
What is the Difference Between Cost of Capital and Weighted Average Cost of Capital?

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Cost of Capital



Accountant, Colombia

What is the Difference Between Cost of Capital and Weighted Average Cost of Capital?

🔥 Hello, could you please answer me: What is the difference between the cost of capital and the weighted average cost of capital?


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Difference Between Cost of Capital and WACC

Cost of capital is the total of cost of debt and cost of equity. WACC (in full: Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is the weighted average of these costs derived as a proportion of debt and equity held in the firm.
Both, Cost of capital and WACC, are made use in important financial decisions, which include merger and acquisition decisions, investment decisions, capital budgeting, and for evaluating a company's financial performance and stability.
WACC is calculated by giving weights to the company's debt and capital in proportion to the amount in which each is held.


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topic Cost of Capital ( Equity Only)
👀What is the Difference Between Cost of Capital and Weighted Average Cost of Capital?
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Cost of Capital

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