
Consumption Behavior

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Definition Consumption Behavior?

Consumption Behavior - Credit Cards

Consumption Behavior is how an audience reacts to product marketing.

Consumption Behavior or Buying Behavior is people’s buying attitudes and intentions. If a group of people is exposed to some form of advertising of a product or a service they will then response to the advertised message with certain definable behaviors.

Why do people buy or not buy certain products? Why do they watch certain commercial messages and what makes them buy those products or services? According to various media studies there are 3 main reasons for a positive reaction of an audience towards advertising:

  1. Social Utility: people watch commercial messages to obtain information about the social significance of a product or a brand. Many external manifestations of status have to be maintained through expenditures—i.e., maintenance of a unique “life style,” to use the modern term (Leibenstein, Harvey, 1975, “The Economic Theory of Fertility Decline,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 89, 1 (February): 1-31. They need to categorize the advertised message according to their Lifestyles and social grades.
  2. Communication Utility: people watch commercial messages in order to create a basis for discussion with others. The knowledge of certain products or services is often used as a topic in any interpersonal communication.
  3. Vicarious Consumption: people watch an ad to participate indirectly in a desired lifestyle. The association with the actors or objects of a commercial message (TV commercial, online ad, printed advertisement, or some form of Ambient Advertising) allows them to feel prestigious and glamorous.

A more sophisticated classification is the one by Packhard. Marketers utilize many tools to study, predict and understand Consumption Behavior: market research, Focus Groups, market testing and market sampling. Via Positioning marketers can even manipulate the perception of consumers.

Prior to analyzing Consumption Behavior it is advisable to perform Market Segmentation, which could be Demographic or Psychographic, etc.

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Forum about Consumption Behavior.

topic 4 Types of Consumer Buying Behavior (Assael)
Marketers need to be aware that consumer decision making varies with the buying behavior of the consumer. Henry Assael distinguished four types based on: DEGREE OF BUYER INVOLVEMENT (high/low) C...
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topic 2- and 3-part Cost Structures in Consumer Behavior: The 'Free' Allowance
In the past decades, an increasing amount of companies from various industries have tried to change their pricing structures. A common seen trend, in particular among telecom providers, banks and ener...
topic Why Consumers Purchase Goods or Services in the Informal Economy?
Williams and Martinez-Perez (2014) review research about customer behavior in the informal economy. The informal economy is that part of the economy not regulated, monitored or taxed by the state. As ...
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topic List of Uses of the Halo Effect in Advertising and Branding
The Halo Effect can be defined as an immediate judgment discrepancy, or cognitive bias, or tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to POSITIVELY influence ...
topic Mental Accounting and Buyer Behavior
WHAT IS MENTAL ACCOUNTING? Mental accounting questions the microeconomic principle of fungibility of money. As per the microeconomic theory, money does not have labels attached to it, therefore money...
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🔥 How Branding Influences Consumer Behavior
Branding refers to the process of creating a unique name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service from those of competitors. It involves creating a brand image and pe...
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topic How to Manage Motivational Conflicts in Consumer Decision-making
Consumer behavior is of course driven by thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and awareness which have a powerful influence on the motivation of a consumer to make a purchase or not. A buying decision can inv...
topic The Customer Perspective to your Business? the Empathy Map
Companies are constantly seeking to create a memorable experience for their customers to stand out and win loyal customers. In order to achieve that, companies need to dig a little deeper into who the...
topic Buying Behavior: How Consumers Handle Perceived Risk
What is Consumer Perceived Risk. Definition Perceived risk is defined as the uncertainty that consumers experience when they can not foresee the consequences of their purchase decisions. it is the un...
Comments7 comments
topic Consumer Behavior in Tourism: Concept and Importance
Consumer behavior is considered a very important aspect of analysis in every marketing activity and especially in the tourism sector, regardless of the type of tourism or tourist destination. In order...
topic The Role of Ethics in Consumer Purchasing Behavior
During the past decades, consumers have become more and more aware of ethics: consumer rights and product requirements. This has both changed consumer’s expectations of marketers as well as their buyi...
topic How are Customer Behaviours Impacted by Pandemics?
We often encounter clues to contagious diseases in our daily lives — commuters sneezing on the tram, co-workers blowing their noses at a meeting, or we read recent news headlines about the spread of d...
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topic Linking Consumer behaviour with Marketing
I have a small question.. If we could really link the consumer behavior and marketing ... we are assuming that the marketeer is capable of understanding the consumer psyche. I have a strong contention...
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Best Practices

The best, top-rated topics about Consumption Behavior. Here you will find the most valuable ideas and practical suggestions.

🥇 How Social Networks Influence Product Adoption
Comprehending product adoption behavior is important for companies because it helps them to understand and be able to influence consumers' decisions. As a means of influencing buying behavior, advert...
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🥈 Why do Consumers Rescind Products/Purchases?
Why do consumers rescind (Editor: ~declare null and void) purchases they made? Most developed countries have laws that protect consumers that enter contractual agreements by requiring a cooling-off p...
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🥉 Behavior of Consumers Using Price Comparison Sites
The existence of price comparison sites has led to stronger competition between online sellers. This has mainly to do with the fact that online consumers become more price sensitive after having used ...
Expert Tips

Advanced insights about Consumption Behavior. Here you will find professional advices by experts.


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Practical Implementation Tips


Understanding Why Customers Buy: Katz Functionalist Theory of Attitudes

Consumer Attitudes, Customer Attitudes, Buying Behavior, Advertising
Obtaining insights into attitudes of customers is important for organizations, because attitudes influence customer beha...

Self-gifting Buying Behavior

Consumer Marketing, Self-Gifting, Consumption Behavior, Consumer Behavior
Clarke and Mortimer (2013) assess the motivations of self-gifting behavior and its following post-purchase regret. Self-...

Childrens' Understanding of Advertizing: Three Stages of Consumer Socialization

Advertizing to Children, Targeting Children, Consumer Socialization, Marketing to Children
The way that people behave and how they make their decisions in the marketplace depends on the processes by which they h...

The Three Stage Model of Service Consumption (Service Encounter)

Consumption Behavior, Service Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management
According to the three-stage model of service consumption, consumers go through 3 stages of service encounter namely; th...

Customer Relationship TYPES

CRM, Relation Marketing, Branding
Next time you're using the term "CRM", remember there's an R in it... The R of "Relationship". Actually, customers (wan...

Differences in Purchasing Decision Making and Consumer Behavior in BOP-markets

Bottom of the Pyramid, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Marketing
It is often assumed that the behavioral trends and practices of consumers in BOP-markets are the same as in developed ma...

The Role of Diversity in Personal Traits on Innovation and Innovativeness

Innovation, Increasing Organizational Innovativeness
New research by Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin proves that diversity (of personal and team traits) drives innovation and ...
Information Sources

Various sources of information regarding Consumption Behavior. Here you will find powerpoints, videos, news, etc. to use in your own lectures and workshops.


Consumer Behavior in the Service Sector

Decision Making, Behavioral Economics
Presentation about consumer behavior in services. The presentation includes the following files: 1. Consumer Problems ...

Customer Behavior on the Internet

Internet Consumption Behavior, Internet Consumer Behavior, Web Customer
This presentation (2202) is about consumer behavior on the internet, but is still surprisingly relevant. Includes the fo...

Industrial Purchasing Behavior

Buying Behavior, Decision Making, Purchasing Process, B2B Purchasing
This presentation provides insight into industrial buying behavior and includes the following sections: Program Charac...

Materialism. Causes, Consequences and Remedies

Corporate Sustainability, Consumerization
Presentation about materialistic values and how this affects the environment. The presentation includes the following se...

The Internet / Social Media Revolution

Social Media, Internet Strategy, Internet Impact, Digital Revolution
Video shows how fast social media is growing. And gives a clear status of the position of social media by 2014. Great s...

Consumer Buyer Behavior & Business Buyer Behavior

Marketing, Strategy Decision
Presentation about: - Consumer buying behavior - Business buying behavior. First consumer buying behavior is explaine...

Understanding Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior, Consumption Behavior, Buyer Behavior
Effective analysis of consumer markets and thorough understanding of buyer behavior are of enormous importance to develo...

Affective Versus Cognitive Consumption Behavior

Consumption Behavior, Consumer Behavior
This presentation provides information about consumption behavior and includes the following sections: 1. What is Marke...

Customer Segmentation by Emotion: The EMO-index

Consumption Behavior
Emotions are an important part of customers' overall experience and final decision making; therefore they contribute to ...


Useful tools regarding Consumption Behavior.













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