
What is Jugaad? Meaning, Definitions and Examples

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Diether Scherer
Diether Scherer, Germany

What is Jugaad? Meaning, Definitions and Examples

What is the role of 'Jugaad' (Hindi term for innovative, improvising, lateral fixes and hacks using limited resources) within Bottom of the Pyramid thinking?


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Entrepreneur, India

Definition of Jugaad. The Role of Jugaad in Innovation

Jugaad means cleaver tricks or innovative use of anything to compensate the scarcity of resources. It also means an innovative improvisation done at local level to utilize the available resources to get the desired results and solution to the current problem.
Jugaad helps marketers to think at the grass root level and create the products in three ways
1. New product development
2. Integration of two different products
3. Marketing innovation (different use of the same product).
I am doing research on it.

  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Jugaad is a Local Suboptimal Solution

- An optimal solution to any need requires a lot of knowledge and resources. Although it costs more money, it may save money in implementation. It also suffers from a handicap of ignorance of local conditions or diversity in local conditions.
- A Jugaad is normally a quick and local solution to meet an immediate need. It may not be optimal, but it works on a smaller scale and it may be the best solution suited at that time for that particular location. When copied or applied universally, it may fail miserably.
Coding systems of Varanasi Washermen (as reported by Lonely Planet Guide) and Mumbai Dabbawalas (transporting tiffins from various homes to different offices within short duration) are classic examples of Jugaad.

Manager, India

Definition of Jugaad in Real Terms

In real terms... If somebody knows Hindi and translates the same in English... Then meaning of 'jugaad' is:
The desired result by way of:
- Out of box thinking.
- List adherence to the processes but get the desired result by way of affecting the others through violation of the law and humanity.
- Using the personal relationship to do things, which is not acceptable in ethical business world.
You can view Jugaad positively as 'blue ocean strategy', and more negatively as 'results by hooking or cooking' without having business ethics.

  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Jugaad as Hindi Word and Examples Thereof

Jugaad means manage work somehow with the means available. A person making mini tractors from bullet mobikes is an example of this. Using the engine of a tractor to draw out water from a well is another example of it.
Legality and humanity or considerations for others are not involved in it and may be violated sometimes, but not always.
Pratik uses example of personal relationships, which is an extension of it in human relations with which we as managers may not concern. Let us leave that aspect for sociologists and others.
"Manage somehow" represents it briefly in linguistic terms.


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