
The ADDIE Model for Trainings

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Training Within Industry

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Beverley Taylor
Beverley Taylor
Professor, United States

The ADDIE Model for Trainings

Here's a summary of the ADDIE Model, a well known methodology for training interventions - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation.
The five phases for creating training (or determining that training is not the solution):
- Analysis is the process of gathering data to identify the challenge - the gap between desired and current state and determine how to address - the who, what, when, where, and why of the intervention (and how training and what blend of training contributes to solving the challenge).
- Design is the approach that will address the challenge (curriculum, training program, blended learning, performance support).
- Development is the phase where training materials and content are created (or selected) and developed based on the learning objectives.
- Implementation occurs when the course is delivered, whether in person or electronically.
- Evaluation is the ongoing process of developing and improving instructional materials based on feedback received during and following implementation.


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  Shruti Misra
Shruti Misra
Coach, India

Successive Approximation Model

Over the past few days, I have been stumbling upon a new concept: Successive Approximation Model.
Although I have tried to look up more information with respect to the same, I was unable to get information with respect to the know-how of how this process works and what is it all about.
The only information that I have received on that is it is now coming up as more effective approach than the ADDIE model that we have been using in various organizations in instructional design.
So I'm requesting everybody to help me clarify details pertaining to Successive Approximation Model (mostly commonly known as SAM) and it's effectiveness in terms of instructional design.

  Beverley Taylor
Beverley Taylor
Professor, United States

Response to ADDIE and SAM

@Shruti Misra: I would compare the Successive Approximation Model to a project management / agile approach.
In practice, particularly with rapid development tools, ADDIE tends to be more iterative rather than linear. Still, all of the steps in ADDIE are necessary to do it right.

  Julia Leong
Julia Leong

Info on Successive Approximation Model

@Shruti Misra: there is a helpful short post on this which includes the model diagram.


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More on Training Within Industry
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Identifying Training Needs in Organization
topic Evaluating Training Programs: the Four Levels of Learning Evaluation (Kirkpatrick Model)
👀The ADDIE Model for Trainings
topic Retaining & Recalling Knowledge Learnt
topic Training Within Industry (TWI) 4 Ps Drill
topic First Assess the Needs
🔥 Supervisory Management Training
topic Barriers to Learning
topic Finding Potential Macro Training Needs
topic Models for Training and Development in Small and Medium Enterprises
topic Oil & Gas Operations Trainings
topic Training Within Industry - Learning Principles
topic Conditions for Training Within Industry
topic How to Evaulate Training Needs
topic Informal Channels for Remedial Training
topic Limitation of Training Within the Industry
topic On the Job Training is Often a Picnic
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