity and Performance
topic Office Design: From Action Office to Cubicles to the Home Office
topic Application of Two Factor Theory in Non-Governmental Organizations
topic Hygiene and Motivation: Hand and Glove
topic Is Lack of Challenge a Hygiene Factor?
topic Scope of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory Goes Beyond Work
topic The 2 Most Important Words to Say to your Employees
topic Two Factor Theory Still Holds Today?
topic Role of Knowledge in Two Factor Theory
topic Additional Hygiene Factors
topic Is an Employee Information System a Motivation / Hygiene Factor?
topic How to Keep a Workforce Motivated at Crossroads
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Two Factor Theory (Human Motivation)

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