
Corporate Governance and Compliance

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Corporate Governance



lindy, Australia

Corporate Governance and Compliance

My current research is currently exploring the difference between corporate governance concepts and compliance. These two concepts are usually said to be intercorrelated. Would you concur that that is necessarily the case? I would appreciate feedback from other readers on both the concepts of CG and compliance with performance.


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Corporate Governance and Compliance

Compliance is a concept to indicate that a corporation is operating in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations. Compliance should primarily be seen as a part of external corporate governance, because it is one of the influences from outside the firm on the governance of the firm
But observe that all internal CG mechanisms also have to be compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
Is this what you meant?

  Sherif Kamel
Sherif Kamel, Egypt

Corporate Governance and Compliance

- Corporate Governance: The overriding objective of CG is to protect the shareholders' rights and ensure that the organization is properly managed through the implementation of sound strategies and action plans and the development of an integrated framework of controls over the organization's resources.
- Whereas compliance is concerned with the principles underpinning the best practice of CG, applied in a manner that is most suited to the organization, supported by an overriding organization-wide commitment to the highest standards of ethical behaviour.

  E Benshetler
E Benshetler
Project Manager, United States

Corporate Governance and Compliance

You used the terms 'intercorrelated' and 'with performance' and I also noticed you're a PhD student. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you are studying CG and compliance as independent variables that could affect performance as the dependent variable, and are asking about either interaction effects or possible multicollinearity between the two IVs.
Is this correct? Could you add a little more explanation that would clarify this?

lindy, Australia

Corporate Governance

I am indeed exploring the multiple definitions of corporate governance and compliance and the causal links (or rather) associations between the dependent and independent variables. Much research has been undertaken in this area.
However, the definitions remain broad and vague and results on association findings are often varied with some interrelatedness between idv and dv in some findings and none in other findings.


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More on Corporate Governance
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topic Internal and External Corporate Governance
🔥 CEO Duality
topic Agency Theory: Principal-Agent Problems
topic Corporate Governance: One-tier versus Two-tier Boards
topic Dealing with non-profit Board of Directors
topic Europe Reaches Agreement on Banking Supervisor: Curse or Blessing?
topic Corporate Culture Vis-a-vis Societal Culture
topic HR Involvement in CG
topic How to Evaluate and Measure the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Systems?
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topic How Corporate Governance Affects the Financial Performance of Companies
topic Challenges in Corporate Governance in Africa
topic Why the Interest in Corporate Governance Today?
topic Corporate Governance Aims
topic Culture and Corporate Governance
topic Gender Diversity (Women) in the Board of Directors
topic A Global Corporate Governance Body is Needed
topic Corporate Governance Rules and Ethics
topic Why Should a Firm have Procedures and Policies?
topic Governance versus Management
topic Maintaining Creativity and Flexibility Despite of Corporate Governance Mechanisms
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Corporate Governance

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