
Typical Stakeholders' Contributions and Rewards

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Stakeholder Analysis



Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Typical Stakeholders' Contributions and Rewards

Various stakeholders make different contributions to companies (organizations). And, in return they receive different rewards. Here is an overview of typical stakeholders, the main contributions they can make and typical rewards they hope to receive:

Stakeholders Contributions
to organization
for stakeholder
Owners, capital providers Finances, funds Ownership, control, interest, dividend
Managers POSDCORB (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting), team building, spirit, innovation, change, labor, knowledge and skills Employment, salary, wages, status, prestige, social contacts, self-realization
Employees Labor, knowledge and skills Employment, salary, wages, status, prestige, social contacts, self-realization
Buyers, customers Market prices, clientele Products, services
Suppliers Raw materials, semi-finished products, services, energy, information, means of production Market prices, clientele, goodwill
Employers' organizations Lobbying, mouthpiece on behalf of the employers A stable, favorable business climate
Unions Work climate, working conditions Employment, employee participation
Governments Social-economic legislative framework, Infrastructure Taxes, levies, fees
Miscellaneous stakeholders Criticism, wishes, demands Adjustment of the organization

Any organization has to balance these kind of stakeholder contributions and rewards in the way it chooses to do. If it succeeds in doing that, this is called: a state of "organizational equilibrium".

Is this list of stakeholder contributions and rewards correct and complete? Please share your ideas and tips. Thanks!


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  Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar
Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar

Some Ideas and Tips for Stakeholder Contributions and Rewards

Following are some further ideas for the list of stakeholder contributions and rewards:
1. EMPLOYEES: Are also contributing to establishing the values, spirit behind the values and belief system. Reward is the culture of the organisation. With spirit I mean making progress in delivering the desired values, despite the existence of opposing values in the field of practice.
2. MANAGEMENT: Contribute to the development of systemic procedures, policies, and working methods of individual entities and their relationship as a working whole. Reward is the working system.
3. MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES: Contribute to leadership initiatives, innovation, change management. Reward is addition to the knowledge bodies, sustainability of services and products, quality level of experience of the people involved in the delivery mechanism.
4. MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES: Contribute to social corporate responsibility. Reward is goodwill, and having been helpful to the mankind in general.
5. MANAGEMENT: Contribute to the employee welfare, trainings. Reward is righteousness.
6. MANAGEMENT: Contribute towards the establishment of internal and external communication systems. Reward is smooth and harmonious functioning of the organisation.
7. QUALITY MANAGEMENT TEAM. Contribute towards towards continual quality improvement by creating and improving a system entity which validates the truth through audits, testing etc. Reward is continuous improvement.
8. MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES: Contribute towards the organizational learning with respect to the past, current and future state of the organisation. Reward is lessons learned, organizational improvement.

  Melvyn McIntyre
Melvyn McIntyre
Consultant, Venezuela

The Collective Reward of all Stakeholders

All stakeholders together, unified as an equilibrated cluster, each one giving its best contribution, generate the shared reward for everyone, being the existence of a sustainable and successful business throughout times.
My experience of working for 21 years in a company that after 60 years of successful existence was intervened by creditors and sold in pieces was very sad for everyone that worked in it.

  Iraklis Goniadis
Iraklis Goniadis
Business Consultant, Greece

More Stakeholders and their Contributions

ENTREPRENEURS: Bees making money (honey) and wealth for the community.
MANAGERS: Trust, team building & spirit, transform individual intelligence into a collective one, skills elevator and leadership.
BUYERS, CUSTOMERS: Innovation sources, marketing apostles.
SUPPLIERS: Financers, supporters, market radars.
UNIONS: Balancers, income distribution agents.
MISCELLANEOUS: Change agents, innovation sources.
GOVERNMENTS: Entrepreneurship's brake, cost centers.

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Stakeholder Rewards

“Miscellaneous stakeholders”? All stakeholders can contribute criticism, wishes and demands. Businesses want repeat buyers/customer loyalty; so, must deliver a product-service mix of the right qualit...

  Justus Nyangau
Justus Nyangau
Business Consultant, Kenya

Stakeholders Contributions and Their Rewards

Most of the important things have been discussed above but I will like to add a small contribution. Competitors are also important stakeholders. Competitors contribute a lot in quality improvement fo...

  Ahmad Sultan Abdulla
Ahmad Sultan Abdulla
Consultant, Malaysia

Stakeholder Contributions and Rewards

For me, we should add the community we operate in. You might cluster it under "miscellaneous stakeholders", but is a very important one. The value and culture of the community will also shape the pro...

  Dr. A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr.
Dr. A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr.
Professor, United States

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Over the last 40 years, corporate governance has shifted from a stakeholder model to a shareholder model. Under stakeholder governance, optimization is sought for all the stakeholders. But under the ...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

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@Dr. A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr.: I agree the choice of governance system is relevant for HOW the contributions and rewards of stakeholders are viewed in a strategic sense. On the other hand, even in a s...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

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@Dr. A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr.: A “shareholder” attitude, as described, seems to be symptomatic of short-term, asset-stripping, greed as advocated by the ‘go forth and exploit the world in which you liv...


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topic How to Make a Decision in the Toughest Situations?
topic How to Avoid Subjectivity in Stakeholder Analysis?
topic What if Key Stakeholders' Expectations are not Matching?
👀Typical Stakeholders' Contributions and Rewards
🔥 Dealing with Angry Stakeholders
topic Consequences of not Doing a Stakeholder Analysis?
topic Satisficing all Stakeholders
topic Going 'Virtual' with Stakeholders
topic Key Stakeholders in the Agriculture Industry
Special Interest Group

More on Stakeholder Analysis
Summary Discussion Topics
topic How to Make a Decision in the Toughest Situations?
topic How to Avoid Subjectivity in Stakeholder Analysis?
topic What if Key Stakeholders' Expectations are not Matching?
👀Typical Stakeholders' Contributions and Rewards
🔥 Dealing with Angry Stakeholders
topic Consequences of not Doing a Stakeholder Analysis?
topic Satisficing all Stakeholders
topic Going 'Virtual' with Stakeholders
topic Key Stakeholders in the Agriculture Industry
Special Interest Group
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Stakeholder Analysis

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