
Aren't Religions a Good Example of Groupthink?

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Suresh K R  Kumar
Suresh K R Kumar
CEO, Tanzania

Aren't Religions a Good Example of Groupthink?

🔥 Religions could be a good example of Groupthink Theory. The cohesiveness, the solidarity and the rigid rules which are required to be practiced by every member of the group ensure that the group's thinking and actions are aligned to the rest and as desired by the group leaders. Any questioning of the practices is inherently discouraged and in serious cases punished by either social or physical measures.
Conversely any anti-religious groups, like atheists, can also become victims of such group syndrome.
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  John Henry
John Henry
Project Manager, United States

Not a Believer Much?

Well, first we have to separate religion from faith. Then we have to separate God from faith too. You see God does not rely on us believing in Him, for Him to be. So, regardless of your stance, group think is mostly what, a way to separate, to discriminate, to sort, different world views. If you leave God out of religion (many do) then indeed you might have groupthink.
However, to relegate all those who follow God and if they are mindless, controlled drones cohesive, rigid, alligned as desired by goup leaders. You are describing the antithesis of faith in the creator of everything. You are at best describing a cult, and at worst, you are describing those seeking to establish a single world order. Neither of which, give any credence to the Creator of Everything. So let's not try to paint God into a box, the Paintbrush, is His.


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👀Aren't Religions a Good Example of Groupthink?
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More on Groupthink
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Can Groupthink also be Useful?
topic Reactions by Groups to Dishonest Behavior
topic How to Avoid Groupthink? Six Thinking Hats
👀Aren't Religions a Good Example of Groupthink?
topic What is a Group. Types of Groups
topic Group Thinking and Precast Rituals
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