
How to Build up Influence in an Organization?

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Personal Power (Hagberg)



zijiang yang
zijiang yang
HR Consultant, China

How to Build up Influence in an Organization?

🔥 I read the summary of the Model of Personal Power (Hagberg) with interest.

Recently I began to have a keen interest in the topic of "influence". To gain influence and to help improving the company, new employees (managers) need an opportunity or occasion to be identified by the company's (top) management.
However, such opportunities do not come out of thin air. What kind of opportunities are most suitable?

If there is no special opportunity, how can employees still acquire and grow personal influence within their organization? What methods exist to help employees (managers) expand their influence in the organization?

Thank you for your help and suggestions.


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  Pedro Monteiro
Pedro Monteiro
Manager, Portugal

Relationship with your Colleagues

Create a healthy relationship with your colleagues (they're colleagues before followers). Ethical, right, strong, trustful and correct relationship.
Then, being a manager, you're supposed to be someone with a higher knowledge level about organizational matters. If so, coach and teach others according to your own perspective on processes, problem solving, communication, etc. They'll recognize you as a leader. A leader influences its followers. It's a natural process...

Teacher, Mexico

How to Build up Influence in an Organization

If you work properly, have good values and reputation, have a good leader behavior... The rest will follow.
There is no simple formula that you may use to achieve those results.
Try to gain the confidence of your employees. To achieve a position of influence, first be yourself and serve to others.
That is my advice.
When I was young there was a book called "the art of manipulation", the subject was how to change people, and obtain results through manipulating them…
Today, leadership gives us results if we learn first how to be a subordinated… The better subordinated you are, the better leader you will be.

  Ivan Kohlinsky
Ivan Kohlinsky
Management Consultant, Guernsey

Trying Too Hard is Likely to Be Unproductive and Quite 'Wrong'

When a young man or a young woman is trying/hoping to meet their life partner, they often find it a problem and someone often says to them 'You are trying too hard. Just go about life normally, doing what you enjoy etc etc”. Then somehow it does seem to 'happen'.
Similarly, as Cesar mentions, it is somehow insecure and counter productive in the long run to manipulate things to 'get the eye' and to impress.
Someone who pretends to different than he/she actually is like, will probably not achieve such goal. Instead, honesty, sincerity, hard work, and good ideas do work. So be truthful and good at what you do.

  Kappagomtula CL
Kappagomtula CL, Malaysia

Chinese Approach to Influence Building

Influence building is an art which could be by way of an 'inborn trait' or 'rearing up in the environment' to make it as an 'acquired' skill.
While Hagberg's model is of a relatively new origin, the concept can be tracked to 2500 BC in ancient China. The words used by Chinese are, Guanxi (networking) and Mianzhi (concept of Face). These two words are in use in China, right from Chinese philosopher, Tao's era. Extending and expanding the social circles is taught and practiced amongst Chinese, right from their Childhood days. Further depending upon the position and family in which a Child is born, that individual gets, 'face' which is a reflection of power for that individual. The 'face' or the influence of power can be borrowed or even sold amongst fellow Chinese and any 'misuse' of this power, will bring 'irreversible' shame to the individual who have used that 'face'.

  Jan Palencar
Jan Palencar

Subordination versus Servant Leadership

@Cesar: Dear Cesar, sorry maybe I am struck by your formulation. But the words you are using are somewhat unfortunate.
Subordinate, etc... The best leaders are those that serve others, but that does not mean to be subordinate, it means to be of service so everybody else can do their work at their best performance.
People will follow you for doing this to them. Because you simply care. There is no hook, no manipulation, just respect and trust.

Teacher, Mexico

Subordination versus Servant Leadership

Dear Jan Palencar, you are right at your reaction!
What I said first was "to achieve a position of influence, first be yourself and serve to others". To be subordinated (not to subordinate) means to serve to others.
So, I agree with your reaction!

  jill anderson
jill anderson
Business Consultant

Personal Power & Influence Idea

As a national sales leader in 2005, one of my regional managers asked for help to build her teams' influence with their customers. Her team was young and inexperienced; their buyers were older and wiser. She was looking for help beyond honest, need-satisfaction sales techniques.
I picked up The Psychology of Power & Influence by Robert Cialdini at the airport and read it on the way to the meeting. At first, I was horrified because the "influence" techniques seemed manipulative but there were definitely points that made sense. Seven years later, I was using that book religiously as a business coach and adjunct professor teaching an MBA-level course called Leading Change.
Check out this short video to see if you can make some applications for your new managers and young leaders. These concepts are simple and powerful when thoughtfully applied to personal situations..

  Ayele Abdata
Ayele Abdata
Manager, Ethiopia

Building Influence in an Organization: The Role of Environment

The most important factor to build up influence in an organization is a conducive environment. Employees who have special talents and leadership skills and potential cannot manifest that potential in an organization having a discouraging and stringent culture.
Consider a school of fish. They have the inborn potential and ability to swim. They were born to swim and release their potential to swim. But to fulfill that purpose, any fish needs a favorable environment. That environment is a free, fresh and deep sea. Without a sea environment, can the fish manifest their glory of swimming?
One more example, look at an eagle. An eagle can show its glory of flying high and fast if and only if it gets free and open sky. If there is no conducive and free (open) sky, who can be impressed by the ability of the eagle?
The same logic holds true to a human being's ability to influence and motivate people to act towards a common goal.

Manager, Kenya

Building Up Influence in an Organisation

It's the behavior, attitude, confidence and task delivery focus what will make young managers be noticed by senior team members. The trust that builds up in this process then propels the young manager...

  Neilson Asiedu
Neilson Asiedu
Strategy Consultant, United States

Building Influence in an Organiation

Building influence by managers in an organization for growth requires leadership skills. It is informal and takes time to build. In an organization, opportunities for managers are identified through t...

  Isaiah Maisiba
Isaiah Maisiba
Manager, Kenya

Influencing People in Organization

Influence can be drawn from formal and informal sources. Members of any group define their roles by their behaviors in the group. For example, in case of an emergency a person who is most calm and gu...

  Friday O. Ngbodi
Friday O. Ngbodi
Student (MBA), Nigeria

Your Distinctive Character and Personality will make you Stand out

I think, by analogy with a football team, you need to exhibit the characteristics to stand out: - Distinctiveness - Personality with a high sense of professionalism, and - A certain degree of favor...

  jeymerd bello
jeymerd bello

Build Up Influence in the Organization

@Cesar: I believe leaders must create ways and an environment to establish good relationships between the followers as a connector, and be supporting and helping for them....

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Generating Personal Influence

I agree with almost all of the points made. Ordinate = order/hierarchy. Subordinate = below in a hierarchy. Superordinate = above in a hierarchy. All these terms are a factual reference to a position...

  C.L. Kappagomtula
C.L. Kappagomtula
Professor, Malaysia

Use the 4 Cs Wisely to Enhance Personal Influence in Organizations

Two categories of Individuals rise to mercurial (Editor: ~changing suddenly) levels in organization: The first set are sycophants (Editor: ~bootlickers, flatterers) and influence mongers, who can...

  Isaiah Maisiba
Isaiah Maisiba
Manager, Kenya

How Transformational Leaders Build Influence

Transformational Leaders (TLs) live exemplary lives, denoted by the 4 Is: - Idealized influence (charisma), - Inspirational motivation, - Intellectual motivation, and - Individualized consideratio...

  Leseh Lentner
Leseh Lentner
HR Consultant, United States

Use the Stages to Grow your Influence

It seems as though you live in the space of powerlessness (Hagberg), and there may also be evidence that there is still a mindset of power through the first few stages. Moving beyond stage 4 is challe...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Subordinate Does not Equate to Inferior

@Jan Palencar: I agree that the manager's role is, in part, to serve (the easiest way to show this is to turn the traditional organisation chart upside down and see that the role of each level is to s...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Meanings of the Term Subordinate

@Maurice Hogarth: I think you explained this issue particularly well. Thank you for this superb explanation of the word "subordinate". Perhaps the international usage of the English language is part...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Management of the English Language

@Jaap de Jonge: Thank you. Undoubtedly. I read today that the English Language is one of the hardest to learn, in fact it is so complex that it amazed the writer that anyone could learn it at all. (...

Strategy Consultant, India

Management of the English Language

@Maurice Hogarth: In a lighter vein, the game of Cricket is taken as an example of how difficult it is just to converse in English, let alone be a master of. In a game of cricket they have a long leg...

Strategy Consultant, India

Leaders Influence, not Enforce

@Neilson Asiedu: In any leadership-related discussion I propose to the audience (ranging from post-graduate students to business managers) that a leader must be an effective communicator to be underst...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

English Language for Communication Fun and Failure

@Vijay: Agreed. Presumably (apart from being hit on the head several times by cricket balls) this is one of the reasons I never really took to cricket. That myriad of nuances does provide for conside...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

From the Order of Things

@Cesar: Your referent for "subordinate" is not technically correct. "Subordination" does not, of itself, mean to serve others, although it is likely that that is what their role might require them to ...


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More on Personal Power (Hagberg)
Summary Discussion Topics
👀How to Build up Influence in an Organization?
topic How to Manage Personal Power in a Team Setting?
topic Gaining Personal Power by Association. Example
topic The Personal Power Model by Hagberg is Woman Inner Power
topic The Power of Information
Special Interest Group

More on Personal Power (Hagberg)
Summary Discussion Topics
👀How to Build up Influence in an Organization?
topic How to Manage Personal Power in a Team Setting?
topic Gaining Personal Power by Association. Example
topic The Personal Power Model by Hagberg is Woman Inner Power
topic The Power of Information
Special Interest Group
Knowledge Center

Personal Power (Hagberg)

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