
Brand Identity Prism

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Um benefício óbvio de usar ser humano para um metaphor para um tipo é que se torna muito mais fácil, especial para non-experts, para compreender e discutir o que um tipo está para. Os consumidores percebem fàcilmente tipos como se teriam traços da personalidade.

Que é o Brand Identity Prism?

Brand Identity Prism Kapferer

De acordo com Jean-Noël Kapferer, a personalidade do tipo deve ser apenas um facet chave da identidade do tipo.

Jennifer Aaker merece o crédito para revitalized o metaphor humano para um tipo, mas está causando a confusão conceptual fundindo um número de dimensões da identidade do tipo na personalidade do tipo. Kapferer recomenda revitalize à terminologia original da identidade do tipo como o descriptor total do tipo.

Origem do Brand Identity Prism. História

Para compreender o modelo de Kapferer é útil ler um pouco de história:

Já em 1958, Martineau usou a palavra do “personalidade tipo” consultar às dimensões non-material que fazem uma loja especial: seu caráter.

Nos 60's e no 70s havia um descontentamento crescente com igualar o produto e o tipo. Um exemplo típico do esse era o termo “Unique Selling Proposition” ou USP de Rosser Reeves.

Em 1982, Séguela, um VP de uma agência adverting, recomendado que todos os tipos estejam descritos ao longo de três facets:

  1. Físico. Que o produto faz e como bom ele executa?
  2. Caráter. Facet da personalidade do tipo.
  3. Estilo. Elementos operacionais para adverting e uma comunicação.

No 80s atrasado, os Bates de Ted introduziram o termo “Unique Selling Personality”. Consequentemente, da “na estratégia famosa cópia” - a única folha essencial que sumaria a estratégia anunciando como relacionado à cópia - tornou-se difundido para ver um item novo a ser enchido por executivos de cliente: personalidade do tipo.

Analogously ao uso do termo “personalidade” no psychology, no lado da pesquisa, a personalidade sempre cotada do tipo dos frameworks da identidade do tipo como uma dimensão da identidade do tipo - a saber aqueles traços da personalidade humana que podem ser atribuídos ao tipo. Entre as outras dimensões seja:

  • Marque valores internos (o facet cultural)
  • Marque o facet do relacionamento (seu estilo do comportamento, da conduta)
  • facet Tipo-refletido do consumidor
  • Facet físico do tipo (seus traços distinguindo do material)

Livro: Jean-Noël Kapferer - The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining…

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tópico Top-10 Naming Blunders For a Company, Product or Brand
Here's a list of errors you should avoid when choosing a name for your brand, product or company: 1. Using your family name. Unless your name is unique and memorable, it contains minimal promotional ...
Comentários40 comentários
tópico How to Apply the Kapferer Model to a Brand
How to apply the Kapferer model in a practical sense… How will it explain a product (tangible) or a service (intangible)? Example?...
Comentários1 comentários
tópico How to Use the Brand Image for Recruiting Employees?
Dear all, I need some tips and literature on how you can use the brand image in the selection / recruitment process. I appreciate your reactions....
Comentários1 comentários
tópico Developing an Advertising Campaign
It is important to make a creative brief, a Kapferer model and a funnel for the development of an advertising campaign....
tópico Significance of the Brand Identity for Advertising Campaigns
What is the significance / importance of Kapferer's model in the development of an advertising campaign?...
Comentários1 comentários
tópico Functional and Emotional Benefits of Brands
It's time to build brands beyond their functionality.Every brand which has succeeded over time has provided two important benefit categories: 1. FUNCTIONAL BRAND BENEFITS: Assurance of quality and qu...
tópico Brand Identity Strategy
Branding is the discipline of setting apart, distinguishing a company/product from the rest of the world, thereby establishing a brand with specific attributes just like a distinct personality. Key i...

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Pitfalls of International / Global Brands

Brand Portfolio Management, Brand Valuation
Consistent with current trends in globalization, international firms have concentrated their efforts on the development ...

How to Build a Brand in China

Brand Development, China, Best Practices
Based on data about Chinese consumers’ expectations, Paul F. Nunes, Susan A. Piotroski, Lay Lim Teo and R. Michael Mathe...

What are Attributes of Strong Brands?

Brand Management, Brand Valuation
In the article “The Brand Report Card” (Harvard Business Review, January 2000), Kevin Lane Keller argues that the world’...

Characteristics of a Good Brand Identity Prism

Demands for Brand Identity Prism
A well-built Brand Identity Prism typically has the following formal characteristics: 1. There are few words to each f...

How to Divest 2nd Tier CPG Brands?

Brand Portfolio Management, Freeing up Resources for Main Brands, Brand Valuation
On top of the value of each individual brand comes the value of brands combined whith eachother. Bahadur, Landry and Tre...

Generic Traits of a Good Brand

Brand Management, Checklist
A good brand displays nine traits: 1. It drives shareholder value. 2. Top executives support the branding effort, mark...

Nationalism and Patriotism in Corporate Brand Communication Strategies

Corporate Branding, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Nationality, Corporate Patriotism, Corporate Nationalism
Past research in market communication revealed that many consumers prefer to purchase domestic brands because they want ...

Why are Brands Often So Similar? Understanding Brand Similarity/Parity

Branding, Brand Management, Brand Parity, Brand Similarity, Know Model, Brand Differentiation
Despite of the efforts of companies to differentiate their brand from other brands, in many product categories a high le...

The Need for Brand Authenticity

In an article called "Embrace the Dark Side" in the HBR of Oct 2006, Michael J. Fanuelle says that to be strong, brands ...

Generic Implementation Steps of a Global Brand

Global Brand Development, Best Practices
Firms that want to build global brands should take following 10 steps: 1. Involve the CEO and board to provide top-down...

The 22 Laws of Branding (Trout & Ries)

Branding, Brand Recognition
1. The Law of Expansion: The power of a brand is inversely proportional to its scope. Trying to be all things to all peo...

Status Brands: The influence of Power-distance Beliefs

Branding, Brand Management, Power Distance, Brand Recognition
Status brands are brands that can inherently raise the social prestige of its owners within a certain community or socie...

Brand Relationship Quality

Branding, Brand Management, Brand Differentiation, Brand Relationship
A lot of research has been done to consumers’ brand evaluations about brands by examining factors such as brand attitude...

Focus Points in City Branding

City Branding, Regional Branding, Geographical Branding
Although most people are used to products and services marketing, cities are increasingly being used as a marketing tool...

Three Dimensions in How Global Brands are Evaluated by Consumers

Global Branding, Corporate Reputation, CSR, Globalization
Holt et al. (2004) researched how people evaluate and value global brands. They found out that 3 main characteristics ar...
Fontes de Informação

Várias fontes de informação sobre Identidade de Marca. Aqui você encontrará powerpoints, vídeos, notícias, etc. para usar em suas próprias palestras e workshops.


Jennifer Aaker on Branding

Jennifer Aaker on Branding
Jennifer Aaker explains the difference between brand and branding: - "Branding" is just the tip of the iceberg (the mar...

Social Media for Organizations

Social Media for Business, Online Business Identity, Corporate Reputation, Social Networking for Business
This presentation provides interesting information about the usage of social media for businesses. The presentation incl...

Brand Stretching and Extension

Brand Management, Brand Identity, Global Brand, Meta Brand
Presentation that is mainly about Brand Stretching and branding in a Global Context. The presentation includes many exam...

Martin's Trust Model: The Trust Matrix

Trust, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Branding, Corporate Image
An important determinant of the reputation of your brand, company or sector is TRUST. In the financial sector for exampl...

Branding Cities: City Branding

City Branding, Branding Strategies
This presentation is about city branding. It explains how to successfully brand cities. The following sections are inclu...

Country Branding: Branding a Country

Country Branding, Place Branding
This presentation is about branding a country or another geographic location. Next to the outline, there are several cou...

Brand Identity Positioning

Brand Positioning by A. Kwanta Panthongprasert, Department of Advertsising, 2010. A clear summary presentation about Br...

How Sponsoring Enhances and Supports other Marketing Elements

Initial Understanding of the Added Value of Sponsoring
Fiona Green explaines that sponsoring is valuable to support and enhance other marketign elemenets such as CRM, PR, adve...

Brand Identity and Brand Equity: Nike versus Adidas

Brand Management, Branding
A presentation by K. Tichá that is a nice practical example of working with Brand Identity and Brand Equity, comparing N...

Brand Identity Prism Diagram

Brand Management
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


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Compare com o Brand Identity Prism:  Brand Personality Dimensions  |  Brand Asset Valuator  |  Reputation Quotient

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