
Calculating Nt-1 in Bass | Calculating m, p and q in the Bass Model

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Tatiana, Russia

Calculating Nt-1 in Bass | Calculating m, p and q in the Bass Model

How do you calculate Nt-1 in the Bass formula?


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Voytech, Germany


Nt-1 cannot be calculated. Usually it is given, since it represents the cumulative number of adopters so far (incl. period n-1). It is the base for your estimations of p,q and m. Once you have those p,q,m values, you can calculate Nt, Nt+1 and so on that will converge to m.

Ram, India

Calculating Nt-1

Hi, Nt-1 stands for the total number or the cumulative number of consumers who have already adopted the product. For example, you might have data for weeks 1-10 of the product launch. Then the total number of consumers who have purchased the product till week 10 = Nt-1. Hope this helps.

Nick, Sweden

Calculating other factors

Hi! How can you calculate the other factors, I mean m, p and q - can I use regression analyse in SPSS software?

Siy, U.S


Hey, I also want to know how to calculate the p and q number. Or are there any factors will affect p and/or q, which should be included in the marketing decision making process, i.e. advertising budget? Thanks

Richard, Malaysia

Bass Curve Example

Who can give a full example of the Bass Diffusion Model with some assumptions as it appears to be a great model?

  Aditi Sharma
Aditi Sharma
Student (MBA)

Calculating Nt in The Bass Model

I have all the other values except Nt.
If I have to calculate what will be the sales in the 4th year, how will I find it without having the value of Nt first?

  Samantha Buxton
Samantha Buxton
Student (University), United Kingdom

How do You Calculate m, p and q in the Bass Model?

How do you calculate the m, p and q for the Bass model? I know the total number of adopters and I have past data in which to base the model on. Can someone help me please?


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topic Calculating and Predicting a Product Life Cycle
topic External / Internal Influence Model
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topic Alternate Bass Model Formula
👀Calculating Nt-1 in Bass | Calculating m, p and q in the Bass Model
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More on Innovation
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Calculating and Predicting a Product Life Cycle
topic External / Internal Influence Model
topic How is Bass Curve Model Different from Product Life Cycle
🔥 Measuring Adoption of Innovation
topic Alternate Bass Model Formula
👀Calculating Nt-1 in Bass | Calculating m, p and q in the Bass Model
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