
Kotter's New 8 Accelerators for Strategic Change

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Gary Wong
Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

Kotter's New 8 Accelerators for Strategic Change

John Kotter published his "Leading Change" article in the 1995 issue of HBR. He introduced a framework with 8 Change Phases which at the time resonated with many readers:
  1. Establish a sense of urgency.
  2. Create a coalition.
  3. Develop a clear vision.
  4. Share the vision.
  5. Empower people to clear obstacles.
  6. Secure short-term wins.
  7. Consolidate and keep moving.
  8. Anchor the change.
In 1996 he released a book version. In the book preface he states, "Unlike the article, the book has dozens and dozens of examples of what seems to work and what doesn't. In this sense, it is more hands-on and practical."
Kotter's original eight-step process (1996) is very much top-down and places heavy emphasis on getting the early steps right. Change is seen as linear rather than cyclical, which implies that an idealistic end state can be reached rather than iterated towards.

Since 1996 the pace of change in the business world has sped up greatly. Leading Change was re-released in 2012 with a new preface. In this book, Kotter writes: "A globalized economy is creating both more hazards and more opportunities for everyone, forcing firms to make dramatic improvements not only to compete and prosper but also to survive."

Kotter eventually came to the conclusion that in uncertain times, linear change models don't serve leaders particularly well. A MODEL WAS NEEDED THAT ACKNOWLEDGED NON-LINEARITY AND COMPLEXITY and enabled leaders to navigate their way through evolution and adaptively dealing with whatever emerges as they go. After extensive research he introduced an alternate change process with 8 "Accelerators" in his 2014 book Accelerate.

Kotter's new eight change accelerators are:
  1. Create a sense of urgency around a single big opportunity.
  2. Build and maintain a guiding coalition.
  3. Formulate a strategic vision and develop change initiatives designed to capitalize on the big opportunity.
  4. Communicate the vision and the strategy to create buy-in and attract a growing volunteer army.
  5. Accelerate movement toward the vision and the opportunity by ensuring that the network removes barriers.
  6. Celebrate visible, significant short-term wins.
  7. Never let up. Keep learning from experience. Don't declare victory too soon.
  8. Institutionalize strategic changes in the culture.
There are 4 main differences between the original 8 steps and the 8 "accelerators" on which the strategy system runs:
  1. The steps are often used in rigid, finite, and sequential ways, in effecting or responding to episodic change, whereas the accelerators are concurrent and always at work.
  2. The steps are usually driven by a small, powerful core group, whereas the accelerators pull in as many people as possible from throughout the organization to form a "volunteer army".
  3. The steps are designed to function within a traditional hierarchy, whereas the accelerators require the flexibility and agility of a network.
  4. The steps focus on one, single change objective in a linear fashion, whereas the accelerators are constantly seeking new opportunities and initiatives to capitalize on.
The chart illustrates these four key revisions.

The 1996 Process had leaders at the top unleashing an early burst of energy - 'urgency' and 'power' and 'vision'. Then after Step 5, it was a rather straight-forward process delegated to managers lower down the hierarchy - 'plan', 'consolidate' and 'institutionalize'.

The 2014 Process is different. It leverages how things really work in complex adaptive systems. The "volunteer army" is not top-down and self-organizes in networks that go beyond company boundaries. Betting on one big change idea in an uncontrollable world is high risk. The smarter play is to test many initiatives and monitor what positives and negative consequences emerge. Design the initiatives to be small to keep undesirable results from doing unrecoverable damage. Capture the desirable results by celebrating the wins. Accelerate change by non-linear 'scaling' not linear 'cloning'. That means 'One size does not fit all.' Diversity is acceptable and encouraged.

Does the 2014 change model replace the 1996 change model? Not necessarily. It depends on the situation. The 1996 process is applicable in a work environment that is stable, predictable, and repeatable. A sequence of events can be predesigned in which vision and strategy can be decided up front, leading to a plan that sets out key measures, which then dictates front-line activities.
If an initial assessment reveals elements of turbulence, confusion, novelty, and ambiguity, the 2014 process with 8 accelerators should be used.


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  Tamas Schauermann
Tamas Schauermann
Career Consultant, Hungary

Vision, Opportunity and Obstacles as Motivators of Organizational Change

It was interesting to observe, that in the original version opportunity didn't play any role, and the 5th point only contained the “obstacle” element. As “opportunity got added to the model, the 5th point has become much richer, as both vision and opportunity found their way into that sentence.
This reminds me one of the ideas of Bobb Biehl, who suggests, that there are three types of people with regards to motivation. One is motivated by goals (vision), one is motivated by problems (obstacles), finally there are those who are motivated by opportunities. The procentages are something like 15% for Vision, 80% for problems and 5% for opportunity-driven people. One of the obvious things to do is to have all three mentioned in any kind of a motivational effort to get everyone on board. But the other interesting aspect is that you need to teach everyone to evaluate and prioritize by the vision, this way you can drop the irrelevant opportunities and problems, and only capitalize on the useful ones.

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Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

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Consultant, Canada

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Consultant, Canada

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Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada


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Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

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Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

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Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

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Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

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Gregory Johnson
Coach, United States

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Consultant, United Kingdom

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Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar

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Graham Williams
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Akuru Gabriel
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  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

A Concurrence of Changes

@Gary Wong: I agree that the single big opportunity does not have to be a single project. It can be several projects linked or un-linked or a major project with several separate but concurrent pathway...

  Graham Williams
Graham Williams
Management Consultant, South Africa

Credibility of Kotter's New 8 Accelerators for Strategic Change

Perhaps fiddling with/ "updating" a model or paradigm to try and maintain its credibility in new circumstances is an example of not changing... And throws some doubt on the credibility of the model?...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Kotter Any Real Change from Steps to Accelerators?

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Ivan Kohlinsky
Management Consultant, Guernsey

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I am familiar with this approach as it used to be the (undeclared) approach of management consultants in the 70s - 00s, recognising the behavioural science side of organisations with 'hot buttons'/'qu...

  Gregory Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Coach, United States

Vision and Focus

Having been a John Kotter follower for many years, these updated 8 Accelerators in addition to the great and historical work regarding organizational dynamics reinforce the discipline to become and to...


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topic How to Establish a Sense of Urgency (Kotter)? Ideas
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topic How to Consolidate and Keep Moving (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Create a Coalition (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Develop a Clear Vision (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Share / Communicate the Vision (Kotter)? Ideas
topic Kotter's Dual Operating System
topic How to Anchor the Change (Kotter)? Ideas
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topic How to Clear Obstacles (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Secure Short-term Wins (Kotter)? Ideas
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Special Interest Group

More on Change Phases
Summary Discussion Topics
👀Kotter's New 8 Accelerators for Strategic Change
topic Emotions During Organizational Change: the Change Curve
topic Why do so Many Change Processes Fail?
🔥 The Roles of Managers in Organizational Change (Carnall)
topic How to Establish a Sense of Urgency (Kotter)? Ideas
topic Neglecting the Change Phases
topic Disadvantages of the Kotter Change Theory
topic How to Consolidate and Keep Moving (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Create a Coalition (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Develop a Clear Vision (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Share / Communicate the Vision (Kotter)? Ideas
topic Kotter's Dual Operating System
topic How to Anchor the Change (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How is the Change Presented and Communicated?
topic How to Clear Obstacles (Kotter)? Ideas
topic How to Secure Short-term Wins (Kotter)? Ideas
topic The Roles of Top and Middle Management in Change
topic Add Unlearning to Kotter's Change Phase Model
topic How to Structure Large Scale Change Efforts
topic Using Kotter After Cameron and Quinn's Competing Values Framework
topic Kotter Change Steps for Political Change
topic Our Iceberg is Melting
topic Organizational Change: Why Establish a Sense of Urgency First?
topic Kotter Change Model in Public Sector
Special Interest Group
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