
Personnel Marketing and Strategy

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Personnel Management



Sarah Daghman
Sarah Daghman
Lecturer, Russian Federation

Personnel Marketing and Strategy

The success of any enterprise largely depends on the level of professionalism, as well as on the technical and soft skills of its employees. Personnel is a key factor for enterprises to survive. Even if a firm is making only minimum investments, yet makes proficient use of "human resources", it can achieve a high performance. Therefore, all companies (whether small, medium, or large) try to find the most suitable personnel. One possible way to achieve this is through the use of "personnel marketing".

What Is Personnel Marketing? Definition

Personnel marketing is a special part of personnel management and of marketing. it is defined as "a managerial activity of an enterprise aimed at simultaneously meeting its needs in necessary personnel and the identified needs of existing and potential employees by retaining (or attracting) them through a set of measures ensuring attractiveness of positions / vacancies, payments / remuneration, etc." (Gladka and Fedorova). Personnel marketing also determines the direction of marketing activities aimed at the long-term provision of human resources for an organization. These resources form a strategic potential. Personnel marketing expands the functions of classic marketing to the field of Human Resource Management.

Benefits of Personnel Marketing? Advantages

1. Development of the competitive market position of the company, as loyal employees tend to do their job in a good and honest manner satisfying the customer's needs;
2. Increase business performance;
3. Development of production;
4. Increase the efficiency of business activity;
5. Increase the company's market sustainability;
6. Strengthen business activity adaptive features to the external environment via properly motivated staffing;
7. Increase labor efficiency;
8. Keeping the employer-employee relations in a very loyal way;
9. Retain top talents that have a required set of skills;
10. Significantly reduce the cost of attracting new employees and simultaneously staff turnover.

Prerequisites for The Development of Personnel Marketing

  • The willingness of managers and employees to work in the new environment of continuous innovation and educational policies;
  • Creating a framework which should include a set of measures respecting any interest of employees and inspires increasing the staff's loyalty;
  • Creating favorable conditions for the development of new approaches for managers and employees required for strategic personnel management.

Parts of Personnel Marketing Strategy. Types

The process of personnel marketing strategy development has an integrated approach – it is formed based on two types of personnel marketing – internal and external:
  • External Personnel Marketing is mostly aimed at attracting potential employees by developing an external enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.
  • Internal Personnel Marketing is typically aimed at retaining existing employees by developing an internal enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.

Main Stages of Personnel Marketing Strategy Development

Based on the mentioned two types, the main stages of Personnel Marketing Strategy Development are (Gladka and Fedorova):
  1. Identifying the target audience, for which the personnel marketing should be developed.
  2. Evaluation of external enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.
  3. Evaluation of internal enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.
  4. Dening the generalized level of enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.
  5. Dening personnel marketing strategy.
  6. Development of measures as to the improvement of the external enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.
  7. Development of measures as to the improvement of the internal enterprise's attractiveness as an employer.

⇨ Are you working in personnel marketing? Please share your experiences in applying personnel marketing. Thank you.

Olena Gladka, Victoria Fedorova (2019), "Defining Personnel Marketing Strategies": Business, Theory and Practice № 20: pp.146–157
Bondarenko V.A. (2017), "Role of Staff Marketing in Increasing Business Performance", European Research Studies Journal Volume XX, Issue 3B, pp. 320– 325


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Manager, Italy

Remember to Ask Existing Employees for Input

In wanting to promote new concepts, new ideas internally in a company, it is easy to find breaking points among the employees. Especially the people that are the most critical (censorious people) can at the same time give us valuable tips. So I think it is useful to deepen the personnel marketing methods and contents by interviewing and analyzing those people who already work within the organization.
By asking things like "How can we be more attractive to the new generation?" and "What do we need to do to make sure the new people we hire pursue our goals and achieve excellent results?".

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

The Need to Coordinate HR & Operational Management Responsibilities for Personnel Marketing

With respect to the definition of personnel marketing:
  • "Personnel marketing is a special part of personnel management and of marketing. It is defined as "a managerial activity of an enterprise aimed at simultaneously meeting its needs in necessary personnel … Personnel marketing also determines the direction of marketing activities aimed at the long-term provision of human resources for an organization." This seems to be the same as Manpower / Staff / Personnel / Human Resource Planning?
  • "…and the identified needs of existing and potential employees…" This seems to be the same as Manpower / Staff / Personnel / Human Resource Development? This could be a separate department from the 'personnel' one.
  • "…by retaining (or attracting) them through a set of measures ensuring attractiveness of positions / vacancies, payments / remuneration, etc." Here, personal performance development is not noted. This is a frequently complained about important requirement for many.
    - This seems to be what was called Manpower / Staff / Personnel or Human Resources Recruitment and Retention.
I fully agree with the need for what is described. However, to apparently lay the requirement for the necessary activities to achieve all of this at the feet of the HR function seems a bit wishful.
I would debate at least some of the "benefits" given, they seem more like 'features'. They also read as the complexity of the outcomes from: -Employee Involvement / Participation, -organisational management /operational -policies & processes; rather than (as is implied) from the HR Function alone.
The "prerequisites" also seem to relate primarily to the responsibilities of the 'management activity' of the organisation.
A strategy for coordinating the HR & Operational Management responsibilities to achieve proper Personnel Marketing seems a necessary requirement.

  Graham Williams
Graham Williams
Management Consultant, South Africa

Some Warnings Regarding Personnel Marketing. Cautions

I can see the motive and need for an audience outside of the personnel function to appreciate the function so that talent attraction and retention and other tasks happen in a good way. My cautions wou...


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