
Bad Change Management Examples

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khanjan, India

Bad Change Management Examples

Who can share a live example of a company implementing change management miserably? What went wrong and why? Thanks!


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Change Management Worst Practice

One change management mistake was to appoint a young, ambitious and energetic change manager to introduce a new strategic technology concept throughout a large consulting organization.
This change manager had a very strong drive for the innovation and was anxious to achieve progress quickly. So far so good it would seem. However he was impatient to make sure everybody was on the same page and involved, and did not take enough time in the beginning of the project to educate and convince the rest of the organization that the change was really important for its future. The result was that after some time the change manager and his small team were the only ones trying to achieve the strategic change, leaving the rest of the organization behind. Certain parts of the organization with an interest to maintain the status were successful in blocking the entire change effort.

Manager, Ghana

Bad Change Management

Human beings have always constituted the major source of resistance to change. How successful an organization's change management will be is highly dependent on the management of the concerns of the human resources available to the organization. Change management is a team process that should encompass all stakeholders of the organization. Change managers should have input from all stakeholders, particularly, the staff of the organization. Bad change management often ensues when there is misunderstanding between change managers and stakeholders of the organization.

amandalewis, United States

Change Management Real Life Experiences

These articles are very helpful for students who are gaining their masters degrees. We need to read all of the real life experiences about the topics to better understand what is happening in the workplace.

  Gabriel Montgomery
Gabriel Montgomery, Sweden

Change Management Leadership

Why is no one talking about change leadership? I think the real problem is that too many try to manage change instead of leading change. There has to be a healthy balance between the two.

  Gary Monti
Gary Monti
Consultant/Educator, United States

Change Management - Bad Experience

I believe it is better to know what question to ask than to have all the answers. The energetic, ambitious manager probably can see to infinity but with a span of vision about 0.1 meters. Success requires the blinders coming off and listening becomes almost a full-time activity. So, why was this person put in charge? Greed is a possible answer. For example, imagine there aren’t enough resources to bring about a needed change. Also, imagine a senior manager getting a 20% bonus upon the completion of the change. Wanting to please superiors a naive, narrow-minded-but-well-intentioned manager says he can make the changes successfully (unaware of the realities of the situation). The greedy manager will probably put him in charge. With that power structure in place agendas are hidden and it becomes next to impossible to bring about any lasting, successful changes. If the situation is bad enough a cynicism will set in that can make the situation worse than the original situation that created the need for the change.

Richardcavessa, USA

Failure to Recognize Change Needs

To stick to a plan takes dedication, but failure to recognize change needs to be done, is fatal management.

  Anthony Houston
Anthony Houston, Australia

Change Management Worst Practice

This example illustrates an abject failure by management to do their job. There cannot be any change, let alone change that is successful in implementing the new strategy, unless all senior management agree with the program and support it. If they did then the change holdouts could not block the change.
I have been involved in major change initiatives that were vital to the company's continued existence, and they were blocked at every turn by one person who had all the knowledge (and would not share it). Sacking that person caused two days of upheaval, we sent three people on software training courses and the entire change program was a resounding success.
My point is that if you don't have the signatures of all senior management on the change document - forget it. Don't waste your time pushing it uphill when someone else is holding the chain.

  Gautam Lamba
Gautam Lamba
United Kingdom

Mitigating the Downside of Over-enthusiasm

From the replies above is seems that you often have individuals who is very excited/motivated because they can see the benefits the change will bring. But either:
- they are unable to communicate those benefits
- the benefits do not extend to everyone in the organization
- they simply do not wait for everyone to 'catch up' before forging ahead to the next step.
To mitigate this, wouldn't a simple oversight body that ensures collaboration, support and a set of checks to garner feedback be adequate?

  Krishna Bakaraju
Krishna Bakaraju

When Bad Change Management Occurs

One can say that bad change management occurs when a stakeholder and the change manager are not in synch with each other. Either they are not ready for any change or are not willing to work towards organizational goals. It can be assumed that the change manager is not effective in his job of getting things done by the stakeholders.

medical, United Kingdom

Change Management and Communication

Communication... the one skill that any manager can not do without, especially when dealing with change. If you can communicate effectively then you are half way there.

  Gabriel Montgomery
Gabriel Montgomery, Sweden

Change Leadership & Management

My experience is that you have to both lead and manage change.
- LEADING CHANGE is all about setting direction, creating shared understanding and commitment.
- MANAGING CHANGE focuses on planning, setting targets, driving for quality, control cost and delivering consequences of good or bad performance.
In failed change projects one or both is missing or poorly executed. It is also common to compensate lack of one with more of the other and that is a really bad idea leading further away from the desired future state.

  Ellen Lake
Ellen Lake
Coach, Australia

People Have to Choose Change

You can't manage change or change people. People have to choose change. And people will choose change when they connect with the greater vision, the end result, and it becomes a personal experience.

  Balachandran Nair
Balachandran Nair
Bank Official, India

Change Managers not Needed

You don`t need change managers if you have a proactive HRD that encourages feedback, both positive & negative, from all employees and adresses the same in a structured manner. I totally agree with Ms. Elen Lake who said that people have to choose change.

  Wesley Floyd
Wesley Floyd
Consultant, United Kingdom

Recognising the Need for Change

Wow! I'm quite new to his site and these are all really interesting threads and very inspiring. My question is... How do you persuade people of the need for change when they cannot see it themselves? ...

  Rebecca Roe
Rebecca Roe
United States

Find the Way to Communicate the Benefits

Nobody really likes change, but change occurs constantly. We just may not realize it. The situational management style seems to work very well to individualize and prioritize what and who needs to be ...

consultant, Netherlands

Crucial Actors, Participation and Communication

Most success stories are based on good leadership. Those are little helpful for other managers. You can identify the crucial actors and ask them about their own advantages or their advice to moving ot...

  Rebecca Roe
Rebecca Roe
United States

My Change Management Amalgamation

Good leadership is a complex amalgamation of trial and error, research, and a true love of working with people. My definition of what makes a good leader may differ from others, but I do value what yo...

  Gabriel Montgomery
Gabriel Montgomery, Sweden

@Wesley Floyd: How Do You Persuade People of the Need for Change ...?

You don't. It is a question of getting a shared understanding of reality. If management and rest of organisation have different perspectives on reality there will be resistance. To apply change manage...

  Gary Monti
Gary Monti
Consultant/Educator, United States

Persuading People to Change via Strange Attractors

The key is finding people's strange attractors. Strange attractors are stresses that if let unaddressed will cause damage or destroy a situation. They can be positive (selling a contract requiring mor...

consultant, Netherlands

Persuading to Change

Why should they cooperate with you? Not always necessary. Working in the same direction is enough. En why persuading? With good questions about common or individual interests you can get the wind blow...

  Rebecca Roe
Rebecca Roe
United States

@Vrooland - Persuading to Change

They don't have to cooperate--that's their choice. You can look at it in two ways. 1) Find out who's committed to work with you and for you for the betterment of the organization --you make it clear ...

  Ellen Lake
Ellen Lake
Coach, Australia

Facilitating Engagement and Creativity

I totally agree with Wesley Floyd. When people are encouraged and invited to share an honest view of current reality and can also share in the desired end result there is more chance of facilitating e...

  Wesley Floyd
Wesley Floyd
Consultant, United Kingdom

Leading Change

Thanks all for your comments. It really helped me clarify a few things, so it's been very reassuring. In essence, I think, it's a question of believing a change is needed and then recognising what a...

  Carlos Oliva-Velez
Carlos Oliva-Velez, Spain

Producing Innovation

Though many companies cannot stop innovating from scratch in order to survive (i.e. software industry), some others need to "push" for innovation. This process is not only related to individuals but m...

  Rene Sirois
Rene Sirois, Canada

Introduction Change vs Credibility

Another thought on change introduction: Each company has its own culture and history. The success of introducing change will depend on the credibility of its management. That credibility has been bu...

  Nelson Hernandez Manso
Nelson Hernandez Manso, Spain

Change Managers not Needed

Q: How many psychologists are needed to change a light bulb? A: Only 1, but the bulb "would desire the change" Agree with Ms. Elen and Mr. Balachandran. And I add: if the pyramidal celestial bosse...

Professor, India


Kudos to 12 manage for throwing up such a great subject for discussion. I feel that one of the major reasons for resistance to change are: - Lack of frequent communication between the top management...

  Mosa Justin
Mosa Justin, Madagascar

When Bad Change Management Occurs

Bad change management occurs when: 1- the diagnosis of the situation is not well done 2- there is not a holistic approach of the issue 3- the adaptive questions are not tackled 4- the implementat...

  Roger Shields
Roger Shields, United States

My Change Management Points

First, the previous points made are very interesting. My comments are basic: 1st: the key to managing change is to keep everyone involved informed. The "rumor mill" is your worst enemy. 2nd: unders...

Richardcavessa, USA

Bad Management Occurs

Responsibility is a funny concept to some....

Drazen, Australia

Relationships/communication is the Key to Successful Implementation

I know we're all discussing things that went wrong here however I would like to point out what could have made it go right. Having just done a lot of research on the topic of change management I have ...


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More on Change Management (Iceberg)
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Reasons and Motives to Resist Change
topic How to Make Employees LOVE Change?
topic The ADKAR model by Prosci
topic What are the Reasons for Change?
topic Hidden Resistance to Change
topic What Leadership Style Reduces Resistance?
🔥 Dealing with Toxic Employees
topic What Punishment for Unwilling Employees?
topic 6 Images of Managing Change (Palmer, Dunford and Akin)
👀Bad Change Management Examples
topic Create Involvement and Communicate the Strategic Need to Change
topic Transparancy Needed in Change Management
topic Is it Possible to Manage Change If the Right Approaches Are NOT Used?
topic Automatic Defense Mechanisms to Change
topic Characteristics of Organizations That are Open to Change
topic Dealing with Change is Not Always Problematic
topic Managing Change is in the Essence of Management
topic Change is Often Selfish; for the Organization
topic Ethics in Change Management
topic Human Factors in Change Management
topic Overcoming Resistance? The Rapid Results Method by Schaffer
topic Communicating Change to Top Management
topic Managing the Change Within Oneself
Special Interest Group

More on Change Management (Iceberg)
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Reasons and Motives to Resist Change
topic How to Make Employees LOVE Change?
topic The ADKAR model by Prosci
topic What are the Reasons for Change?
topic Hidden Resistance to Change
topic What Leadership Style Reduces Resistance?
🔥 Dealing with Toxic Employees
topic What Punishment for Unwilling Employees?
topic 6 Images of Managing Change (Palmer, Dunford and Akin)
👀Bad Change Management Examples
topic Create Involvement and Communicate the Strategic Need to Change
topic Transparancy Needed in Change Management
topic Is it Possible to Manage Change If the Right Approaches Are NOT Used?
topic Automatic Defense Mechanisms to Change
topic Characteristics of Organizations That are Open to Change
topic Dealing with Change is Not Always Problematic
topic Managing Change is in the Essence of Management
topic Change is Often Selfish; for the Organization
topic Ethics in Change Management
topic Human Factors in Change Management
topic Overcoming Resistance? The Rapid Results Method by Schaffer
topic Communicating Change to Top Management
topic Managing the Change Within Oneself
Special Interest Group
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Change Management (Iceberg)

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