
Behavioral Change Motivators

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Human Behavior



Gary D Messner
Gary D Messner, United States

Behavioral Change Motivators

Attempting to change behavior of a person based solely on information will not work. Many doctors try and fail to get their patients to make life-style changes (heart attack as example) solely on the facts and probability of death.
The unmotivated patient dies of avoidable disease related to life-style choices.
Alternatively, a doctor could stress and focus on positive alternatives to improve health and life expectancy, gaining the interest and cooperation of the patient.
Showing the patient the path to success versus focusing on the consequences will have a higher probability of behavioral change that lasts.


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  Dilip Khanal
Dilip Khanal
CEO, Nepal

Behavior = Tip of the Iceberg...

Behavior could be just the tip of an iceberg. Beneath could be layers of beliefs, religion, upbringing, peers and many more. An attempt for behavior change should be supported by in-depth understanding of the person. As lab tests help doctors to understand the disease, not the symptoms, and prescribe for correction; similarly, probing in an informal setting helps to understand inner feelings and plan for more effective behavioral change.

  Erdohegyi Gabor
Erdohegyi Gabor , Hungary

What Successful Motivators Should Know

You can give advice only if the recipient wants to have it!
Only clear and strong (logical, emotional, financial, subsistence, career, efficiency, workload, etc.) consequences can force someone to make/accept changes.
Positive changes require attractive clear and realistic benefits as well as a list of actual and painful disadvantages presented on the contrary.
These benefits and disadvantages can be of a wide variety, but every and each of them must be 100 percent relevant, first of all, to the people involved. Successful motivators are aware of all these. The really difficult task is to find and work out in details all those 'pros and cons' that have perfect relevance and crucial/key role in a specific (change) situation and to the people concerned.
So, there is a mountain of work underlying professional motivation efforts, even if it seems very simple and natural when "sold" to the people.
"Selling" our advice (i.e. these consequences) is another art of the whole (change) management process.

  Eric Buining
Eric Buining
Consultant, Netherlands

3 Motivational Factors for Cognitive Workers

Studies have shown that cognitive workers mainly have the following three motivational factors:
- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
Cognitive workers have a need for autonomy in which they can master their own life or job in order to achieve something for a purpose.
Based on these motivational factors they will support change when it does not conflict with the four dimensions of change I mentioned earlier in this discussion and will result in an improvement of the situation.

  Steven Loh
Steven Loh

Pain is a Major Change Motivator

One of the greatest motivators of change that normally result in mass revolution is pain caused by scarcity. Whether the scarcity of food, (a hungry man is an angry man), a scarcity of freedom (where man are created for) and a scarcity of knowledge (dryness of the soul).
The course of history show that it is hard to effect change when people are living in peace, where a status quo has set in.
Basically, change must start with a real heartfelt need of moving away from the current situation. The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.

  Eddy Tukamushaba
Eddy Tukamushaba, Uganda

Uncertainty is also a Motivator for Changing Behavior

I seem to agree with Steven Loh. The argument he advances is right now sweeping across most African countries and currently in my own country.
When people are faced with uncertainity, they tend to think in terms of how they can change the situation. Necessity is the mother of all innovations.

  Eddy Tukamushaba
Eddy Tukamushaba, Uganda

Personality Types and Behaviour

I have of recent been interested in the Being theory in destination branding research and along the way, I know that human beings have two primary motivations:
- Survival
- Finding meaning and happiness in life.
Survival instincts makes the meaning quest possible, while intentional goal striving for meaning and happiness provides the reasons for survival in difficult times (Wong, 1998a). That's why we have personalities that include pessimists, tragic heroes, Pollyanna's and followers driven by different combinations of pessimism and optimism!


Overcoming Resistance to Change

@Eric Buining : Overcoming resistance to change - isn't it obvious?
Check out this video:
This video explains the TOC - Theory of Constraints point of view.

  bishara dabit
bishara dabit
Teacher, Israel

Suffering, Motivation, Volition and Love to Sacrifice

Suffering is the source of change, motivation is the ignition for change, strong volition and love to sacrifice for others is complementary to offset (compensate) the change.

  Ranjeet Kumar Mishra
Ranjeet Kumar Mishra
Student (MBA), India

Use Values to Motivate Behavior Change

While motivation is an attempt to change a person's thinking or behavior, it means nothing if the person to which it is aimed has no interest in it. Human volition (will) can help, but is also a big challenge, when you apply it...
Values are what we have to understand, but a human tendency is to have multidirectional intentions for the outcome which changes according to the behaviourial changes seen...

  Alexander N. Raikov
Alexander N. Raikov
Director, Russian Federation

Direct and Inverse Problem

Showing the patient the path to success – is an ill-posed (inverse) problem. It’s difficult to find the solution of an inverse problem.
In this case there can be many decisions and paths. You must show the patient different paths to the success from the point where he is now.
You must create the conditions to get the success. Otherwise he will stress.
But focusing on the consequences – is the direct problem. In this case it is much easier to find the decision and path. And there is nothing wrong if you at first solve the direct problem and then move to the inverse problem with creating the paths to the success.

  Eric Buining
Eric Buining
Consultant, Netherlands

4 Dimensions of Change

Actually, change involves 4 dimensions (Eliyahu M. Goldratt):
1a) Advantage of the change (pot of gold)
1b) Disadvantage of the change (crutches)
2a) Advantage of NOT changing (mermaid)
2b) Disadvantage of NOT changing (alligator)
All four of these dimensions have to be taken into account if one wants to implement a change in a current situation.
If one does not take ALL four dimensions into account, one will most likely not succeed in executing the change.


The Best Option

The need for change arises when someone feels there isn't any better option to get things according their set behaviour patterns. The thing is people don't change when you just tell them a better opti...

  Arif ur Rehman
Arif ur Rehman
Professor, Pakistan

Success and Motivation

It is the conscious will to succeed that leads to success; the pulse, the heart, the intelligence and the soul then throb in unison and this propelled with urgency ‘creates’ the way to success. This i...

  Andrea Kelly
Andrea Kelly, Jamaica


I think that inspiration can change the philosophy of an individual as worldviews are embedded and are part of a person's character. Light has to come for a person to see that the current situation ne...

  Maria Dioneda
Maria Dioneda, Philippines

Education is a Change Motivator

I would like to add the importance of education in changing people's minds and behavior. Education allows us as human beings to go through a socialization process, cultural moulding and development of...

Seeburuth, Mauritius

Environment is also a (Positive) Change Motivator

One factor that drives change is the environment you are living in. For example, many professionals immigrate to Canada. But they cannot practice in their field since they have to upgrade to the Cana...

  Mahajan s n
Mahajan s n, India

Changing Attitude is Hard

Generally the common person does not change immediately, due to his cultural background, social binding/pressure and customs. If they get a wise & honest leader people can be changed. But on the oth...

  Michael D. Moore
Michael D. Moore
Entrepreneur, United States


I have read many theories on motivation and over a long career tried many techniques. In the end the only real and lasting motivation is "self-motivation." Any externally imposed motivation is transi...

  Johnny Michael Tan
Johnny Michael Tan
Management Consultant, Malaysia

'Twalk the Twalk'

1. Walk the talk: role modeling 2. Walk the walk: reach out / communicate / listen 3. Talk the walk: discuss & celebrate 'small wins' / inspire / motivate 4. Talk the talk: get 'mass' belief / sell...

  Bantwal Prabhu
Bantwal Prabhu
Teacher, India

3 Change Motivators

Change motivation depends and works on three basic inputs: - Genetics, - Environment, and - Education. Today education seems to have the highest impact on the change motivator and hence poor count...

  Teo Kok Jaan
Teo Kok Jaan

Multiple Motivators May be Needed

I agree with the argument by Eddy and Steven. However, most of the time, changing or revolution is subject to the external environment factors such as culture. Then people require a lot of issues, cau...

  franco scolari
franco scolari
Manager, Italy

Positive Thinking Generates Positive Outcomes

If a hungry man is an angry man it is also true that a man is lucky when he thinks to have luck! To pay attention to positive facts of the life, big or small generates trust, positive attitude more lu...

  DD Chhaya
DD Chhaya
Coach, India

Changing Behavior and TPB

This theory appears to be the basis of the twin books by Thomas R. Krause entitled 'The Behavior-Based Safety Process: Managing Involvement for an Injury-Free Culture' and 'Employee-Driven Systems for...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Motivators for Changing the Behavior of an Individual

In order to strengthen the motivation for a major behavioral change at the individual level, influence experts Grenny c.s. recommend 4 powerful tactics: 1. Allow for choice. Use a "motivational inter...

  Michael D. Moore
Michael D. Moore
Entrepreneur, United States

Tip of the Iceberg

I think Dilip is right on point. People are complicated and made up of many layers. We need to peel back the onion skin through trust and relationship building in order to understand how to help and m...

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

Leadership and MOTIVACTION

The leader's task is to inspire motivaction in the followers (motives to action), pulling (vs the manager pushing way) the people to a the mission because the followers perceive that the leader "wants...

Turnaround Manager, Malaysia

Changing our Behaviour is Good

It is good to change our behaviour It is great if we change and succeed It is not a disaster if we try to change and fail At least we tried rather than keep on waiting and doing nothing....

  Can Stiphout
Can Stiphout, Netherlands


"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly" - Stephen R. Covey....

  Arif ur Rehman
Arif ur Rehman
Professor, Pakistan


@Can Stiphout. That 'fire from within' of Covey would only be ignited in the subject, when the 'tutor' him/herself creates the environment - of justice, fair play / fair pay and reward, and this equat...

  Michael D. Moore
Michael D. Moore
Entrepreneur, United States

Environment as Change Motivator

@Seeburuth's comment, a change of the magnitude of uprooting yourself and moving to Canada is a major life event. What is it about the "Canadian environment" that was strong enough to compel this chan...

  prakash kumar gautam
prakash kumar gautam
Management Consultant, Nepal

Change Motivator

Motivation is the result of needs, the degree of his belief to get the needs fulfilled, and obviously the environment. Needs are the primary stimulus. A person, if he believes that those needs will ...

Manager, India

Please Explain the 4 Dimensions of Change

@Eric Buining: Very interesting, could you give a little more explanation please?...

  elwathig Mohammed Mahmoud
elwathig Mohammed Mahmoud


If you want to motivate people there are many ways to achieve this like giving money, appreciating... The question is which method is the best? Which one is more effective?...


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👀Behavioral Change Motivators
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Maslow
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topic How to Apply TPB Theory in Marketing?
topic How to Apply the Theory of Planned Behavior in Work Safety
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topic The Role of Irrationality (Affect and Emotions) in Planned Behavior
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Dealing with Obstacles to Change
topic Your Success is Primarily Dependent on the Rationality of your Beliefs
topic Are you Planning your Behavior?
topic Planned Behaviour is based on REACT Method
topic Is Planned Behavior Theory Still Valid?
topic Planned Group Behaviour?
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Special Interest Group

More on Human Behavior
Summary Discussion Topics
👀Behavioral Change Motivators
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Maslow
topic Moving from Self-Awareness to Self-Management to Self-Improvement
topic How to Apply TPB Theory in Marketing?
topic How to Apply the Theory of Planned Behavior in Work Safety
topic 'Behaviourist' Management Theory?
topic Are Beliefs and Attitudes a proxy for Behavior?
topic Employee Maturity and Theory of Planned Behavior
topic Exceptions to Theory of Planned Behavior
topic How Attitudes Influence Consumer Behavior
topic Sometimes we are Acting like Monkeys and we are Unwilling to Change
topic Three Components of an Attitude
topic Three Levels in Theory of Planned Behaviour
topic Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Perception
🔥 Be Cautious with Shown Behaviour
topic Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior
topic Initital HR Presentation
topic The Role of Irrationality (Affect and Emotions) in Planned Behavior
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Dealing with Obstacles to Change
topic Your Success is Primarily Dependent on the Rationality of your Beliefs
topic Are you Planning your Behavior?
topic Planned Behaviour is based on REACT Method
topic Is Planned Behavior Theory Still Valid?
topic Planned Group Behaviour?
topic Theory of Planned Behavior and Unsportsmanlike Conduct
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Human Behavior

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