
I Need Help on Business Ideas

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Feasibility Studies



shikwamanda karolina N
shikwamanda karolina N
Student (Other), Namibia

I Need Help on Business Ideas

Is there any business idea that you can help me with? I want to start a business but I don't know where to start, financial issues are depressing me.
Thank you.


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  Rafael Del Rio Ortiz
Rafael Del Rio Ortiz
Consultant, Puerto Rico

Business Ideas

First you should look for an area that you really like and master. If you have no passion for the business it won't work. Then look for something underservedin the area. Doesn't have to be anything big, maybe a small detail that will fill a niche could spark a big business.

  Munadil Shafat
Munadil Shafat
Student (MBA), Bangladesh

Think About a Big Problem and Find a Way to Solve It

Take following as a humble advise from me.
- To start a business first you need to come up with a problem that you will eventually solve through a business. So, I suggest you think about a pressing problem your countrymen are facing for long. Then note down all the possible ways that can solve the problem. Then build a business model around the solutions. I hope that is a good way to start.
- Another way is to analyze a relatively more developed country than yours. Find their popular products and services and compare it with your country. You will probably find a lot of services/products missing in your country. Choose one and start a business, simply replicating the model in your country.


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👀I Need Help on Business Ideas
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More on Feasibility Studies
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topic Risk Factors in Developing Countires
🔥 Involving a Manager from the Client Company in a Feasibility Study
topic Evaluation of a Feasibility Study
topic Front End Loading (FEL) or Front-End Engineering Design (FEED)
topic Typical Issues to Include in a Feasibility Study
👀I Need Help on Business Ideas
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