
Mind Mapping Applications (usages)

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Mind Mapping



Karl Hoegerl
Karl Hoegerl

Mind Mapping Applications (usages)

You can use Mind Mapping to:
- Plan and organize
- Add structure to text and reports
- Prepare information for learning
- Brainstorm
- Projektmanagement
- Finding quality issues
- Testing protocols
- Web site planning and development.


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  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Mindmapping and Brainstorming are Contradictory

Brainstorming is free flow of ideas. Mind Mapping on the other hand is somewhat structured and links ideas, concepts etc.
For brainstorming one needs a board, scriber and open team to share data. Mindmapping is an activity which may even be done individually.
Mindmapping can be the second stage of brainstorming in which team tries to structure data and concentrate on critical or real issues or causes.

Consultant, Netherlands

Versatility of Mindmanager Could Be Much Better

We would like to use mindmanager or equal for real brainstorming; it is however rather rigid when one wants to add scribbles or free sketches: they cannot be drawn directly on the map. A real brainstorm should allow drawings and sketches directly on the board in a way that it is very user friendly and doesn't distract or bother the person who is adding it.
Since years electronic mind maps are only based on text fields and links to be placed.

  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Mindmap for Preparing Instruction Manual

I use a mindmap software which helps in generating a website from a mindmap or text report. I supplied a measurement system to our sister unit in Brazil which uses Portuguese language which I do not know.
I made a web site using this and had hyperlinks to pictures, videos and text files which acted as a very good instruction manual. The users could install and use the system which had electrical circuit diagram and software for storing test results by this and few letters. No one was required to visit for explaining it. The CD which had this data served as instruction manual and was found sufficient.

  Diana Zee
Diana Zee
Project Manager, United Kingdom

Using Mind Mapping

For me the visual aspect is the key. You can see everything at once and then focus on one section at times.
Using Mind Mapping software allows you to move thoughts/ideas about as the process evolves.
And last but by now means least you can have the relevant documents, pdfs, links attached so you have everything in the right place.

Consultant, Netherlands

Mind-mapping and Brainstorming

@Jagdish B Acharya: what is the point of making mind mapping and brainstorming contradictory? They can of course be used in the order you mention. I see mind-mapping as a supportive tool for the lively process of brainstorming: the participants want to be able to view all ideas (for instance to think of new associative ideas), actually you are assuming that brainstorming may not be structured?
I only supposed that the tool of mindmapping (software) could be better to support the process of brainstorming.
And especially when it concerns product design or other businesses where visualised ideas are prevailing for the greater part!
We are doing a lot of brainstorms for companies in the field of design and thereby the available software could be helpful much more than is the case at present.

  Marcelo Fenoll Ramal
Marcelo Fenoll Ramal
ICT Consultant, Brazil

Project Management Usage of Mind Mapping

I use Mind Mapping in project scope identification and definition. The decomposition techinique, used in EAP development, is the same in MM.

  Jagdish B Acharya
Jagdish B Acharya
Consultant, India

Structured Brainstorming

@Swart: thanks for better insight. Raw or first stage brainstorming may not have structure but real brainstorming in a practical session may use mindmapping and be more effective than its parts.
In this manner a mind map may become more comprehensive in its coverage of details by using brainstorming.

  Dan Cooper
Dan Cooper
Analyst, United States

Mind Mapping Many Uses

I like seeing data visually. I have accumulated my dog-ear page/text markers in a book I have read to collate important passages then organizing them in a mind map. Interesting in both having access to the information, but also interesting layout of what I find interesting in the book. I liked it for organizing info for work, creating lyric sheets for my original compositions. I will probably use it to map out my book idea.


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More on Mind Mapping
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Why are Mind Maps So Easy to Remember?
topic Best Mind Mapping Software
topic Mind Mapping - Still Can't Get It!
topic Steps in Mind Mapping Process
topic 'Mind Mapping' or 'Idea Mapping'?
topic Tools for Mind Mapping
👀Mind Mapping Applications (usages)
topic Mind Mapping for Trainers
topic Mind Mapping in Science
topic Mind Mapping and Decomposition
🔥 Mind Maps versus Concept Maps
topic Mind Map for Mapping User Requirements to Software Features?
Special Interest Group

More on Mind Mapping
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Why are Mind Maps So Easy to Remember?
topic Best Mind Mapping Software
topic Mind Mapping - Still Can't Get It!
topic Steps in Mind Mapping Process
topic 'Mind Mapping' or 'Idea Mapping'?
topic Tools for Mind Mapping
👀Mind Mapping Applications (usages)
topic Mind Mapping for Trainers
topic Mind Mapping in Science
topic Mind Mapping and Decomposition
🔥 Mind Maps versus Concept Maps
topic Mind Map for Mapping User Requirements to Software Features?
Special Interest Group
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Mind Mapping

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