
The Influence of Organizational Structure/Design on an Organisation's Culture

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Nulli Secunda
Nulli Secunda
Manager, United Kingdom

The Influence of Organizational Structure/Design on an Organisation's Culture

Organizational structure and design will (always) influence an organisation's culture.
I have been researching the topic and quite frankly can't find any contradicting theory or thesis stating otherwise (that the org structure will not influence an organisation's culture). What am I missing. Any ideas?


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  Po Lindvall
Po Lindvall
Coach, Sweden

Org. Structure and Design Will ´seldom´ Influence Org Culture

In action research done for the past 10 years, most organizational structure design change implementations have NOT been able to influence the culture of the organizations studied. Mostly because there is lack of knowledge on cultural aspects and how to change or develop these and thus assumptions and values do not change.
At the same time I have studied some really successful cultural changes, but these have not been structural change designs, rather Kaizen influenced or leadership development programs (leading to developments corresponding with Schein's cultural primary embedding mechanism).
Most research I have found (Martin, Alvesson and more) does imply that the cultural change programs they have researched do not reach their goals.

  Colette Smedile
Colette Smedile, Australia

Organizational Structure and Culture

Organisational structure will influence the initial culture and then the culture will always influence the structure in the future because it will be created by those who are part of the culture and can therefore only see things in a particular way.
However I believe that a requisite organisational structure (as in Jacques' notion) will contribute to more functional and accountable relationships and thus will create the space for a positive culture to exist.

Aruho, Uganda

Is Organisational Culture a Construction of Management?

I agree that the organizational structure can influence organizational culture to some extent.
But is organizational culture entirely a construction of management? Any ideas?

  Dan Heany
Dan Heany, United Kingdom

Do Organisational Structure and Design Influence Organisation's Culture?

The only thing that alters culture is behavioural change. The structure can influence that through control mechanisms, authority lines, process controls, etc but the real influence on changing culture is attitude, beliefs and values change which leads to behavioural change.
Changes to structure can be used as a symbol of expectations and to provide organisational authority for the changes (e.g. changing reporting lines, removing management layers, etc.) but if people don't believe in the change it won't happen other than by the application of excessive authority which creates a different problem - that of compliance but not engagement.

  Kari Egge
Kari Egge
CEO, Norway

Organisational Structure can Support Behaviour Change

@Dan Heany: I agree with you to some extent, but behaviour change is not a stand alone, it results from change in parameters like knowledge and attitudes and takes place within some kind of organisational structure, as long as it is not a result of an independent campaign or initiative.
Whether this organisation has a flat, hierarchical, or other kind of management structure, it can support, hinder, or undermine behaviour change. For behaviour change to be effective and sustainable, it needs in fact a supportive organisational structure and culture.
Behaviour change most often takes place in a supportive environment, which you may find within an organisation with a well defined structure and supportive culture and workforce.


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More on Three Levels of Culture
Summary Discussion Topics
🔥 Corporate Principles / Organizational Principles
topic Factors in Organizational Culture?
topic How to Choose and 'Live' the Right Organizational Values?
👀The Influence of Organizational Structure/Design on an Organisation's Culture
topic Three Levels of Culture by Sathe
topic The Denison Culture Model
topic WHEN to Develop a Company Culture?
topic The Role of Culture in Innovation and Organisational Learning
topic The Impact of Covid-19 on Company Culture
topic Edgar Schein: Born: March 5,1928 Died: January 26, 2023
topic From Employee Culture to Organization Design
topic Influence of External Environment on Organizational Culture
topic The Distinction Between Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate
topic Creating a Good Working Environment and Culture
topic Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Culture of your Organization?
topic A Culture of Voice for Millennials
topic How Does Globalization Impact (Organizational) Culture?
topic Steps to Guard Against Cultural Risks
topic The Influence of Organizational Culture and Intellectual Capital on the Management Accounting System as well as the Corporate Performance
topic The X Factor that can Make your Corporate Culture Great: Quiddity
topic How can Organizational Culture Lead to Company Performance?
topic Write Down the Unwritten Rules of your Organization's Culture
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