
Reposition or Relaunch?

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Manoj Sahay
Manoj Sahay, India

Reposition or Relaunch?

I would like to know if repositioning is a good strategy or should we change the brand and re-launch the product? As Al Ries and Jack Trout have mentioned the most wasteful expense that a company could do is to try to change the mind of the prospect; it is almost impossible to ctrl alt del any information from a human mind.


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Christian, Netherlands

Reasons for Relaunch and Repositioning?

Dear Manoj, I believe changing the brand or a re-lauch could be a type of a re-positioning strategy. Based on your comments I can't determine the real problem you're facing with your product or service towards your customers. Therefore it is difficult to judge whether re-positioning would be necessary and if so, how this should be executed. For instance, if there is a demand problem within the category it is not enough to change the brand. Have you done research to the exact reasons why people don't buy (enough)?

  S K Bal Palekar
S K Bal Palekar, India

Reposition old brand or launch a new one?

This question is similar to an old house - whether to repair it or demolish and construct a new one?
In my view, the answer depends on following circumstances:
1. if top of mind awareness is high, and
2. if the character of the image is strong
then I would try and reposition the old brand.
The above provided:
A. the problem is only on a few attributes, and
B. these attributes can be corrected.
But if these conditions do not exist, I would go for a new brand. Hope this helps!

  Jeroen Snijders
Jeroen Snijders, Netherlands

Brand Repositioning

To help determine your choice, have a look at: Successful Brand Repositioning, Aspirational vs. Achievable Strategies, McKinsey Marketing Solutions. Good luck.

Kovit, Moonlight

Relaunch - Reposition

Relaunching should mean reintroducing products to the market, making customer aware of the product that is available. Redo again.
Repositioning should mean to find the strenght of product and re-differentiate the product in comparison to the competition in the market. Where is the best suit to the product in comparison to competitors and customers aspect.

  Homer Alcon
Homer Alcon, Philippines

Evaluate the Expected Returns of Repositioning and Relaunching

An evaluation of returns from the investments of both alternatives would be recommendable. Returns would be long and short term.

MehaK, Vaswani

Factors to Decide for Repositioning or Relaunching

These factors have to be considered to decide upon the repositioning or relaunching strategy:
- How has the product/service positioned itself in the current market?
- What are the target customers or market segment to which the product is designed for?
- What are reasons for considering a repositoning strategy?
- Is there a differential strategy or cost leadership strategy?
- Is the product losing its market share?

  Dr. Uditha Liyanage
Dr. Uditha Liyanage, Sri Lanka

Re-positioning vs. Re-launch: 4 Combinations!

There are four possible combinations. You can both re-position and re-launch or do one and not the other, or not do both.
Re-positioning entails a change of the mental category or the frame of reference in which the brand is located in the consumer's mind.
A re-launch entails a change of the marketing-mix employed for the brand.

  K. Gopalakrishnan
K. Gopalakrishnan, India

Repositioning and Relaunch

Indeed, relaunch can include repositioning. Relaunch is much more than repositioning. Relaunch of a product can be even rebranding.

  Prabhakar Bethi
Prabhakar Bethi
Manager, India

Re-position or Re-launch

First of all you have to conduct a a small market research project: is the issue the positioning of the brand or is it something else?
If positioning is the issue, then only it is worth to consider re-positioning.

  Le My
Le My
Student (University), Viet Nam

Depend on Situation... to Preposition or Re-launch

In my opinion, re-position means you still keep the existing brand name but you re-locate the product in customer's mind... For example: your product is already premium for upper-class... But the product fails to satisfy the target customer because of its lower quality, leading to low sales for a long time... But your brand name is famous and many people know it already... Therefore, you should repositioning in this case... You redo message or slogan for middle-class, you do advertising for middle-class and some strategies suit middle-class, but keep the brand name... It is repositioning
If you want to launch a new product and the product is different from the typical brand name, for instance, Lexus is separated from the brand name Toyota, to locate in premium position... In the case, you should launch the product with the new brand name, and separate it from the existing brand name... To avoid affect existing customers.


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More on Positioning
Summary Discussion Topics
topic How to Measure the Effectiveness of Positioning?
👀Reposition or Relaunch?
🔥 Points of Parity and Points of Difference
topic What are the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Ries and Trout ? Summary
topic Sit Back and Relax...
topic Example of Poor Product positioning
topic Reverse and Stealth Positioning in Banking Institutions
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