
Sense Making in a Decision Support Tool

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Sense Making in a Decision Support Tool
Md Rashidul Hasan  Student (University), Sweden

Email interview for my masters thesis as SAS business intelligence user.

Currently, I am writing my master’s thesis and thesis title is "sense making in a decision making support tool: A case study of SAS business intelligence". I was wondering if you are willing to give an e mail interview as a user of SAS Business intelligence regarding my thesis.
According to Gartner, business intelligence is an umbrella tool. It is accessing the analytic information to optimize the decision and performance. In this case, the decision will be taken on the basis of analyzing the information that is extracted from the data. After the analysis the knowledge will gain support the decision. But, in terms of economic decision, it will need to gather a lot of information. (Buchanan & O’connel, 2006). This information will come from the past activities of the organization as a data to analyze for the decision making. It could identify as a sense making (Boland, 2008). According to the Ancona, D. (2012) sensemaking is the learning of culture, politics, and structure of new venture. It is also structuring the problem that never seen before. In business arena sansemaking can mean the learning of shifting market, consumer migration, new technology and also figuring out why a previous successful business model is no longer working. It makes the complex into the simple with a higher level of understanding of the problem. When the understanding of the business becomes intangibles then the sensemaking most often needed. (Heifetz, 2009). By that, the business need to analyze it’s past information which could be considered as the sense making.
According to Tsoukas and Chia Sense making is an intrinsic flux of human action gives a shape through some meaning and rules. (Weick et al. 2005). The meaning of the human action with some rule will form a new shape to human action to know about the sense making. Sense making is past oriented and decision making is future oriented (Boland, 2008). For the scenes making the history of past activities need to be considered and the decision making is predictive of future. On the basis of past activities the prediction could be made. Sense making is an action from retrospect and presumption which has connections with past experience and decision making about the future oriented. (Weick et al. 2005). On the other hand, Business intelligence is a decision support tool, which will help to make faster decisions. (Choudhury, 2011). And also, can improve the decision by combination with sense making. My paper is an endeavor to show the role of sensemaking in the decision support tool. After the literature review I found there are two indication in the decision making, these are logical and explicit which works to architect the decision and human intuition which is working for the decision making. Here business intelligence software does the logical part and the user are the human intuition. My interview is about how to you use your felling, when you are using your business intelligence.

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