
Peer to Peer Storytelling

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Peer to Peer Storytelling
Degrande  Entrepreneur, Belgium

There comes an end to two centuries of western dominance. Linking stories can arm corporation for the challenges of the next decade.

I have a simple view on the world
and on how it works:
it is all still about trading.
Today, two centuries of domination of the US and Europe are coming to an end. To resist against the overwhelming emerging countries the west needs real innovation. Easier said than done? Not anymore. I’ve discovered that the new trade is about linked peer-to-peer stories. Linking your stories to that of peers can help you convince other people, keeping the forefront in your business and helping you in realising finally the so much needed work-life balance.
The stories have to match
What explains the election win of Obama? He linked his story to that of millions of others and he summarised it in one simple sentence: “Yes we can”. Why did Tony Hayword had to leave as CEO of BP: bad storylinking. What explains the successes of Apple and Guiness? Linked peer-to-peer stories are the key to innovation and success.
Why do I know this?
The last couple of years I have been reading about all aspects of storytelling. How it influences the economy, the society, leadership, authenticity, social media and so on. Interesting stuff. But then it happened to me: peer-to-peer storytelling. I connected my story to that of peers. And my peers and their matching stories helped me to come to a simple set of rules for creating your own new trade.
The last 3 years I have been guiding a lot of international companies in using storytelling as a business tool. I have given a dozen workshops and lectures about this theme to blue chip companies. I have been working with all sort of businesses, with all sort of people, at all levels. They’re all convinced about the new trade. The new trade is the new business as usual!
To make it simple and concrete I summarized my view in one sentence:
It’s all about people connecting with other people by sharing their stories for everyone to repeat hoping to inspire the world and ultimately make it a better place.
Want more details?
Get a copy of Raf's Manifesto (pdf download)
An innovating book and an innovating way of publishing
I have been telling a lot of people about the new trade. Today I feel it is time to take the next step: writing a book about it. In my book I want to give you a detailed description about why you need to connect to the new way of trading. Why you need a whole new story, what it takes to create that story and how it will help you to do successful trading. The book will provide you the “how to” for peer-to-peer storytelling.
Mind you, it’s not a traditional book, in the classic way. No, it’s a book that applies the principles of the new trade. How? By crowdsourcing and crouwdfunding. It means that you can also participate: by sharing your stories and by supporting the project.
So the book is not only revolutionary because it explains the new trade, it’s also really innovating because it’s the very first in Europe to be published on the basis of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.
You win insights…
By participating you’ll be the first to know about the new trade. You’ll be the first to know how to build stories that match and thus are being able to keep your dominant position in the economy, characterized by thougher competition everyday from all over the world.
If I win, you will win too.
Join me in my book writing project. And find your new way of trading.
Reserve a copy of the book today. Become a member of my editorial board. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Or just follow along and tell a friend. The more people back this project the more the new trade will work for everybody. It must become our book. Let’s do this together.
This is the way how stories connect in the year 2010 and the next decade.
I have been intrigued with stories and storytelling ever since I was a very young boy. Stories are how we convey our deepest emotions and talk about those things that we value the most. Everyone has a story to tell. And exploring these stories is my business imperative.
I've been blogging on the topic of storytelling for over three years and I've amassed a considerable audience in that time at corporatestoryteller.be. I've also put my insights to action for the several international companies. I have been guiding them in using storytelling as a business tool. I have given a dozen workshops and lecturers about this subject to multiple blue chip companies. In 2010 I also co-started surfboard-communications.com. Surfboard Communications is a new consulting concept, working exclusively with the new generation of decision makers who value the role of communication in driving organizational change. Before I started corporatestoryteller.be I had a respectable fifteen year business career in several marketing and communication positions.

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