
How to Follow Up After the 360-Feedback?

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360-Degree Feedback



HR Consultant, Singapore

How to Follow Up After the 360-Feedback?

🔥 After the 360-Feedback has been gathered, what are the follow-up actions for areas of improvement / promotion / succession planning?


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

First Step After the 360 Feedback Has Been Received

Good question:-) To get this discussion going, I think the first step would be for the person receiving the feedback to properly read, digest, analyze and study the various feedback. Here it is important to resist the temptation to disagree immediately with the feedback given, especially if you don't agree with or don't like the feedback, even more especially if you got the same feedback more than once. In such case I recommend to start with thinking: "Could there be some truth in these feedbacks after all?" You might ask for further clarification as well.
Do you agree?

  gerardo santos
gerardo santos
Manager, Philippines

Next Step in 360 DGF: Agree on a Shared Goal

Part of the essential next process is for both parties to agree on a shared goal. Accomplishing that goal (win-win) gives the opportunity to celebrate together as a Team.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Agree on a Shared Goal in 360 Degree Feedback

@Gerardo santos: What exactly do your mean with "both parties"? Since we are talking about 360 degree feedback here, several people have probably been giving feedback...

  Franco Savanco
Franco Savanco
Entrepreneur, Argentina

Agree to Agree on a Shared Goal

I recommend to agree to agree on a shared goal. In the sense of not interrupting the internal believes of the person getting the 360° analysis and feedback. Nevertheless, these current core believes could be influencing how the job is performed. And they might be not fully meeting the guidelines or could be not perfectly aligned with the company goals.
I think a good way to apply 360 feedback, especially when talking about people who might feel attacked and are not seeing the big picture, is to allow them to invite others to participate.
Finally I propose to give future 360° feedback participants an introduction to properly understand this procedure.

  Bill Gardner
Bill Gardner
Coach, United States

Feedback Receivers Need Time to Digest and Process

Before I give the multi-rater feedback to a client I explain a possible process they will go through when they see the feedback Shock, Anger, Rejection, Acceptance, Help (SARAH).
I ask them to spend time with the feedback until they can accept that the feedback is data - information that was in the heads of feedback givers before and the only thing that has changed is they now have it to use for their growth or discard.
I ask the receiver to categorize the feedback in a 2x2 matrix - Negative/Positive, Surprising/Expected. Together we talk through the categorization and the client picks what he/she/they want to do next.

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

360 Feedback → Acceptance → Motivation → Action

The atmosphere would seem to be critical to the action to be taken. So, the manner of the FEEDBACK as well as the content of it are the two sides of a coin.
Assuming that the feedback has identified the positives of the person's performance and then the "concerns" are identified in terms of "How to..." overcome any weaknesses or areas for improvement (N.B. Areas for improvement may also cover getting better at something that is a positive, as well as a concerns, aspect of a performance). There is a need for specific examples of the positives and the concerns to enable ACCEPTANCE. Without acceptance there can be no MOTIVATION for improvement (ACTION).
The approach is then to get the individual receiving the feedback to make and take the decisions necessary for THEM to eliminate the concern.
Example; Suppose my concern (as your line senior) is how to enable you to take on the responsibility of allowing other people to say what they are saying without you cutting in... What ideas do you have for doing that? This may require the individual to go away and think about what they need to do prior to a follow up meeting.
This approach enables the atmosphere to be kept positive, as it is orientated to improving rather than blaming; focused on the positive rather than the negative.
The follow up action is then formulating the ideas and actions for improvement into an action plan: [What (precisely-unambiguously, tangible outcomes are to be achieved) is going to be done by Whom (individual and/or line senior), by or from When; with what resources and monitoring (by self and/or line senior.]
In reality there is no difference between performance feedback (whether interim or anniversary) and the delegating of normal job tasks. The process is the same: Identify the need; discuss and accept the needed action and authority to meet the need; plan the action sequence and the monitoring of it to enable success.


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topic 360, 180 and 540 Degree Feedback
topic Benefits of 360 Degree Appraisals
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topic 360 Degree Feedback as a Tool for Team Development?
👀How to Follow Up After the 360-Feedback?
topic How do You Prepare Participants for a 360 DFB?
topic Dealing with Non-constructive 360 Degree Feedback
topic What Should Be Appraised in 360 Degree Feedback?
topic 360 Degree Feedback Originator?
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More on 360-Degree Feedback
Summary Discussion Topics
topic 360 Appraisal Versus Indigenous Systems and Culture
topic A Simplified 360 Device
topic Watch out for Abuse of 360 Degree Feedback!
topic 360, 180 and 540 Degree Feedback
topic Benefits of 360 Degree Appraisals
topic Best Providers of 360 Feedback
topic 360 DFB - Flaws in Feedback
topic 360 DFB Must be a Continuous and Open Process
topic Conditions for Success with 360 Degree Feedback
topic 360 Degree Feedback as a Tool for Employee Development
topic 360 Degree Feedback as a Tool for Team Development?
👀How to Follow Up After the 360-Feedback?
topic How do You Prepare Participants for a 360 DFB?
topic Dealing with Non-constructive 360 Degree Feedback
topic What Should Be Appraised in 360 Degree Feedback?
topic 360 Degree Feedback Originator?
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