
Social Marketing

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Summary, forum, best practices, expert tips and information sources.

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Here we exchange knowledge and experiences in the field of Social Marketing.

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Definition Social Marketing?

Social Marketing / Non-smoking ad

Social Marketing is a form of marketing that is designed to influence the behavior of a target audience in which the benefits of the behavior are intended by the marketer to accrue primarily to the audience or to the society in general and not to the marketer.

Typically social marketing is aimed at achieving specific behavioral goals for a social good. Unlike regular commercial marketing which has primarily a financial aim.

Social marketing is normally used by non-profit organizations, health services groups and government agencies. However also businesses and individuals might use social advertisements in special circumstances.

Examples of Social Marketing

One example is a campaign to influence consumers to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Other examples are recommending people to use seat belts, asking people not to smoke inside building or in public areas, or influencing them to follow speed limits, avoiding being exposed to too much sunlight to avoid skin cancer), etc.

Origin of Social Marketing. History

Although there already had been earlier examples, social marketing as a formal concept started in 1971, when Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman published "Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change" in the Journal of Marketing 35, 3-12.

In 1988, Craig Lefebvre and June Flora argued there are 8 Components of Social Marketing:

  1. A consumer orientation to realize organizational (social) goals
  2. An emphasis on the voluntary exchanges of goods and services between providers and consumers
  3. Research in audience analysis and Segmentation strategies
  4. The use of formative research in product and message design and the pretesting of these materials
  5. An analysis of distribution (or communication) Channels
  6. Use of the Marketing Mix
  7. A process tracking system with both integrative and control functions
  8. A management process that involves problem analysis, planning, implementation and feedback functions (Compare: Deming Cycle)

Not Social Marketing...

It should not be confused with the social impact of marketing (also commercial campaigns might have social side effects or secondary social outcomes).

it should also not be confused with social media marketing (advertising via Facebook, LinkedIn or similar social networks).

Special Interest Group

Social Marketing Special Interest Group.

Special Interest Group
Special Interest Group (165 members)


Forum about Social Marketing.

topic Social Marketing versus Social Media Marketing
I have seen many times people mix up the two terms: "social marketing" and "social media marketing"....
Comments1 comments
🔥 Social Marketing as a Tool for Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility
Initially, marketing was almost entirely aimed at selling goods or services in order to increase profits and meet the needs of customers. Over time, the business orientations of many companies changed...
topic Social Marketing: How to Measure it?
Several Latin countries have rightly published a long guide of indicators to be able to characterize (measure) social responsibility in organizations. However, there have been very few suggested indic...
Comments1 comments
topic Social Marketing in HIV / Aids Prevention
Any research done on social marketing strategies applied by medical professionals in Aids / HIV prevention & care?...
topic Book on Social Innovation / Marketing
Just read J. Saul's book Social Innovation, Inc.: 5 Strategies for Driving Business Growth through Social Change for a further explanation of the concept. Btw social marketing is not an emotional thin...

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Courses about Social Marketing.


Beginners Course


Advanced Course


Course for Experts

Best Practices

The best, top-rated topics about Social Marketing. Here you will find the most valuable ideas and practical suggestions.

🥇 How is Social Marketing Different from Regular Marketing?
Just been through a course and I'm anxcious to know more about it. Can anyone help me? In what ways does social marketing differ from regular marketing? Thanks....
Comments5 comments

Expert Tips

Advanced insights about Social Marketing. Here you will find professional advices by experts.


Consultancy Tips


Teaching Tips


Practical Implementation Tips


Social Marketing Best Practices

Social Marketing
According to Kottler, Roberto and Lee, 2002, Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life, elements of successful soc...
Information Sources

Various sources of information regarding Social Marketing. Here you will find powerpoints, videos, news, etc. to use in your own lectures and workshops.


Social Marketing Concepts, Steps and Implementation Best Practices

Social Marketing, Marketing
Presentation that introduces the concept of and steps in social marketing. The presentation includes the following secti...


Useful tools regarding Social Marketing.













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