
Plan B, Reframing Organizations

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Plan B, Reframing Organizations
Robert James Daniels  Other, Canada

Reframing organizations properly to serve their stakeholders better includes appraisals, inquiries, ownership by stakeholders; begins with vision, followed by missions, and transformational leadership.

Reframing organizations properly to serve their stakeholders better includes appraisals, inquiries, ownership by stakeholders; begins with vision, followed by missions, and transformational leadership. Change begins with a proper image or symbolism. Thus the reframe begins with the Symbolic Frame. The Symbolic Frame is followed by the Political Frame with learned leadership with competencies to ensure alignment of all systems and subsystems that include economic, education, cultural, and social subsystems. Dialoque and conversations is the tool to overcome complexity, as is action research, participant action research, appraisals, organizational inquiries, and so forth. Once you are satisfied you have a proper Symbolic Frame and Political Frame in place, then the Structural Frame and Human Resource Frame can be implimented. All of these concepts covered, then individuals, community, can be assured of performance and vitalty for sustainabiliy.

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