
What is a Budget? Definition

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nura, hargeisa

What is a Budget? Definition

What precisely is a budget? Let's collects some good definitions here.
According to Wikipedia, a budget (from old French bougette, purse) is a financial plan and a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving, borrowing and spending. A budget is an important concept in microeconomics, which uses a budget line to illustrate the trade-offs between two or more goods. In other terms, a budget is an organizational plan stated in monetary terms.


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  Jeroen van de Graaf
Jeroen van de Graaf, Netherlands

What Precisely is a Budget?

An estimate of costs, revenues and resources over a specified period, reflecting a reading of future financial conditions and goals.
One of the most important administrative tools, a budget serves also as a plan of action to achieve quantified objectives, as a standard to measure performance and as a device for coping with foreseeable adverse situations.

  Qudsiya Amatun Nayeem
Qudsiya Amatun Nayeem, India

What is a Budget?

A budget generally refers to your financial resources which you pre-plan for a specific area over a limited time span.

  Arif ur Rehman
Arif ur Rehman
Professor, Pakistan

BUDGET - a Mnemonic / Acronym

You can see BUDGET as an acronym:
B = Balanced
U = Utilization
D = Doables
G = Get
E = Effective
T = Transaction
Sometimes, we are swayed by labyrinths of non-connectivity in debates/dialogues. This obviously is non-intentional. The mnemonic spells of the Balanced (most productive) Utilization of Doables (practically feasible variables) to Get (achieve) Effective (optimal utilization) of resources calling for the Transaction, which fundamentally then will be transformational.

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

BUDGET as an Acronym

Mr. Arif ur Rehman's two points are highly relevant for a business project budgeting in terms of one doables (practically feasible variables) and two, effective (optimal utilization of resources). Thanks.


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More on Budgeting
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Weaknesses of Traditional Budgeting
topic Budgeting Must Be Flexible and Auditable
topic Financial Measure / Budgeting is no Longer Dominant
topic Budgeting for Guidance, not for Control
topic 'Beyond' Budgeting -- Call it Whatever, It's Necessary
topic Add Rolling Quarterly Forecasts to Traditional Budgeting Process
topic Budgeting Has Become the End Instead of a Tool to an End
topic Budgeting is the Essence of Good Management
topic Budgets Should Facilitate Communication, Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination
topic Can we Use Beyond Budgeting in Entrepreneurial Companies?
👀What is a Budget? Definition
topic Budgeting in Uncertain Business Climate
topic Budgeting Must Be Integrated in Strategic Process
topic Rolling Forecast in Beyond Budgeting
🔥 Value Based Budgeting
topic Why Budgeting and Sound Financial Practices are Crucial
topic Lump Sum Budgeting with a Cushion
Special Interest Group
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