
We Move in the Direction We Inquire...

Knowledge Center

Appreciative Inquiry

Best Practices


Management Consultant, India

We Move in the Direction We Inquire...

We move in the direction we inquire. While the appreciative inquiry helps us enrich our lives and institutions and on the other hand depreciative inquiry leads us to the depreciative path. It is like there are two options in the world and you get what you contemplate upon - the appreciative or the depreciative. We just need to tune in for what we want.


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  Gary Wong
Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

Understand That AI is a Chosen Intervention

You're right in stating we can pick what we want. If we want positive stories, we ask for them. If we want negative, depreciative ones, we simply ask for them.
I have rationalized in my mind that AI is a subset of Narrative Inquiry (NI). NI is about using the power of Storytelling.
Instead of traditional interviewing, I have shifted to collecting stories as a much more effective way of understanding. When we create a list of interview questions, we can't help but inject our own biases as intervenors. Even if the question is "open-ended", we move the conversation in the direction we inquire. But if we simply ask for story, the storyteller is free to take us to wherever s/he wants to go. In my consulting practice I have learned so much more about a company's culture by collecting stories, including issues that I had no idea even existed.

Matil, Suriname

Appreciative Inquiry as a Subset of Narratitve Inquiry

@Gary Wong: Thank you for ur wonderful ideas! Could you expand more on Storytelling as a tool in AI?
Does this have to do with what humanistic psychologists used in the dialogical narrative method to help clients reconstruct their life stories and giving them feedback to see the bigger picture how they fit into the world?
I appreciate any input here. I am in educational sciences in Suriname and am learning much here at 12manage. Regards!


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More on Appreciative Inquiry
Summary Discussion Topics
topic The Mechanism Behind Appreciative Inquiry
topic Advantages of Appreciative Inquiry
👀We Move in the Direction We Inquire...
topic Appreciative Inquiry: Methodology, Set of Principles and Philosophy
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topic Liberal or Formal Appreciative Inquiry?
topic AI for Community Group Mobilization
topic Appreciative Inquiry - Positive Change in My Life
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topic Alternative Steps in Appreciative Inquiry
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topic AI in Leadership Program at University
topic Suggestions on Inspired Action Activities/
topic AI and Seeing the Good in Others
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topic AI in the public sector in the UK?
topic Appreciative Inquiry in Mental Health
🔥 When Would Appreciative Inquiry not Work? And Why?
topic AI to Change Team Culture
Special Interest Group

More on Appreciative Inquiry
Summary Discussion Topics
topic The Mechanism Behind Appreciative Inquiry
topic Advantages of Appreciative Inquiry
👀We Move in the Direction We Inquire...
topic Appreciative Inquiry: Methodology, Set of Principles and Philosophy
topic Implementing Appreciative Inquiry in a Pragmatic Way
topic Liberal or Formal Appreciative Inquiry?
topic AI for Community Group Mobilization
topic Appreciative Inquiry - Positive Change in My Life
topic Appreciative Inquiry Application in IT Project Management & Change Management
topic Alternative Steps in Appreciative Inquiry
topic Transformation Vision in Change Management
topic AI in Leadership Program at University
topic Suggestions on Inspired Action Activities/
topic AI and Seeing the Good in Others
topic AI for coaching and teambuilding
topic Appreciative Inquiry - 6D Cyclus
topic Implementing Appreciative Inquiry in an R&D Setting
topic AI in the public sector in the UK?
topic Appreciative Inquiry in Mental Health
🔥 When Would Appreciative Inquiry not Work? And Why?
topic AI to Change Team Culture
Special Interest Group
Knowledge Center

Appreciative Inquiry

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