
기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수, Corporate Reputation Quotient)

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Harris-Fombrun의 기업명성지수는 소비자, 투자자, 직원, 또는 중요한 영향력 행사자(influencers)와 같은 기업의 이해관계자 그룹의 인식을 파악하여 만들어지는 기업의 명성을 포괄적으로 측정하는 방법이다. 이 지수를 통해서 기업이 명성을 끄는 주요 요인(drivers)을 알 수 있고, 해당 산업 전반에 걸친 명성을 비교할 수도 있다.

기업명성지수의 6가지 주요 요인.

이 기업명성지수는 다음과 같은 20개의 속성을 가진 6개의 주요요인을 갖고 있다.

정서적인 호소( Emotional Appeal)

- 기업에 대한 호감

- 회사에 대한 존경심

- 회사에 대한 신뢰

제품과 서비스 (Products and Services)

- 회사는 자신의 제품과 서비스를 믿는다.

- 회사는 고품질 제품과 서비스를 제안한다

- 혁신적인 제품 및 서비스를 개발한다

- 좋은 가치를 지닌 서비스와 제품을 제안한다.

비전과 리더십 (Vision and Leadership)

- 뛰어난 리더십을 갖고 있다.

- 미래를 대한 명확한 비전이 있다

- 시장 기회를 인식하고 이용한다

작업환경 (Workplace Environment )

- 잘 관리된다

- 일하기에 좋은 회사로 보인다.

- 좋은 직원이 있는 것으로 보인다

재무적 성과 (Financial Performance)

- 과거의 수익성

- 투자리스크가 낮아보인다.

- 미래성장을 위한 강한 전망

- 경쟁업체를 능가할 것으로 보인다.

사회적 책임 (Social Responsibility)

- 좋은 명분을 지원

- 환경에 대한 책임

- 사람들에 대한 좋은 대우

무작위 조사를 실시한 후, 위의 기준을 취합하여 가장 평판이 높거나 두드러지는 회사의 리스트르 작성한다.

참고도서: Charles J. Fombrun, Cees Van Riel - Fame and Fortune: How Companies Build Reputations

참고도서: Gary Davies, Rosa Chun - Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness

참고도서: Kevin T. Jackson - Building Reputational Capital


기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수 시그(SIG).

시그(SIG) (2 개 회원)


다음에 대한 포럼 토론: 기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수.

주제 Corporate Reputation versus Identity
I want to know if / how a corporate identity differs from the corporate reputation? Thanks......
반응5 개의 댓글
주제 Building a Corporate Reputation Takes a Long Time
Reputation cannot be built over night and there is no short cut to reputation building at the same time. It takes years of toil and hard work not only for the CEO but also the employees to be in line ...
반응2 개의 댓글
주제 Corporate Identity MIx
Related to the Corporate Reputation is the the Corporate Identity Mix by Birkigt and Stadler (1986). Their model defines Corporate Identity as the Personality of the corporation. This Personality is ...
주제 Corporate Reputation and the Economic Crisis
Excellent reputations are developed overtime from principled behaviours, including honesty, accountability, and integrity. But in this competitive market, where profits are scarce, most feel it necess...
반응2 개의 댓글
주제 Corporate Reputation Quotient is Vital
CRQ is vital as it measures resonance between corporate culture and stakeholder expectations, it needs to meet and exceed the expectations. This CRQ is reflected in the corporate image thus should be ...
주제 Results More Important Than Reputation
I think that the result of a company is even more important than its reputation. After all what's the truth about most reputations? What really matters are the size of the firm and in which industry t...
반응4 개의 댓글

새로운 주제를 시작하거

새로운 주제를 시작하거 에 대한 기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수

교육 과정

기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수교육 과정 에 대한 .


초보자 코스


고급 코스


전문가를 위한 과정

모범 사례

기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수에 대한 최고 평점 토론 주제. 여기에서 가장 가치있는 아이디어와 실용적인 제안을 찾을 수 있습니다.

🥇 Measuring a Reputation
I would like to measure the reputation of our organization, an NGO. Internally and externally. How do I go about it?...
반응1 개의 댓글

🥈 Reputation Driver: Vision & Leadership
Amongst these 6 drivers of corporate reputation, vision & leadership is very important, because the reputation of a leader in the market decides the reputation of an organisation. The CEO should have ...
반응5 개의 댓글

🥉 Research a Reputation
I need to research the reputation of an organisation and would like to use the Fombrun model. How do I go about it?...
반응1 개의 댓글

주제 CEO Profile and Corporate Repuation
Ideally, should the profile of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a firm match the main characteristics of the corporate brand or reputation? Does it matter if the firm we are dealing with is small ...
반응37 개의 댓글

전문가 팁

Corporate Reputation Management에 대한 고급 통찰력 (영어). 여기에서 전문가의 전문적인 조언을 찾을 수 있습니다.


컨설팅 팁


교육 팁


실용적인 구현 팁


Pitfalls of International / Global Brands

Brand Portfolio Management, Brand Valuation
Consistent with current trends in globalization, international firms have concentrated their efforts on the development ...

Pitfalls of a Strong Financial Reputation

Strategy, Corporate Reputation Management
A recent study by Don Porritt (Charles Sturt University, Australia) shows that a companys reputation for financial perf...

Four Ways in Which People Experience Any Organization

Corporate Reputation, Customer Perception, Customer Experience Management, Online Reputation
The reputation of an organization depends mainly from the way that the organizations constituencies experience/perceive...

Global Branding Best Practices

Global Branding, Brand Valuation
In order to increase brand value, multinational organizations should focus on global branding programs, as these program...

Principles of Strong Corporate Reputations

Strategy, Corporate Reputation, Brand Management
The Reputation Institute (a network of academics and practitioners founded in 1997 to study corporate reputations) defin...

Dimensions and Traits of the Corporate Brand Personality

Corporate Brand Development
In contrast to product brand personality, which typically relates to consumers and user imagery for a specific product b...

What is the Value of a Strong Corporate Reputation?

Corporate Reputation Management, Market Value, Intangible Assets
Academic research to quantify the value of reputation confirms that there are large economic premiums associated with co...

Nationalism and Patriotism in Corporate Brand Communication Strategies

Corporate Branding, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Nationality, Corporate Patriotism, Corporate Nationalism
Past research in market communication revealed that many consumers prefer to purchase domestic brands because they want ...

Differences Between the Corporate Reputation versus the Corporate Status

Corporate Reputation Management
The terms reputation and status are often used as synonyms, such as when we talk about the reputation or status a co...
정보 출처

기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수 에 대한 다양한 정보 출처. 여기에서 자신의 강의 및 워크샵에 사용할 파워 포인트, 비디오, 뉴스 등을 찾을 수 있습니다.


Strategically Managing Perceptions for Improved Corporate Reputation

Reputation Management Activities, Strategic Reputation Management, Reputation Perceptions
Concise presentation that provides an interesting framework for reputation management. It particularly focuses on 4 key ...

585 Financial Misrepresentations...

Consequences for Reputation
Paper by Jonathan M. Karpoff, D. Scott Lee and Gerald S. Martin examines the penalties imposed on all 585 firms that wer...

Jennifer Aaker on Branding

Jennifer Aaker on Branding
Jennifer Aaker explains the difference between brand and branding: - "Branding" is just the tip of the iceberg (the mar...

Managing your Reputation: Definition, Value, Processes, Measurement Options

Reputation Management, Corporate Reputation
This presentation discusses the traditional approach towards managing your reputation. The presentation includes the fol...

Social Media for Organizations

Social Media for Business, Online Business Identity, Corporate Reputation, Social Networking for Business
This presentation provides interesting information about the usage of social media for businesses. The presentation incl...

CSR Implementation and Communication Model (Schmeltz)

CSR Communication, CSR Implementation, CSR Strategy, Corporate Identity, Corporate Values, CSR Stages,
Because Corporate Social Responsibility is a value-based concept, it is highly connected with an organizations values a...

Martin's Trust Model: The Trust Matrix

Trust, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Branding, Corporate Image
An important determinant of the reputation of your brand, company or sector is TRUST. In the financial sector for exampl...

3 Levels of Communication Skills for Managing and Leadership

Leadership, Communication Skills, Leadership Communication Framework, Barett
According to Barrett (2006) leadership communication can be referred to as the determined and purposeful delivery of mes...

Video Introduction of Branding

Initial Understanding of Branding
4-minute intro to what a brand is and what branding is. We live in a brand saturated world. That is why it so important...

The Importance of Reputational Risk and Managing it

Reputation Management, Risk Management
This presentation focuses mainly on the importance of reputational risk and the necessity of reputational risk managemen...


기업명성지수 (또는 기업평판지수에 관한 유용한 도구.






프리젠 테이션




플라톤 학파 사람들


관련 개념: Brand Personality[브랜드 개성] 차원  |  Brand Asset Valuator [브랜드자산 평가지표]  |  Brand Identity Prism 브랜드아이덴터티 프리즘  |  Ashridge 미션 모델

다른 페이지로 이동: 의사소통과 기법들  |  윤리와 책임  |  지식과 무형자산  |  마케팅 및 영업  |  전략 및 혁신

관리 방법, 모형 및 이론


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