
Let the Employees be like classmates , college mates and University Mates

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Let the Employees be like classmates , college mates and University Mates
Anil Kumar  Director, United Arab Emirates

Elimination of Fear and Anxiety is the first step for creating a Top Performing Organization.

I find that most of the gross mistakes people commit while working in Organizations are just due to the following two reasons :
1>>> Extreme desire to get into the fast track , pushing behind the contemporaries
2>>> To avoid dismissal on account of poor performance and survive
The impact of manipulations and mistakes people make to get the perfect 10 on his Score Card is much more damaging and devastating than the loss an employee can cause due to poor performance. We have to assume that all individuals are basically good and have the inherent desire to Excel or atleat survive ( there may be exceptions which shall be checked while recruiting thru a flawless selection process,by doing a thorough back ground search as also by a psychoanalysis with the help of a psychologist)

We must have noticed the cohesion between classmates and batchmates..... the kind of attention one used to give to the advice and the suggestions from seniors in the college . The cohesion is maximum as opportunities are the same for all...... All are birds of the same feather ..... None is superior , nor iferior to the other . When two or three batch mates of comparable intelligence and capabilities enter an organization , within less than a year , big barriers would be created in their minds as the equality vanishes. I am not unmindful of the fact that there can be a big gap between the performance indices ........ but we never realise that such apparent gaps are very rarely due to any deficiency in the capability level of those who are lagging and the winner would be the one who find loop holes, who camouflages his actions which is giving him the edge. If the recruitment process is right, allow all those who are inducted to continue as long as they intend to do so and unless one indulges in misappropriation, fraud or indescipline or violation of code of conduct job shall be guaranteed.

We must think as to why many people without much of difference in intelligence levels climb the ladder faster while others struggle .

Now the issue is, how to filling vacancies which may arise from time to time .... The solution is very simple ...Always resort to recruiting a new hand from the open market .

And to keep the employees motivated , let there be job rotation and fabulous increments and bonuses - but equality has to be maintained . Thus we are recognising the Team , not the individual .

Do a thread bare analysis of the issues which have lead to the failure of organizations , collapse of financila institutions - if a sincere attempt is made to trace backwards , there would be a common point , viz lack of a proper system to do a due deligence ................ why is it so .... employees who were eyeing the thrown of mavericks were anxious to attain it in the shortest possible time , pipping or surpassing the colleagues . On the other side of the coin were slow performers struggling to achieve the goals . The first category of employees would be anxious to increase the speed where as the others would be desperate to convert even cases which lack merit into successful transactions ( such as Sale of Goods/ Services or disbursement of mortgage ) . In short,irrespective of the category , the effect is the same ...... Whether X or Y category , both were unfit to take a balanced decisions which serve the Organizations' purpose as fear or anxiety or desperation chases the employees like a mad dog . All employees of those failed organizations became slaves of their own personal goals and that must have destroyed the Organizations .... We have not forgotten the way credit cards were issued , Vehicle and Property Loans were offered and approved at lightning speed

When we strain the employees for performing better and better by offering higher and glorious rewards or threaten to dismiss , it would create a tension in him/her which will persuade him to do more and more mistakes, cover it up and paint a rosy picture in front of the Superiors.

The eagerness to perform in an individual won't die out just because the organization does not have the policy of promotion from the ranks

In order to exploit the brain power and capabilty levels of employees - let there be suggestion systems , open tests and the winner shall be given as a one time Reward only .

Let the message to employees be '' what the organization does not tolerate is lack of integrity ''

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