
The Value of an MBA in HRM

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The Value of an MBA in HRM
SHAIQ ALI MIRZA  Manager, Pakistan

What is the meaning of Manager? Who is the Manager?

I am a student of MBA and my specialization is Human resource Management being a student I feel very pleasure that the successful MBA holders are performing their duties in all over the world but along with I got some dis-hartness in my self when I found in some Government & private organizations not following their respective rules and regulations although the key person of these organizations is also MBA holder. The employees of their organization suffering and managers also following the same organization strategy/policies which was made by the owner of organization long time ago when no any career, training and development program were introduce in market. Only owner of the organization have right to decide any kind of loss and profit of employees.

As I am also working in Government Organization I found Manager of Human Resource, Manager of Admin. Manager of Accounts even Deputy Manager not making policies as they learnt! Some time they are looking very weak and scared to save their jobs and very bound to design policies only in the interest of the high management. At some where I found some managers are impose their personal thinking as a policy on both applicants and employees which will cause of making stress not only this but some time those managers bound their subordinate to face with the coming applicants unfortunately at that time they want to sitting in their cabinets and drinking a cup of tea with their friends.


1. Q. Is this all only for learn?

2. Q. Is this only for to get a degree to earn more money?

3. Q. Is this a fashion to get a latest market degree?

If it is not all these then……….!!

4. Q. What we have to do that an effective manager must be effective to change the system where needed through his qualification, skills and responsibilities.

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