
What's the Essence of Vision

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Strategic Vision



Vincenzo Mosca
Vincenzo Mosca
Student (MBA), Italy

What's the Essence of Vision

In my opinion the following quote by Arthur Schopenhauer captures the essence of (strategic) vision in a beautiful way:
In German:
"Daher ist die Aufgabe nicht sowohl zu sehen was noch keiner gesehen hat, als bei Dem was Jeder sieht, zu denken was noch Keiner gedacht hat."

English translation:
"Therefore the problem is not so much to see what nobody has yet seen, as to think what nobody has yet thought concerning that which everybody sees."

Arthur Schopenhauer (1851), in "Parerga und Paralipomena: Kleine Philosophische Schriften", Volume 2, Section: 76, page 93.


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  Melchiorre Calabrese
Melchiorre Calabrese
Business Consultant, Italy

The Essence of Vision

The vision of a company identifies the idea of ​​the entrepreneur, his dream and what the company wants to become in a future perspective.
This can certainly mean that the entrepreneur "understands" something that others "see" but do not "understand". But it could also include something that is "creativity" of the entrepreneur. So its "specificity" that does not exist in everyone.
The essence of Vision is Creativity.

  Vincenzo Mosca
Vincenzo Mosca
Student (MBA), Italy

The Essence of Vision

@Melchiorre Calabrese: I partially agree with what you say, because I see Vision and Creativity as 2 separate things.
CREATIVITY for me is dreaming of something new or different: let's consider Walt Disney… He was a visionary at first, but then, when his business took off he necessarily needed to understand something not clear for others: the need of new kinds of entertainment (and this is continued until today, even now that Disney is an incredible empire).
VISION is exactly to understand and think about things differently from others: let's consider Steve Jobs… I do not totally agree with the most saying that he was a Visionary (a dreamer). Of course he made tons of incredible things, but when I think about smartphones or tablet or iPod I don't totally agree he was a Visionary. About these stuff, he took an idea from Oregon Scientific, which first made a palmtop and he had the ability to see some different use and physical form for that object. Something similar for iPod: he just made different, more usable and beautiful objects compared to normal mp3 players. For all of these successful things his vision told him to create new standards (ALAC music format, and so on) in order to "lock-in" customers in Apple environment (this is not a dream, but a specific "building" that he made, a successful strategic decision).
I don't deny he is a dreamer concerning how computers are now or about cinema animations (for these things he is like Walt Disney).
In conclusion, I can say that Vision and Creativity both require "specificity" that doesn't exist in everyone in the same proportion: in some people there is "more" Vision, in some others "more" Creativity, in just very few people both exist in the same proportion. When the latter happens, big things can take place.

  John O. Dozier, Jr.
John O. Dozier, Jr.
Coach, United States

Nuances are Fun to Explore

I like the idea of a Vision meaning an articulation of a reality that inspires people to move to the highest point of their capabilities — within that reality. (A Mission being the pithy articulation of how we're going to get there, achieve the Vision.) For me, Creativity falls into the strategic planning realm. That is, innovating products and services in a way that addresses, anticipates the highest form of the customers needs, desires. Thanks for the inspiration!


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More on Strategic Vision
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topic How Do You Measure Vision?
topic Guidance for the Strategic Journey in the Desert
topic Components of a Corporate Vision
topic The Cathedral and the Importance of Communicating the Vision and Mission
topic Strategic Foresight
topic Should a Strategic Vision Be Achievable?
topic The Importance of having a Vision (and Strategy)
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👀What's the Essence of Vision
topic Be the First to Be Moved by your Vision!
topic Relation Between Organizational Vision and Employee Empowerment
topic VISION versus MISSION
topic The Best Moment to Communicate the Vision and Mision to Employees?
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