
Competence, Commitment, and Character

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Trait Leadership



Darren Chen
Darren Chen
Manager, China

Competence, Commitment, and Character

🔥 I want to know something about competence, commitment, and character (3Cs). Can anybody else share information about this?


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3 C's of Successful Leadership

According to Ron Anderson, to succeed as a leader you need to succeed at Character, Commitment and Competence.
Character – Character is who you are when no one is looking. It's your level of honesty and integrity, and the way you deal with pride and humility. Character admits personal failure, isn't fake, and has genuine concern for others. Character determines who will trust you enough to follow you.
Commitment – Commitment is what keeps you going when everyone else is quitting. That's what leaders do. Leaders spur momentum in times of trepidation. Leaders take people where there know they need to go but are afraid to do so or don't know how. All leaders will sometimes slip and fall, but a committed leader gets back up, searches for the light at the end of the tunnel, and moves forward again. People follow leadership with commitment.
Competence – Competence is the wisdom to know when to say what needs to be said and when to do what needs to be done. A competent leader is always learning, whether through books, conferences, or other people. It's being willing to learn even from those one is supposed to be leading. It's not knowing all the answers, but knowing the importance of bringing the right people to the table of decision. Competence is gained by experience, over time, where the leader can exude confidence others are willing to follow.
Haven't been able to find who originated this leadership model. Perhaps someone else knows?
Reference: Ron Anderson, "3 C's of Successful Leadership".


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