
Cultural Intelligence Can Help Connect Cultures

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Cultural Intelligence

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Daniel Newton Obaka
Daniel Newton Obaka, United States

Cultural Intelligence Can Help Connect Cultures

It seems clear that with computer-information technology revolution, cultural integration and its attended potentials are becoming real.
Rich individuals in the techno-advanced world are recognizing that there is poverty plaguing a greater part of humanity residing in developing part of the evolving 'global village'- a phrase from world wide web technology. Many of these rich people want to make a change.
With cultural multiplicity and its attended complexity, understanding the concept of cultural intelligence may provide some insight as to how to connect and integrate technologically advanced cultures with that of non-technologically struggling cultures.


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  Arif ur Rehman
Arif ur Rehman
Professor, Pakistan

Incorporating Global Cultural Intelligence

To talk of utopia, Mr. Obaka, at best fills the needs to theorize an impossibility. The east and the west are incompatible -- fair and square. Whether is a business or a political agenda the west always tends to 'impose' itself of the marginalized east.
What can be achieved at the most - both rational and logical - the west needs to begin 'appreciating' the east through 'eastern eyes' and the east must learn first to learn then share and then to live the 'western technologically' and the one culture, one people, may loom in the not too distant horizon.
The cultural handshake can only follow a cultural 'heart shake' if, and only if, man begins to think of goodness and peace for humankind.

  Daniel Newton Obaka
Daniel Newton Obaka, United States

IT Revolution Helps to Integrate Cultures

The information technology revolution provides ready answers to the challenge of integrating the culture of the west with the culture of the east (cultural handshake flowing from cultural heartshakes.
All that is needed is to embace change that has been made possible by the scientific and technological revolution - for example social media technology revolution.

  Mesfin Raji
Mesfin Raji
Business Consultant, Ethiopia

Culture and Society

Interesting but how do we figure out cultural intelligence when we come up to societal thinking as opposed to organizational culture? Unless it is being reflected in the society's culture it is difficult to comprehend the concept intelligently!

  Daniel Newton Obaka
Daniel Newton Obaka, United States

Societal Cultural Intelligence

Mesfin, that is an excellent question (How do we figure out cultural intelligence when it come to societal thinking?).
It seems the ability to flow with and adopt to current global changes relating to digital technology revolution is the first starting point. Thus, humans must be ready to rethink the future. In doing so, the possibility of developing societal cultural intelligence may become possible. Such understanding may give us insights as how to communicate cross-culturally and develop shared values, shared relationships, shared understanding, shared partnerships, and shared future.
This I believe may enhance our understanding that humans come from the same family tree. What do you think?

  Mesfin Raji
Mesfin Raji
Business Consultant, Ethiopia

Culture and Society

Thank you Obaka! I am satisfied by your brief explanation. Please keep up the good job!


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More on Cultural Intelligence
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Establishing Cultural Intelligence in Organizations
topic Cultural Intelligent Countries
topic The Relationship of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) with IQ and EQ
topic 5 Tips for International Communication
topic Going Against Core Principles and Values... Tough
topic Moving Cultural Intelligence to Practice
👀Cultural Intelligence Can Help Connect Cultures
topic Examples of Cultural Intelligent People?
topic Cultural Intelligence and Personality Structure
topic Cross-cultural Training Techniques Avoiding Expat Failure
topic Cultural Adaptability
topic Using CQ and EQ as a Basis for Measuring Education, Leadership and Success?
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Cultural Intelligence

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