
Trends in Lean: What's Hot?

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Trends in Lean: What's Hot?

Hello. My name is Christoffer and I am working with a paper about Lean. I am looking for interesting / hot topics to take up in the paper and was wondering if somone could inform me about the hottetst topis. Best, Christoffer.


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  Bob Mann
Bob Mann, United States

HOT in Lean: Construction

Taking the lean practices used for so long in manufacturing and applying them in construction is the next big push. Construction is full of waste and using lean principles the industry will be able to improve.

  Satish Talikota
Satish Talikota
Management Consultant, India

HOT: Lean Consumption & Lean Provision

I have recently did a book review - "Lean Solutions: How Companies and Customers Can Create Value and Wealth Together" by James Womack & Daniel Jones. They explained the symbiotic relation of lean consumption & lean provision when lean needs to be implemented. Check that out you will be very happy to have these concepts known and then apply.

  John Hardwick
John Hardwick
Business Consultant, United Kingdom

Hot Topics in Lean: Lean Outside of Manufacturing

Lean outside of maufacturing is a growth area. Particularly lean in healthcare (and service provision generally)
I am leading work in my company on applying lean principles to B2B sales.

  Ger de Waard
Ger de Waard
Management Consultant, Netherlands

The Benefits of Using AI and Robotics in Lean Management

There are numerous benefits of implementing AI and robotics in Lean management of your work process:
  • LOWER COST OF WORK. It actually costs less than paying employees, especially in the long run; it can be more reliable, more efficient and more productive.
  • INDEPENDENCE. It doesn't depend on the majority of external factors, which means an increase in the overall productivity. It is practically not affected by distractions, work fatigue, or drop in standardized production values.
  • DE-STRESSED EMPLOYEES (i.e. No more Muri) If the majority of the work process is automated, workers have more time to spend on creative tasks; they also don't have to worry about every single detail, which means they can focus on the “big picture”.
  • HIGH PRECISION AND ACCURACY. There is no fear of error-making, since everything is automated and worked out down to the core level. For example, robots are much more effective at detecting than humans, and software is much more.


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More on Lean Production
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Lean Business Processes
topic Organizations Must Go on a DIET to Become Lean
topic Lean Time and Lead Time
topic Relation Between Value Chain and Lean?
👀Trends in Lean: What's Hot?
topic Lean Implementation in SAP Projects
topic Lean Thinking Begins with the End Customer and His Needs
topic Ownership of Complex Lean Projects
topic What is Lean Transformation?
topic Origin of the Word 'Lean'
topic Reasons to Implement Lean. Advantages
🔥 Reducing the Business Cycle (Manufacturing Lead Time) as a Competitive Strategy
Special Interest Group
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Lean Production

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