
Which Marketing Mix P is most Important? Prioritising the 7 P's...

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Cat, Ireland

Which Marketing Mix P is most Important? Prioritising the 7 P's...

Could someone please prioritise the 7 P's for me in order of importance?


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Ann, Malta

Which P is most Important?

1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion 5. People 6. Physcial Evidence 7. Process


The 7 P's Prioritized

What about? 1. Product, 2. Price, 3. Physical evidence which may encompass packaging, 4. Promotion, 5. Place, 6. Process, 7. People

  Peter Davies
Peter Davies, United Kingdom

Which P is most Important? You can prioritise the 7 Ps based on your Industry

It depends on your industry, your customer, etc. So a consulting business might put people first, where a consumer goods company or a cosmetics company might put physical evidence first. So the first thing to do is define the business you are in then apply your intelligence to the mix.

Prejlin, South Africa

Which P is most Important? It Depends on the Firm...

Hi Cat, it is not possible to have an objective prioritisation of the P's of Marketing. This is completely dependent on the organisation and needs to be formulated based on the organisations business model.
For example in McDonald's, process is perhaps more important than the others, because it is what allows them to be able to turn out the same product in every restaurant. If they didn't have a robust process, they would also not be able to deal with the 300% staff turnover they experience.

  Michele Hinds
Michele Hinds
Business Consultant, Barbados

Which P is most Important? It Depends on the Market...

To determine which of the P's are more important, you have to consider how the market buys.
If a product being sold has different prices but the cheapest of those products does not have the highest market share, then clearly price is not the determining factor.
Create a table where you eliminate the P's by what changes the buying decision, until what is left is the reason for the market leader having the highest market share.
Then you can deal with the P's by dealing with the most important ones first. The others will fall into place.
Note that each product/service will have a different prioritization. Not sure if I have helped...


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topic Use only P's that can be Controlled / Influenced!
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topic What about Customers??
topic Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing
topic Addition of PEOPLE to the Marketing Mix is Important
topic Extra Marketing Mix P: Positive
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