
Transcendent Leadership

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Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment | Normative Approach



Hong Sun
Hong Sun
Management Consultant, Canada

Transcendent Leadership

🔥 Transcendent Leadership emerged as a global imperative during the 2007 World Economic Forum held in Davos. It is a strategic leadership that’s redefining success in the modern business world by shifting the focus from traditional, profit-centric measures to a more holistic and value-driven approach.

Transcendent Leadership Attributes

Here are the main characteristics of a Transcendent Leader (TRL):
  • EMPHASIS ON PURPOSE AND VALUES: A TRL prioritizes a higher purpose and strong values. Success is not solely measured by financial gain but by the positive impact an organization has on its employees, customers, communities, and the world at large.
  • STAKEHOLDER-CENTRIC APPROACH: Rather than concentrating only on shareholders, a TRL considers the needs and interests of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the broader community. Success is evaluated by the organization's ability to create value for all stakeholders.
  • EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING: Success is redefined to include the well-being and development of employees. TRLs do their best to empower employees, create a positive work environment, promote work-life balance, and foster a culture of empathy and support.
  • ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING: Ethics is at the core of transcendent leadership. TRLs place a high emphasis on responsible business practices and corporate social responsibility. Success is achieved through ethical decision-making that aligns with the organization's values and principles.
  • INNOVATION AND VISION: Beyond achieving financial milestones, the goal is set to innovate and pursue a visionary mission. TRLs encourage creative thinking and solving significant societal or global issues like climate change, social inequality, and poverty.
  • LONG-TERM THINKING: TRLs look beyond short-term profits and focuses on sustainable growth and long-term impact. Success is measured by an organization's ability to weather challenges, adapt to changes, and endure over time.
  • INSPIRATION AND LEGACY: TRLs seek to inspire others and leave a lasting legacy. Success is linked to the ability to motivate and guide future leaders and to create a positive, enduring impact on society and the world.
In short, a transcendent leader is an individual who embodies a leadership style characterized by a deep sense of purpose, unwavering commitment to values, and a desire to create a lasting, positive impact that extends beyond personal and organizational boundaries. Transcendent leaders prioritize the well-being of their team and community over personal gain, inspire others through their visionary outlook, ethical conduct, and empathy, seek to make meaningful contributions to society, and aim to leave a legacy of positive change to the whole world.

Examples of transcendent leaders

  • Richard Branson: Founder of Virgin Group, Richard Branson is a successful entrepreneur who is known for his unconventional leadership style and his commitment to social causes.
  • Indra Nooyi: Former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi is a visionary leader who is known for her focus on sustainability and her commitment to empowering women in the workplace.
  • Satya Nadella: CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella is known for his empathetic leadership style and his commitment to empowering employees to achieve their full potential.
  • Bill Gates: Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has a clear vision for the future of technology and is able to inspire others to share his vision. He is also a philanthropist who focuses on solving global issues such as providing clean water and sanitation (among other things) to third-world countries.
In the modern business world, transcendent leadership is gaining recognition and influence as it resonates with the values and expectations of many employees, customers, and investors. Companies that embrace transcendent leadership are often seen as more socially responsible, attractive to talent, and capable of fostering innovation and growth. This approach to leadership not only redefines success but also contributes to a more sustainable and responsible business environment.

Raja, S. (2023, September 22). This Leadership Style Is Redefining Success in the Business World. Entrepreneur. https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/this-leadership-style-is-redefining-success-in-the-business/458568
Crossan, M., Vera, D., & Nanjad, L. (2008). Transcendent leadership: Strategic Leadership in Dynamic Environments. The Leadership Quarterly, 19.
CMOE. (2018, January 2). 20 Famous Business Leaders Who Changed the World. CMOE. https://cmoe.com/blog/20-of-the-most-influential-leaders-in-business
Editor. (2020, November 26). Richard Branson Leadership Style. Financhill. https://financhill.com/blog/investing/richard-branson-leadership-style
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Does Not See Empathy as a Soft Skill. (n.d.). Fortune. Retrieved November 7, 2023, from https://fortune.com/2023/10/18/microsoft-ceo-satya-nadella-empathy-soft-skill


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Example of a Transcendent Leader: Paul Polman

I think former Unilever CEO Paul Polman is an excellent example of a transcendent leader as well.
See my summary of Polman's ideas and work he explained in his book "Net Positive Company". Note that Polman was already a transcendent leader when it matters most - while he was active as CEO.

Professor, Ukraine

Modern Leaders Have to be 'Agents of Change'

Existing models of leadership cease to be effective in the face of global problems. Because problems, like the world, are becoming global, therefore, modern leaders have to be "agents of change". However, when we look at leaders in the whole world, we see completely different types of leaders who are admired by their followers. Some of these modern leaders are behaving in the same way as tribal leaders used to do; they protect the interests of their own group by attacking the surrounding groups. It is a behavior that has been effective for thousands of years. However that approach is not helpfull at all to solve the many interconnected problems in a global world.


The World Needs More Transcendent Leaders

@Meheresh: Being an optimist I hope and think so. The world (climate) needs it. A lot depends on the public voice. We should no longer tolerate leaders that bow to the primacy of the stock markets and...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Transcending What?

The characteristics ascribed to the "Transcendent Leader" in the opening posting can be found described as characteristics of a leader (and originally of a "manager") in many other treatises on leader...

HR professional, Australia

Leadership and Social Systems

An interesting synthesis of Values Based Leadership and Transformational Leadership. It also may link with Spiral Dynamics Level 7 thinking....

Management Consultant, India

More Transcendent Leaders from Now On?

With the global businesses is moving (or being forced to move) towards "sustainability", will we see more examples of transcendent leaders?...

  Hong Sun
Hong Sun
Management Consultant, Canada

A Good Example

@Jaap de Jonge: Paul Polman is indeed a great example of transcendent leader! If all businesses aim to operate like a Net Positive company, we will be able to solve so many global problems and live in...


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More on Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment | Normative Approach
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👀Transcendent Leadership
topic Building Trust in your Firm
topic Net Positive Company
topic Business Ethics and Stakeholder Management
topic Reasons for Adopting a Code of Ethics by a Company
topic Stakeholders in Mine Project Development
topic What is Normative Management?
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