
How to Turn Competitor's Weaknesses Into Opportunities

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SWOT Analysis

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Mukisa Simon Peter
Mukisa Simon Peter
Teacher, Uganda

How to Turn Competitor's Weaknesses Into Opportunities

How can I turn my rival's internal weaknesses into my opportunities?
This is not so easy as some companies succeed in keeping their internal weaknesses as a secret to themselves...


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Taking Advantage of Our Competitor's Weaknesses

Your strengths are your competitor's weaknesses. If not, they're not your strengths either. If they are, you could use them to his disadvantage.
For example: you have a strong financial position (and your competitor does not), you can bleed him out, through price war or excessive marketing.
In my opinion, however, you should not focus on eliminating the competition, but on creating value for your customer and having your competitor around to show to you are better.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

How to Turn Competitor's Weaknesses Into Opportunities

Some initial guidance... In general one step is indeed to actually KNOW what are the weaknesses of each of your main competitors. Have a look at Competitive Intelligence and/or Benchmarking for more on this.
When you've found these and compared them with your own strengths, you might proceed by considering to what extent they matter for certain customers (segments). Have a look at Kano Attributes.
If you find a combination of weaknesses of competitors + strengths of yourself + interested customers (segments) you might be looking at a promising strategic opportunity. Your company might want to invest in this area and tell the world about it (Advertising).


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More on SWOT Analysis
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Be Careful with SWOT Analysis. Issues and Risks of SWOT
topic WHEN to do a SWOT Analysis?
topic Opportunity or Threat?
topic Significance of SWOT Analysis. Strengths
topic Application Areas of SWOT Analysis
👀How to Turn Competitor's Weaknesses Into Opportunities
topic Internal Opportunities and Threats?
topic Combining SWOT with other Strategy Tools
topic SOAR Analysis
topic SWOT or TOWS Matrix?
topic How to Proceed after the SWOT Analysis to the Strategy?
🔥 Internal and External Factors in SWOT Analysis
topic Be Careful with Viewing Industry Opportunities as Company Opportunities
topic SWOT Analysis for British Airways and Ryan Air
topic SWOC Analysis versus SWOT Analysis
topic SWOT Analysis as a Brainstorming Technique
topic Assigning Weights in SWOT Analysis
topic SWOCC Analysis
topic Competitive Analysis with SWOT
topic Divide and Conquer Approach to SWOT
topic Involve Stakeholders in SWOT Analysis
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